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// This script is meant to be called from an Xcode run script build phase
// It verifies there are no buildSettings embedded in the Xcode project
// as it is preferable to have build settings specified in .xcconfig files
// How to use:
// Put this script in a folder called 'buildscripts' next to your xcode project
// Then, add a Run script build phase to one of your targets with this as the script
// xcrun -sdk macosx swift buildscripts/VerifyNoBS.swift --xcode ${PROJECT_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
import Darwin
import Foundation
/// A message with its file name and location
struct LocatedMessage {
let message: String
let fileUrl: URL
let line: Int
/// Utility to process the pbxproj file
struct BuildSettingsVerifier {
public enum ProcessXcodeprojResult {
case foundBuildSettings([LocatedMessage])
case error(String)
case success(String)
/// Mode to run the utility in. Mode defines the output format
public enum Mode {
/// Write errors to stderr
case cmd
/// Write errors to stdout in a format that is picked up by Xcode
case xcode
/// The mode to run in
let mode: Mode
/// The absolute file URL to the pbxproj file
let projUrl: URL
init(mode: Mode, projUrl: URL) {
self.mode = mode
self.projUrl = projUrl
/// Reports an error either to stderr or to stdout, depending on the mode
func reportError(message: String, fileUrl: URL? = nil, line: Int? = nil) {
switch mode {
case .cmd:
let stderr = FileHandle.standardError
if let data = "\(message)\n".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) {
} else {
print("There was an error. Could not convert error message to printable string")
case .xcode:
var messageParts = [String]()
if let fileUrl = fileUrl {
if let line = line {
messageParts.append("\(line): ")
messageParts.append("error: \(message)")
/// Inspect the pbxproj file for non-empty buildSettings
func processXcodeprojAt(url: URL) -> ProcessXcodeprojResult {
let startTime = Date()
guard let xcodeproj = try? String(contentsOf: url, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) else {
return .error("Failed to read xcodeproj contents from \(url)")
let lines = xcodeproj.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.newlines)
print("Found \(lines.count) lines")
var locatedMessages: [LocatedMessage] = []
var inBuildSettingsBlock = false
for (lineIndex, nthLine) in lines.enumerated() {
if inBuildSettingsBlock {
if nthLine.range(of: "\\u007d[:space:]*;", options: .regularExpression) != nil {
inBuildSettingsBlock = false
} else if nthLine.range(of: "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY") != nil {
} else {
let message = mode == .cmd ? " \(nthLine)\n" : "Setting '\(nthLine.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines))' should be in an xcconfig file"
message: message,
fileUrl: url,
line: lineIndex + 1
} else {
if nthLine.range(of: "buildSettings[:space:]*=", options: .regularExpression) != nil {
inBuildSettingsBlock = true
let timeInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime)
print("Process took \(timeInterval) seconds")
if locatedMessages.count > 0 {
return .foundBuildSettings(locatedMessages)
return .success(":-)")
public func verify() -> Int32 {
print("Verifying there are no build settings...")
let result = processXcodeprojAt(url: projUrl)
switch result {
case .error(let str):
reportError(message: "Error verifying build settings: \(str)")
case .foundBuildSettings(let locatedMessages):
reportError(message: "Found build settings in project file")
for msg in locatedMessages {
reportError(message: msg.message, fileUrl: msg.fileUrl, line: msg.line)
case .success:
print("No build settings found in project file")
var commandLineArgs = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()
//print("processArgs were \(commandLineArgs)")
if commandLineArgs.count < 1 {
print("Usage: \(#file) [--xcode] /path/to/Project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj")
} else {
let xcodeProjFilePath = commandLineArgs.removeLast()
let mode: BuildSettingsVerifier.Mode = commandLineArgs.count > 0 && commandLineArgs.last == "--xcode" ? .xcode : .cmd
let myUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: xcodeProjFilePath)
let verifier = BuildSettingsVerifier(mode: mode, projUrl: myUrl)
let exitCode = verifier.verify()