
195 lines
7.8 KiB

/** @var FreshRSS_View $this */
if (!Minz_Request::paramBoolean('ajax')) {
call_user_func($this->callbackBeforeEntries, $this);
$display_today = true;
$display_yesterday = true;
$display_others = true;
$useKeepUnreadImportant = !FreshRSS_Context::isImportant() && !FreshRSS_Context::isFeed();
$today = @strtotime('today');
<main id="stream" class="normal<?= FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->display_posts ? '' : ' hide_posts' ?>">
<h1 class="title_hidden"><?= _t('conf.reading.view.normal') ?></h1>
<div id="new-article">
<a href="<?= Minz_Url::display(Minz_Request::currentRequest()) ?>"><?= _t('gen.js.new_article'); /* TODO: move string in JS*/ ?></a>
$lastEntry = null;
$nbEntries = 0;
foreach ($this->entries as $item):
$lastEntry = $item;
/** @var FreshRSS_Entry */
$item = Minz_ExtensionManager::callHook('entry_before_display', $item);
if ($item == null) {
$this->entry = $item;
// We most likely already have the feed object in cache, otherwise make a request
$this->feed = FreshRSS_Category::findFeed($this->categories, $this->entry->feedId()) ??
$this->entry->feed() ?? FreshRSS_Feed::default();
if ($display_today && $this->entry->isDay(FreshRSS_Days::TODAY, $today)) {
?><div class="day" id="day_today"><?php
echo _t('');
?><span class="date"><?= timestamptodate(time(), false) ?></span><?php
?><span class="name"><?= FreshRSS_Context::$name ?></span><?php
$display_today = false;
if ($display_yesterday && $this->entry->isDay(FreshRSS_Days::YESTERDAY, $today)) {
?><div class="day" id="day_yesterday"><?php
echo _t('');
?><span class="date"><?= timestamptodate(time() - 86400, false) ?></span><?php
?><span class="name"><?= FreshRSS_Context::$name ?></span><?php
$display_yesterday = false;
if ($display_others && $this->entry->isDay(FreshRSS_Days::BEFORE_YESTERDAY, $today)) {
?><div class="day" id="day_before_yesterday"><?php
echo _t('');
?><span class="name"><?= FreshRSS_Context::$name ?></span><?php
$display_others = false;
?><div class="flux<?= !$this->entry->isRead() ? ' not_read' : ''
?><?= $this->entry->isFavorite() ? ' favorite' : ''
?><?= $useKeepUnreadImportant && ($this->feed->priority() >= FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_IMPORTANT) ? ' keep_unread ' : ''
?>" id="flux_<?= $this->entry->id()
?>" data-feed="<?= $this->feed->id()
?>" data-priority="<?= $this->feed->priority()
?><article class="flux_content" dir="auto">
<div class="content <?= FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->content_width ?>">
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_feed_name === 't') { ?>
<div class="website"><a href="<?= _url('index', 'index', 'get', 'f_' . $this->feed->id()) ?>" title="<?= _t('gen.action.filter') ?>">
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_favicons): ?>
<img class="favicon" src="<?= $this->feed->favicon() ?>" alt="✇" loading="lazy" /><?php
endif; ?><span><?= $this->feed->name() ?></span></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_tags === 'h' || FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_tags === 'b') {
} ?>
<h1 class="title"><a target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="go_website" href="<?= $this->entry->link() ?>" title="<?= _t('conf.shortcut.see_on_website')?>"><?= $this->entry->title() ?></a></h1>
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_author_date === 'h' || FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_author_date === 'b') { ?>
<div class="subtitle">
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_feed_name === 'a') { ?>
<div class="website"><a href="<?= _url('index', 'index', 'get', 'f_' . $this->feed->id()) ?>" title="<?= _t('gen.action.filter') ?>">
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_favicons): ?>
<img class="favicon" src="<?= $this->feed->favicon() ?>" alt="✇" loading="lazy" /><?php
endif; ?><span><?= $this->feed->name() ?></span></a>
$authors = $this->entry->authors();
if (!empty($authors) && is_array($authors)) {
<div class="author">
<?= _t('gen.short.by_author') ?>
foreach ($authors as $author) {
$href = Minz_Url::display(Minz_Request::modifiedCurrentRequest(['search' => 'author:"' . htmlspecialchars_decode($author, ENT_QUOTES) . '"']));
<a href="<?= $href ?>" title="<?= _t('gen.action.filter') ?>"><?= $author ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="date"><?= $this->entry->date() ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="text"><?=
FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->lazyload && !FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->display_posts ? lazyimg($this->entry->content(true)) : $this->entry->content(true)
$display_authors_date = FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_author_date === 'f' || FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_author_date === 'b';
$display_tags = FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_tags === 'f' || FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_tags === 'b';
if ($display_authors_date || $display_tags) {
if ($display_authors_date) { ?>
<div class="subtitle">
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_feed_name === 'a') { ?>
<div class="website"><a href="<?= _url('index', 'index', 'get', 'f_' . $this->feed->id()) ?>" title="<?= _t('gen.action.filter') ?>">
<?php if (FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_favicons): ?>
<img class="favicon" src="<?= $this->feed->favicon() ?>" alt="✇" loading="lazy" /><?php
endif; ?><span><?= $this->feed->name() ?></span></a>
$authors = $this->entry->authors();
if (!empty($authors) && is_array($authors)) {
<div class="author">
<?= _t('gen.short.by_author') ?>
foreach ($authors as $author) {
$href = Minz_Url::display(Minz_Request::modifiedCurrentRequest(['search' => 'author:"' . htmlspecialchars_decode($author, ENT_QUOTES) . '"']));
<a href="<?= $href ?>" title="<?= _t('gen.action.filter') ?>"><?= $author ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="date"><?= $this->entry->date() ?></div>
if ($display_tags) {
} ?>
if ($nbEntries > 0):
call_user_func($this->callbackBeforePagination, $this, $nbEntries, $lastEntry);
ob_end_clean(); //Discard the articles headers, as we have no articles
<main id="stream" class="normal">
<div id="new-article">
<a href="<?= Minz_Url::display(Minz_Request::currentRequest()) ?>"><?= _t('gen.js.new_article'); /* TODO: move string in JS*/ ?></a>
<div class="prompt alert alert-warn">
<h2 class="alert-head"><?= _t('index.feed.empty') ?></h2>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $class = $this->displaySlider ? ' active' : ''; ?>
<aside id="slider" class="<?= $class ?>">
<a class="toggle_aside" href="#close"><img class="icon" src="../themes/icons/close.svg" loading="lazy" alt="❌"></a>
<div id="slider-content">
<a href="#" id="close-slider" class="<?= $class ?>">
<?= _i('close') ?>
<?php if ($nbEntries > 0 && FreshRSS_Context::userConf()->show_nav_buttons) $this->partial('nav_entries'); ?>