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namespace marienfressinaud\LibOpml;
* The LibOpml class provides the methods to read and write OPML files and
* strings. It transforms OPML files or strings to PHP arrays (or the reverse).
* How to read this file?
* The first methods are dedicated to the parsing, and the next ones to the
* reading. The three last methods are helpful methods, but you don't have to
* worry too much about them.
* The main methods are the public ones: parseFile, parseString and render.
* They call the other parse* and render* methods internally.
* These three main methods are available as functions (see the src/functions.php
* file).
* What's the array format?
* As said before, LibOpml transforms OPML to PHP arrays, or the reverse. The
* format is pretty simple. It contains four keys:
* - version: the version of the OPML;
* - namespaces: an array of namespaces used in the OPML, if any;
* - head: an array of OPML head elements, where keys are the names of the
* elements;
* - body: an array of arrays representing OPML outlines, where keys are the
* name of the attributes (the special @outlines key contains the sub-outlines).
* When rendering, only the body key is required (version will default to 2.0).
* Example:
* [
* version => '2.0',
* namespaces => [],
* head => [
* title => 'An OPML file'
* ],
* body => [
* [
* text => 'Newspapers',
* @outlines => [
* [text => 'El País'],
* [text => 'Le Monde'],
* [text => 'The Guardian'],
* [text => 'The New York Times'],
* ]
* ]
* ]
* ]
* @see
* @author Marien Fressinaud <>
* @link
* @license MIT
class LibOpml
* The list of valid head elements.
public const HEAD_ELEMENTS = [
'title', 'dateCreated', 'dateModified', 'ownerName', 'ownerEmail',
'ownerId', 'docs', 'expansionState', 'vertScrollState', 'windowTop',
'windowLeft', 'windowBottom', 'windowRight'
* The list of numeric head elements.
public const NUMERIC_HEAD_ELEMENTS = [
/** @var boolean */
private $strict = true;
/** @var string */
private $version = '2.0';
/** @var string[] */
private $namespaces = [];
* @param bool $strict
* Set to true (default) to check for violations of the specification,
* false otherwise.
public function __construct($strict = true)
$this->strict = $strict;
* Parse a XML file and return the corresponding array.
* @param string $filename
* The XML file to parse.
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
* Raised if the file cannot be read. See also exceptions raised by the
* parseString method.
* @return array
* An array reflecting the OPML (the structure is described above).
public function parseFile($filename)
$file_content = @file_get_contents($filename);
if ($file_content === false) {
throw new Exception("OPML file {$filename} cannot be found or read");
return $this->parseString($file_content);
* Parse a XML string and return the corresponding array.
* @param string $xml
* The XML string to parse.
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
* Raised if the XML cannot be parsed, if version is missing or
* invalid, if head is missing or contains invalid (or not parsable)
* elements, or if body is missing, empty or contain non outline
* elements. The exceptions (except XML parsing errors) are not raised
* if strict is false. See also exceptions raised by the parseOutline
* method.
* @return array
* An array reflecting the OPML (the structure is described above).
public function parseString($xml)
$dom = new \DOMDocument();
$dom->recover = true;
$dom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
try {
$result = @$dom->loadXML($xml);
} catch (\Exception | \Error $e) {
$result = false;
if (!$result || !$dom->documentElement) {
throw new Exception('OPML string is not valid XML');
$opml_element = $dom->documentElement;
// Load the custom namespaces of the document
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$this->namespaces = [];
foreach ($xpath->query('//namespace::*') as $node) {
if ($node->prefix === 'xml') {
// This is the base namespace, we don't need to store it
$this->namespaces[$node->prefix] = $node->namespaceURI;
// Get the version of the document
$version = $opml_element->getAttribute('version');
if (!$version) {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict('OPML version attribute is required');
$version = trim($version);
if ($version === '1.1') {
$version = '1.0';
if ($version !== '1.0' && $version !== '2.0') {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict('OPML supported versions are 1.0 and 2.0');
$this->version = $version;
// Get head and body child elements
$head_elements = $opml_element->getElementsByTagName('head');
$child_head_elements = [];
if (count($head_elements) === 1) {
$child_head_elements = $head_elements[0]->childNodes;
} else {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict('OPML must contain one and only one head element');
$body_elements = $opml_element->getElementsByTagName('body');
$child_body_elements = [];
if (count($body_elements) === 1) {
$child_body_elements = $body_elements[0]->childNodes;
} else {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict('OPML must contain one and only one body element');
$array = [
'version' => $this->version,
'namespaces' => $this->namespaces,
'head' => [],
'body' => [],
// Load the child head elements in the head array
foreach ($child_head_elements as $child_head_element) {
if ($child_head_element->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
$name = $child_head_element->nodeName;
$value = $child_head_element->nodeValue;
$namespaced = $child_head_element->namespaceURI !== null;
if (!in_array($name, self::HEAD_ELEMENTS) && !$namespaced) {
"OPML head {$name} element is not part of the specification"
if ($name === 'dateCreated' || $name === 'dateModified') {
try {
$value = $this->parseDate($value);
} catch (\DomainException $e) {
"OPML head {$name} element must be a valid RFC822 or RFC1123 date"
} elseif ($name === 'ownerEmail') {
// Testing email validity is hard. PHP filter_var() function is
// too strict compared to the RFC 822, so we can't use it.
if (strpos($value, '@') === false) {
'OPML head ownerEmail element must be an email address'
} elseif ($name === 'ownerId' || $name === 'docs') {
if (!$this->checkHttpAddress($value)) {
"OPML head {$name} element must be a HTTP address"
} elseif ($name === 'expansionState') {
$numbers = explode(',', $value);
$value = array_map(function ($str_number) {
if (is_numeric($str_number)) {
return intval($str_number);
} else {
'OPML head expansionState element must be a list of numbers'
return $str_number;
}, $numbers);
} elseif (in_array($name, self::NUMERIC_HEAD_ELEMENTS)) {
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$value = intval($value);
} else {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict("OPML head {$name} element must be a number");
$array['head'][$name] = $value;
// Load the child body elements in the body array
foreach ($child_body_elements as $child_body_element) {
if ($child_body_element->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($child_body_element->nodeName === 'outline') {
$array['body'][] = $this->parseOutline($child_body_element);
} else {
'OPML body element can only contain outline elements'
if (empty($array['body'])) {
'OPML body element must contain at least one outline element'
return $array;
* Parse a XML element as an outline element and return the corresponding array.
* @param \DOMElement $outline_element
* The element to parse.
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
* Raised if the outline contains non-outline elements, if it doesn't
* contain a text attribute (or if empty), if a special attribute is
* not parsable, or if type attribute requirements are not met. The
* exceptions are not raised if strict is false. The exception about
* missing text attribute is not raised if version is 1.0.
* @return array
* An array reflecting the OPML outline (the structure is described above).
private function parseOutline($outline_element)
$outline = [];
// Load the element attributes in the outline array
foreach ($outline_element->attributes as $outline_attribute) {
$name = $outline_attribute->nodeName;
$value = $outline_attribute->nodeValue;
if ($name === 'created') {
try {
$value = $this->parseDate($value);
} catch (\DomainException $e) {
'OPML outline created attribute must be a valid RFC822 or RFC1123 date'
} elseif ($name === 'category') {
$categories = explode(',', $value);
$categories = array_map(function ($category) {
return trim($category);
}, $categories);
$value = $categories;
} elseif ($name === 'isComment' || $name === 'isBreakpoint') {
if ($value === 'true' || $value === 'false') {
$value = $value === 'true';
} else {
"OPML outline {$name} attribute must be a boolean (true or false)"
} elseif ($name === 'type') {
// type attribute is case-insensitive
$value = strtolower($value);
$outline[$name] = $value;
if (empty($outline['text']) && $this->version !== '1.0') {
'OPML outline text attribute is required'
// Perform additional check based on the type of the outline
$type = $outline['type'] ?? '';
if ($type === 'rss') {
if (empty($outline['xmlUrl'])) {
'OPML outline xmlUrl attribute is required when type is "rss"'
} elseif (!$this->checkHttpAddress($outline['xmlUrl'])) {
'OPML outline xmlUrl attribute must be a HTTP address when type is "rss"'
} elseif ($type === 'link' || $type === 'include') {
if (empty($outline['url'])) {
"OPML outline url attribute is required when type is \"{$type}\""
} elseif (!$this->checkHttpAddress($outline['url'])) {
"OPML outline url attribute must be a HTTP address when type is \"{$type}\""
// Load the sub-outlines in a @outlines array
foreach ($outline_element->childNodes as $child_outline_element) {
if ($child_outline_element->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($child_outline_element->nodeName === 'outline') {
$outline['@outlines'][] = $this->parseOutline($child_outline_element);
} else {
'OPML body element can only contain outline elements'
return $outline;
* Parse a value as a date.
* @param string $value
* @throws \DomainException
* Raised if the value cannot be parsed.
* @return \DateTime
private function parseDate($value)
$formats = [
foreach ($formats as $format) {
$date = date_create_from_format($format, $value);
if ($date !== false) {
return $date;
throw new \DomainException('The argument cannot be parsed as a date');
* Render an OPML array as a string or a \DOMDocument.
* @param array $array
* The array to render, it must follow the structure defined above.
* @param bool $as_dom_document
* Set to false (default) to return the array as a string, true to
* return as a \DOMDocument.
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
* Raised if the `head` array contains unknown or invalid elements
* (i.e. not of correct type), or if the `body` array is missing or
* empty. The exceptions are not raised if strict is false. See also
* exceptions raised by the renderOutline method.
* @return string|\DOMDocument
* The XML string or DOM document corresponding to the given array.
public function render($array, $as_dom_document = false)
$dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$opml_element = new \DOMElement('opml');
// Set the version attribute of the OPML document
$version = $array['version'] ?? '2.0';
if ($version === '1.1') {
$version = '1.0';
if ($version !== '1.0' && $version !== '2.0') {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict('OPML supported versions are 1.0 and 2.0');
$this->version = $version;
$opml_element->setAttribute('version', $this->version);
// Declare the namespace on the opml element
$this->namespaces = $array['namespaces'] ?? [];
foreach ($this->namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {
// Add the head element to the OPML document. $array['head'] is
// optional but head tag will always exist in the final XML.
$head_element = new \DOMElement('head');
if (isset($array['head'])) {
foreach ($array['head'] as $name => $value) {
$namespace = $this->getNamespace($name);
if (!in_array($name, self::HEAD_ELEMENTS, true) && !$namespace) {
"OPML head {$name} element is not part of the specification"
if ($name === 'dateCreated' || $name === 'dateModified') {
if ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
$value = $value->format(\DateTimeInterface::RFC1123);
} else {
"OPML head {$name} element must be a DateTime"
} elseif ($name === 'ownerEmail') {
// Testing email validity is hard. PHP filter_var() function is
// too strict compared to the RFC 822, so we can't use it.
if (strpos($value, '@') === false) {
'OPML head ownerEmail element must be an email address'
} elseif ($name === 'ownerId' || $name === 'docs') {
if (!$this->checkHttpAddress($value)) {
"OPML head {$name} element must be a HTTP address"
} elseif ($name === 'expansionState') {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $number) {
if (!is_int($number)) {
'OPML head expansionState element must be an array of integers'
$value = implode(', ', $value);
} else {
'OPML head expansionState element must be an array of integers'
} elseif (in_array($name, self::NUMERIC_HEAD_ELEMENTS)) {
if (!is_int($value)) {
"OPML head {$name} element must be an integer"
$child_head_element = new \DOMElement($name, $value, $namespace);
// Check body is set and contains at least one element
if (!isset($array['body'])) {
$this->throwExceptionIfStrict('OPML array must contain a body key');
$array_body = $array['body'] ?? [];
if (count($array_body) <= 0) {
'OPML body element must contain at least one outline array'
// Create outline elements in the body element
$body_element = new \DOMElement('body');
foreach ($array_body as $outline) {
$this->renderOutline($body_element, $outline);
// And return the final result
if ($as_dom_document) {
return $dom;
} else {
$dom->formatOutput = true;
return $dom->saveXML();
* Transform an outline array to a \DOMElement and add it to a parent element.
* @param \DOMElement $parent_element
* The DOM parent element of the current outline.
* @param array $outline
* The outline array to transform in a \DOMElement, it must follow the
* structure defined above.
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
* Raised if the outline is not an array, if it doesn't contain a text
* attribute (or if empty), if the `@outlines` key is not an array, if
* a special attribute does not match its corresponding type, or if
* `type` key requirements are not met. The exceptions (except errors
* about outline or suboutlines not being arrays) are not raised if
* strict is false. The exception about missing text attribute is not
* raised if version is 1.0.
private function renderOutline($parent_element, $outline)
// Perform initial checks to verify the outline is correctly declared
if (!is_array($outline)) {
throw new Exception(
'OPML outline element must be defined as an array'
if (empty($outline['text']) && $this->version !== '1.0') {
'OPML outline text attribute is required'
if (isset($outline['type'])) {
$type = strtolower($outline['type']);
if ($type === 'rss') {
if (empty($outline['xmlUrl'])) {
'OPML outline xmlUrl attribute is required when type is "rss"'
} elseif (!$this->checkHttpAddress($outline['xmlUrl'])) {
'OPML outline xmlUrl attribute must be a HTTP address when type is "rss"'
} elseif ($type === 'link' || $type === 'include') {
if (empty($outline['url'])) {
"OPML outline url attribute is required when type is \"{$type}\""
} elseif (!$this->checkHttpAddress($outline['url'])) {
"OPML outline url attribute must be a HTTP address when type is \"{$type}\""
// Create the outline element and add it to the parent
$outline_element = new \DOMElement('outline');
// Load the sub-outlines as child elements
if (isset($outline['@outlines'])) {
$outline_children = $outline['@outlines'];
if (!is_array($outline_children)) {
throw new Exception(
'OPML outline element must be defined as an array'
foreach ($outline_children as $outline_child) {
$this->renderOutline($outline_element, $outline_child);
// We don't want the sub-outlines to be loaded as attributes, so we
// remove the key from the array.
// Load the other elements of the array as attributes
foreach ($outline as $name => $value) {
$namespace = $this->getNamespace($name);
if ($name === 'created') {
if ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
$value = $value->format(\DateTimeInterface::RFC1123);
} else {
'OPML outline created attribute must be a DateTime'
} elseif ($name === 'isComment' || $name === 'isBreakpoint') {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
} else {
"OPML outline {$name} attribute must be a boolean"
} elseif (is_array($value)) {
$value = implode(', ', $value);
$outline_element->setAttributeNS($namespace, $name, $value);
* Return wether a value is a valid HTTP address or not.
* HTTP address is not strictly defined by the OPML spec, so it is assumed:
* - it can be parsed by parse_url
* - it has a host part
* - scheme is http or https
* filter_var is not used because it would reject internationalized URLs
* (i.e. with non ASCII chars). An alternative would be to punycode such
* URLs, but it's more work to do it properly, and lib_opml needs to stay
* simple.
* @param string $value
* @return boolean
* Return true if the value is a valid HTTP address, false otherwise.
public function checkHttpAddress($value)
$value = trim($value);
$parsed_url = parse_url($value);
if (!$parsed_url) {
return false;
if (
!isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ||
) {
return false;
if (
$parsed_url['scheme'] !== 'http' &&
$parsed_url['scheme'] !== 'https'
) {
return false;
return true;
* Return the namespace of a qualified name. An empty string is returned if
* the name is not namespaced.
* @param string $qualified_name
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
* Raised if the namespace prefix isn't declared.
* @return string
private function getNamespace($qualified_name)
$split_name = explode(':', $qualified_name, 2);
// count will always be 1 or 2.
if (count($split_name) === 1) {
// If 1, there's no prefix, thus no namespace
return '';
} else {
// If 2, it means it has a namespace prefix, so we get the
// namespace from the declared ones.
$namespace_prefix = $split_name[0];
if (!isset($this->namespaces[$namespace_prefix])) {
throw new Exception(
"OPML namespace {$namespace_prefix} is not declared"
return $this->namespaces[$namespace_prefix];
* Raise an exception only if strict is true.
* @param string $message
* @throws \marienfressinaud\LibOpml\Exception
private function throwExceptionIfStrict($message)
if ($this->strict) {
throw new Exception($message);