2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperationTests.swift
// AccountTests
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 22/10/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
@testable import Account
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
import RSCore
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
class FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperationTests: XCTestCase {
private var account: Account!
private let support = FeedlyTestSupport()
override func setUp() {
account = support.makeTestAccount()
override func tearDown() {
if let account = account {
class CollectionsProvider: FeedlyCollectionProviding {
var collections = [
FeedlyCollection(feeds: [], label: "One", id: "collections/1"),
FeedlyCollection(feeds: [], label: "Two", id: "collections/2")
func testAddsFolders() {
let provider = CollectionsProvider()
let mirrorOperation = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: provider, log: support.log)
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
mirrorOperation.completionBlock = { _ in
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-08-04 12:43:29 -05:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
let folders = account.folders ?? Set()
let folderNames = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.nameForDisplay })
let folderExternalIds = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.externalID })
let collectionLabels = Set(provider.collections.map { $0.label })
let collectionIds = Set(provider.collections.map { $0.id })
let missingNames = collectionLabels.subtracting(folderNames)
let missingIds = collectionIds.subtracting(folderExternalIds)
XCTAssertTrue(missingNames.isEmpty, "Collections with these labels have no corresponding folder.")
XCTAssertTrue(missingIds.isEmpty, "Collections with these ids have no corresponding folder.")
2020-08-04 12:43:29 -05:00
// XCTAssertEqual(mirrorOperation.collectionsAndFolders.count, provider.collections.count, "Mismatch between collections and folders.")
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
func testRemovesFolders() {
let provider = CollectionsProvider()
do {
let addFolders = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: provider, log: support.log)
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
addFolders.completionBlock = { _ in
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-08-04 12:43:29 -05:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
// Now that the folders are added, remove them all.
provider.collections = []
let removeFolders = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: provider, log: support.log)
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
removeFolders.completionBlock = { _ in
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-08-04 12:43:29 -05:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
let folders = account.folders ?? Set()
let folderNames = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.nameForDisplay })
let folderExternalIds = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.externalID })
let collectionLabels = Set(provider.collections.map { $0.label })
let collectionIds = Set(provider.collections.map { $0.id })
let remainingNames = folderNames.subtracting(collectionLabels)
let remainingIds = folderExternalIds.subtracting(collectionIds)
XCTAssertTrue(remainingNames.isEmpty, "Folders with these names remain with no corresponding collection.")
XCTAssertTrue(remainingIds.isEmpty, "Folders with these ids remain with no corresponding collection.")
class CollectionsAndFeedsProvider: FeedlyCollectionProviding {
var feedsForCollectionOne = [
2019-12-02 07:39:05 +11:00
FeedlyFeed(id: "feed/1", title: "Feed One", updated: nil, website: nil),
FeedlyFeed(id: "feed/2", title: "Feed Two", updated: nil, website: nil)
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
var feedsForCollectionTwo = [
2019-12-02 07:39:05 +11:00
FeedlyFeed(id: "feed/1", title: "Feed One", updated: nil, website: nil),
FeedlyFeed(id: "feed/3", title: "Feed Three", updated: nil, website: nil),
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
var collections: [FeedlyCollection] {
return [
FeedlyCollection(feeds: feedsForCollectionOne, label: "One", id: "collections/1"),
FeedlyCollection(feeds: feedsForCollectionTwo, label: "Two", id: "collections/2")
func testFeedMappedToFolders() {
let provider = CollectionsAndFeedsProvider()
let mirrorOperation = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: provider, log: support.log)
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
mirrorOperation.completionBlock = { _ in
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-08-04 12:43:29 -05:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
let folders = account.folders ?? Set()
let folderNames = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.nameForDisplay })
let folderExternalIds = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.externalID })
let collectionLabels = Set(provider.collections.map { $0.label })
let collectionIds = Set(provider.collections.map { $0.id })
let missingNames = collectionLabels.subtracting(folderNames)
let missingIds = collectionIds.subtracting(folderExternalIds)
XCTAssertTrue(missingNames.isEmpty, "Collections with these labels have no corresponding folder.")
XCTAssertTrue(missingIds.isEmpty, "Collections with these ids have no corresponding folder.")
let collectionIdsAndFeedIds = provider.collections.map { collection -> [String:[String]] in
return [collection.id: collection.feeds.map { $0.id }.sorted(by: <)]
let folderIdsAndFeedIds = mirrorOperation.feedsAndFolders.compactMap { feeds, folder -> [String:[String]]? in
guard let id = folder.externalID else {
return nil
return [id: feeds.map { $0.id }.sorted(by: <)]
XCTAssertEqual(collectionIdsAndFeedIds, folderIdsAndFeedIds, "Did not map folders to feeds correctly.")
func testRemovingFolderRemovesFeeds() {
do {
let provider = CollectionsAndFeedsProvider()
let addFoldersAndFeeds = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: provider, log: support.log)
let createFeeds = FeedlyCreateFeedsForCollectionFoldersOperation(account: account, feedsAndFoldersProvider: addFoldersAndFeeds, log: support.log)
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
MainThreadOperationQueue.shared.make(createFeeds, dependOn: addFoldersAndFeeds)
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
createFeeds.completionBlock = { _ in
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
MainThreadOperationQueue.shared.addOperations([addFoldersAndFeeds, createFeeds])
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
XCTAssertFalse(account.flattenedFeeds().isEmpty, "Expected account to have feeds.")
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// Now that the folders are added, remove them all.
let provider = CollectionsProvider()
provider.collections = []
let removeFolders = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: provider, log: support.log)
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
2020-01-15 22:10:06 -08:00
removeFolders.completionBlock = { _ in
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-08-04 12:43:29 -05:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
2024-11-02 11:08:58 -07:00
let feeds = account.flattenedFeeds()
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00