2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// FeedlySyncAllOperation.swift
// Account
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 19/9/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import os.log
import SyncDatabase
2019-11-25 18:19:33 +11:00
import RSWeb
2020-01-15 21:30:37 -08:00
import RSCore
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
/// Compose the operations necessary to get the entire set of articles, feeds and folders with the statuses the user expects between now and a certain date in the past.
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
final class FeedlySyncAllOperation: FeedlyOperation {
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2020-01-15 21:30:37 -08:00
private let operationQueue = MainThreadOperationQueue()
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
private let log: OSLog
let syncUUID: UUID
var syncCompletionHandler: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> ())?
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
/// These requests to Feedly determine which articles to download:
/// 1. The set of all article ids we might need or show.
/// 2. The set of all unread article ids we might need or show (a subset of 1).
/// 3. The set of all article ids changed since the last sync (a subset of 1).
/// 4. The set of all starred article ids.
/// On the response for 1, create statuses for each article id.
/// On the response for 2, create unread statuses for each article id and mark as read those no longer in the response.
/// On the response for 4, create starred statuses for each article id and mark as unstarred those no longer in the response.
/// Download articles for statuses at the union of those statuses without its corresponding article and those included in 3 (changed since last successful sync).
init(account: Account, credentials: Credentials, lastSuccessfulFetchStartDate: Date?, markArticlesService: FeedlyMarkArticlesService, getUnreadService: FeedlyGetStreamIdsService, getCollectionsService: FeedlyGetCollectionsService, getStreamContentsService: FeedlyGetStreamContentsService, getStarredService: FeedlyGetStreamIdsService, getStreamIdsService: FeedlyGetStreamIdsService, getEntriesService: FeedlyGetEntriesService, database: SyncDatabase, downloadProgress: DownloadProgress, log: OSLog) {
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
self.syncUUID = UUID()
self.log = log
2020-01-15 21:30:37 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2019-11-25 18:19:33 +11:00
self.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// Send any read/unread/starred article statuses to Feedly before anything else.
let sendArticleStatuses = FeedlySendArticleStatusesOperation(database: database, service: markArticlesService, log: log)
sendArticleStatuses.delegate = self
2019-11-25 18:19:33 +11:00
sendArticleStatuses.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// Get all the Collections the user has.
let getCollections = FeedlyGetCollectionsOperation(service: getCollectionsService, log: log)
getCollections.delegate = self
2019-11-25 18:19:33 +11:00
getCollections.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// Ensure a folder exists for each Collection, removing Folders without a corresponding Collection.
let mirrorCollectionsAsFolders = FeedlyMirrorCollectionsAsFoldersOperation(account: account, collectionsProvider: getCollections, log: log)
mirrorCollectionsAsFolders.delegate = self
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// Ensure feeds are created and grouped by their folders.
let createFeedsOperation = FeedlyCreateFeedsForCollectionFoldersOperation(account: account, feedsAndFoldersProvider: mirrorCollectionsAsFolders, log: log)
createFeedsOperation.delegate = self
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
let getAllArticleIds = FeedlyIngestStreamArticleIdsOperation(account: account, credentials: credentials, service: getStreamIdsService, log: log)
getAllArticleIds.delegate = self
getAllArticleIds.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
2019-12-09 18:53:36 +11:00
// Get each page of unread article ids in the global.all stream for the last 31 days (nil = Feedly API default).
2020-01-13 17:51:16 +11:00
let getUnread = FeedlyIngestUnreadArticleIdsOperation(account: account, credentials: credentials, service: getUnreadService, database: database, newerThan: nil, log: log)
2019-12-09 18:53:36 +11:00
getUnread.delegate = self
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2019-12-09 18:53:36 +11:00
getUnread.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
// Get each page of the article ids which have been update since the last successful fetch start date.
// If the date is nil, this operation provides an empty set (everything is new, nothing is updated).
let getUpdated = FeedlyGetUpdatedArticleIdsOperation(account: account, credentials: credentials, service: getStreamIdsService, newerThan: lastSuccessfulFetchStartDate, log: log)
getUpdated.delegate = self
getUpdated.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
// Get each page of the article ids for starred articles.
2020-01-13 17:51:16 +11:00
let getStarred = FeedlyIngestStarredArticleIdsOperation(account: account, credentials: credentials, service: getStarredService, database: database, newerThan: nil, log: log)
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
getStarred.delegate = self
getStarred.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
// Now all the possible article ids we need have a status, fetch the article ids for missing articles.
let getMissingIds = FeedlyFetchIdsForMissingArticlesOperation(account: account, log: log)
getMissingIds.delegate = self
getMissingIds.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
// Download all the missing and updated articles
let downloadMissingArticles = FeedlyDownloadArticlesOperation(account: account,
missingArticleEntryIdProvider: getMissingIds,
updatedArticleEntryIdProvider: getUpdated,
getEntriesService: getEntriesService,
log: log)
downloadMissingArticles.delegate = self
downloadMissingArticles.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
// Once this operation's dependencies, their dependencies etc finish, we can finish.
let finishOperation = FeedlyCheckpointOperation()
finishOperation.checkpointDelegate = self
2019-11-25 18:19:33 +11:00
finishOperation.downloadProgress = downloadProgress
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2019-11-25 18:19:33 +11:00
convenience init(account: Account, credentials: Credentials, caller: FeedlyAPICaller, database: SyncDatabase, lastSuccessfulFetchStartDate: Date?, downloadProgress: DownloadProgress, log: OSLog) {
2020-01-09 16:24:47 +11:00
self.init(account: account, credentials: credentials, lastSuccessfulFetchStartDate: lastSuccessfulFetchStartDate, markArticlesService: caller, getUnreadService: caller, getCollectionsService: caller, getStreamContentsService: caller, getStarredService: caller, getStreamIdsService: caller, getEntriesService: caller, database: database, downloadProgress: downloadProgress, log: log)
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-01-15 21:30:37 -08:00
override func run() {
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Starting sync %{public}@", syncUUID.uuidString)
2020-01-15 21:30:37 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
override func didCancel() {
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Cancelling sync %{public}@", syncUUID.uuidString)
syncCompletionHandler = nil
2020-01-19 16:55:39 -08:00
2020-01-19 14:19:06 -08:00
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
extension FeedlySyncAllOperation: FeedlyCheckpointOperationDelegate {
func feedlyCheckpointOperationDidReachCheckpoint(_ operation: FeedlyCheckpointOperation) {
os_log(.debug, log: self.log, "Sync completed: %{public}@", syncUUID.uuidString)
syncCompletionHandler = nil
extension FeedlySyncAllOperation: FeedlyOperationDelegate {
func feedlyOperation(_ operation: FeedlyOperation, didFailWith error: Error) {
2020-01-21 18:31:35 +11:00
// Having this log is useful for debugging missing required JSON keys in the response from Feedly, for example.
os_log(.debug, log: log, "%{public}@ failed with error: %{public}@.", String(describing: operation), error as NSError)
2019-10-19 08:21:02 +11:00
syncCompletionHandler = nil