2018-09-02 13:01:02 -07:00
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<title>NetNewsWire Betas</title>
<description>Most recent NetNewsWire changes with links to updates.</description>
2020-10-31 11:44:35 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.2</title>
<p>Fixed a crashing bug in the timeline</p>
<p>Fixed a background color bug in dark mode in the timeline</p>
<p>Fixed a crashing bug updating the browser popup in Preferences</p>
<p>Feedbin: fixed bug where credentials couldn’t be updated</p>
<p>Feedly: fixed bug syncing feed name changes</p>
<p>Feedly: fixed a bug adding a feed to a Feedly collection that has a + in its name</p>
<p>On My Mac: increased performance downloading feeds in the On My Mac account</p>
<pubDate>Sat, 31 Oct 2020 11:25:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.2/NetNewsWire5.1.2.zip" sparkle:version="3016" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.2" length="6583447" type="application/zip" />
2020-10-29 19:30:23 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.2b3</title>
<p>Fixed bug where Feedbin credentials couldn’t be updated</p>
<pubDate>Mon, 29 Oct 2020 19:25:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.2beta3/NetNewsWire5.1.2b3.zip" sparkle:version="3015" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.2b3" length="6583415" type="application/zip" />
2020-10-26 20:47:26 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.2b2</title>
<p>Fixed a crashing bug in the timeline</p>
<p>Fixed a background color bug in dark mode in the timeline</p>
<p>Fixed a crashing bug updating the browser popup in Preferences</p>
<p>Feedly: fixed bug syncing feed name changes</p>
<pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2020 20:45:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.2beta2/NetNewsWire5.1.2b2.zip" sparkle:version="3014" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.2b2" length="6583374" type="application/zip" />
2020-10-17 19:12:58 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.2b1</title>
<p>Increased performance downloading feeds in the On My Mac account.</p>
<p>Fixed a bug adding a feed to a Feedly collection that has a + in its name</p>
<pubDate>Sat, 17 Oct 2020 19:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.2beta1/NetNewsWire5.1.2b1.zip" sparkle:version="3013" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.2b1" length="658252" type="application/zip" />
2020-10-05 11:47:53 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.1</title>
<p>Fixed a crash handling a specific type of weird URL</p>
<p>Preferences: restored ability to set default RSS reader</p>
<p>Fixed bug where o key wouldn’t mark older as read</p>
<p>Fixed an Open System Preferences button in an alert that didn’t work</p>
<p>Fixed a possible hang when adding a feed to Feedly (and the feed isn’t found)</p>
<p>Fixed some UI issues to do with adding a Feedly account</p>
<p>Fixed contrast in footnotes indicator</p>
<p>Fixed bug where duplicate accounts (same username and service) could be made</p>
<p>Fixed bug where open in Safari in background might not open in the background</p>
<pubDate>Mon, 05 Oct 2020 11:45:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.1/NetNewsWire5.1.1.zip" sparkle:version="3012" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.1" length="6582076" type="application/zip" />
2020-10-02 16:29:33 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.1a2</title>
<p>Fixed a crash handling a specific type of really weird URL</p>
<p>Fixed a possible hang when adding a feed to Feedly (and the feed isn’t found)</p>
<p>Fixed some UI issues to do with adding a Feedly account</p>
<p>Fixed contrast in footnotes indicator</p>
<p>Fixed bug where duplicate accounts (same username and service) could be made</p>
<p>Fixed bug where open in Safari in background might not open in the background</p>
<pubDate>Fri, 02 Oct 2020 16:20:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.1alpha2/NetNewsWire5.1.1a2.zip" sparkle:version="3011" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.1a2" length="6582098" type="application/zip" />
2020-09-22 20:23:07 -07:00
<title>NetNewsWire 5.1.1a1</title>
<p>Preferences: restored ability to set default RSS reader</p>
<p>Fixed bug where o key wouldn’t mark older as read</p>
<p>Fixed a crash in the code that handles URLs with non-ASCII characters</p>
<p>Fixed an Open System Preferences button in an alert that didn’t work</p>
<pubDate>Sat, 22 Sep 2020 20:20:00 -0700</pubDate>
<enclosure url="https://github.com/Ranchero-Software/NetNewsWire/releases/download/mac-5.1.1alpha1/NetNewsWire5.1.1a1.zip" sparkle:version="3010" sparkle:shortVersionString="5.1.1a1" length="6574415" type="application/zip" />
2018-09-02 13:01:02 -07:00