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// Feed+Scriptability.swift
2018-08-28 22:18:24 -07:00
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Olof Hellman on 1/10/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Olof Hellman. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
2024-11-15 22:59:51 -08:00
import Parser
import Account
import Articles
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
class ScriptableFeed: NSObject, UniqueIdScriptingObject, ScriptingObjectContainer {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
let feed: Feed
let container: ScriptingObjectContainer
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init (_ feed: Feed, container: ScriptingObjectContainer) {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
self.feed = feed
self.container = container
override var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? {
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let scriptObjectSpecifier = self.container.makeFormUniqueIDScriptObjectSpecifier(forObject: self)
return (scriptObjectSpecifier)
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
func scriptingSpecifierDescriptor() -> NSScriptObjectSpecifier {
return (self.objectSpecifier ?? NSScriptObjectSpecifier() )
// MARK: --- ScriptingObject protocol ---
var scriptingKey: String {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
return "feeds"
// MARK: --- UniqueIdScriptingObject protocol ---
// I am not sure if account should prefer to be specified by name or by ID
// but in either case it seems like the accountID would be used as the keydata, so I chose ID
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
var scriptingUniqueId: Any {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
return feed.feedID
// MARK: --- ScriptingObjectContainer protocol ---
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var scriptingClassDescription: NSScriptClassDescription {
return self.classDescription as! NSScriptClassDescription
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func deleteElement(_ element: ScriptingObject) {
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
// MARK: --- handle NSCreateCommand ---
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
class func urlForNewFeed(arguments: [String: Any]) -> String? {
var url: String?
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
if let withDataParam = arguments["ObjectData"] {
if let objectDataDescriptor = withDataParam as? NSAppleEventDescriptor {
url = objectDataDescriptor.stringValue
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} else if let withPropsParam = arguments["ObjectProperties"] as? [String: Any] {
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
url = withPropsParam["url"] as? String
return url
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
class func scriptableFeed(_ feed: Feed, account: Account, folder: Folder?) -> ScriptableFeed {
let scriptableAccount = ScriptableAccount(account)
if let folder = folder {
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
let scriptableFolder = ScriptableFolder(folder, container: scriptableAccount)
return ScriptableFeed(feed, container: scriptableFolder)
} else {
return ScriptableFeed(feed, container: scriptableAccount)
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
class func handleCreateElement(command: NSCreateCommand) -> Any? {
guard command.isCreateCommand(forClass: "Feed") else { return nil }
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
guard let arguments = command.arguments else {return nil}
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let titleFromArgs = "name") as? String
let (account, folder) = command.accountAndFolderForNewChild()
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guard let url = self.urlForNewFeed(arguments: arguments) else {return nil}
if let existingFeed = account.existingFeed(withURL: url) {
return scriptableFeed(existingFeed, account: account, folder: folder).objectSpecifier
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
let container: Container = folder != nil ? folder! : account
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// We need to download the feed and parse it.
2024-11-15 22:59:51 -08:00
// Parser does the callback for the download on the main thread.
// Because we can't wait here (on the main thread) for the callback, we have to return from this function.
// Generally, returning from an AppleEvent handler function means that handling the Apple event is over,
// but we dont yet have the result of the event yet, so we prevent the Apple event from returning by calling
// suspendExecution(). When we get the callback, we supply the event result and call resumeExecution().
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
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2024-11-01 22:09:22 -07:00
account.createFeed(url: url, name: titleFromArgs, container: container, validateFeed: true) { result in
2019-05-08 17:41:19 -05:00
switch result {
case .success(let feed):
2024-11-01 22:09:22 -07:00 .UserDidAddFeed, object: self, userInfo: [UserInfoKey.feed: feed])
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
let scriptableFeed = self.scriptableFeed(feed, account: account, folder: folder)
command.resumeExecution(withResult: scriptableFeed.objectSpecifier)
2019-05-08 17:41:19 -05:00
case .failure:
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command.resumeExecution(withResult: nil)
2019-05-08 17:41:19 -05:00
2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
2018-02-20 00:26:46 -08:00
return nil
// MARK: --- Scriptable properties ---
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var url: String {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
return self.feed.url
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2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
var name: String {
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return ?? ""
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var homePageURL: String {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
return self.feed.homePageURL ?? ""
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var iconURL: String {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
return self.feed.iconURL ?? ""
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var faviconURL: String {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
return self.feed.faviconURL ?? ""
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var opmlRepresentation: String {
return self.feed.OPMLString(indentLevel: 0)
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// MARK: --- scriptable elements ---
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var authors: NSArray {
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let feedAuthors = feed.authors ?? []
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return { ScriptableAuthor($0, container: self) } as NSArray
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2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
func valueInAuthors(withUniqueID id: String) -> ScriptableAuthor? {
guard let author = feed.authors?.first(where: {$0.authorID == id}) else { return nil }
return ScriptableAuthor(author, container: self)
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2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
var articles: NSArray {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
let feedArticles = (try? feed.fetchArticles()) ?? Set<Article>()
// the articles are a set, use the sorting algorithm from the viewer
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let sortedArticles = feedArticles.sorted(by: {
return $0.logicalDatePublished > $1.logicalDatePublished
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return { ScriptableArticle($0, container: self) } as NSArray
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2025-01-22 22:17:02 -08:00
func valueInArticles(withUniqueID id: String) -> ScriptableArticle? {
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
let articles = (try? feed.fetchArticles()) ?? Set<Article>()
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guard let article = articles.first(where: {$0.uniqueID == id}) else { return nil }
return ScriptableArticle(article, container: self)