
471 lines
13 KiB

* MINZ - Copyright 2011 Marien Fressinaud
* Sous licence AGPL3 <>
* Request représente la requête http
class Minz_Request {
private static string $controller_name = '';
private static string $action_name = '';
/** @var array<string,mixed> */
private static array $params = [];
private static string $default_controller_name = 'index';
private static string $default_action_name = 'index';
/** @var array{'c'?:string,'a'?:string,'params'?:array<string,mixed>} */
private static array $originalRequest = [];
* Getteurs
public static function controllerName(): string {
return self::$controller_name;
public static function actionName(): string {
return self::$action_name;
/** @return array<string,mixed> */
public static function params(): array {
return self::$params;
* Read the URL parameter
* @param string $key Key name
* @param mixed $default default value, if no parameter is given
* @param bool $specialchars special characters
* @return mixed value of the parameter
* @deprecated use typed versions instead
public static function param(string $key, $default = false, bool $specialchars = false) {
if (isset(self::$params[$key])) {
$p = self::$params[$key];
if (is_object($p) || $specialchars) {
return $p;
} elseif (is_string($p) || is_array($p)) {
return Minz_Helper::htmlspecialchars_utf8($p);
} else {
return $p;
} else {
return $default;
/** @return array<string|int,string|array<string,string|int>> */
public static function paramArray(string $key, bool $specialchars = false): array {
if (empty(self::$params[$key]) || !is_array(self::$params[$key])) {
return [];
return $specialchars ? Minz_Helper::htmlspecialchars_utf8(self::$params[$key]) : self::$params[$key];
public static function paramTernary(string $key): ?bool {
if (isset(self::$params[$key])) {
$p = self::$params[$key];
$tp = is_string($p) ? trim($p) : true;
if ($tp === '' || $tp === 'null') {
return null;
} elseif ($p == false || $tp == '0' || $tp === 'false' || $tp === 'no') {
return false;
return true;
return null;
public static function paramBoolean(string $key): bool {
if (null === $value = self::paramTernary($key)) {
return false;
return $value;
public static function paramInt(string $key): int {
if (!empty(self::$params[$key]) && is_numeric(self::$params[$key])) {
return (int)self::$params[$key];
return 0;
public static function paramString(string $key, bool $specialchars = false): string {
if (isset(self::$params[$key])) {
$s = self::$params[$key];
if (is_string($s)) {
$s = trim($s);
return $specialchars ? $s : htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
if (is_int($s) || is_bool($s)) {
return (string)$s;
return '';
* Extract text lines to array.
* It will return an array where each cell contains one line of a text. The new line
* character is used to break the text into lines. This method is well suited to use
* to split textarea content.
* @param array<string> $default
* @return array<string>
public static function paramTextToArray(string $key, array $default = []): array {
if (isset(self::$params[$key]) && is_string(self::$params[$key])) {
return preg_split('/\R/u', self::$params[$key]) ?: [];
return $default;
public static function defaultControllerName(): string {
return self::$default_controller_name;
public static function defaultActionName(): string {
return self::$default_action_name;
/** @return array{'c':string,'a':string,'params':array<string,mixed>} */
public static function currentRequest(): array {
return [
'c' => self::$controller_name,
'a' => self::$action_name,
'params' => self::$params,
/** @return array{'c'?:string,'a'?:string,'params'?:array<string,mixed>} */
public static function originalRequest() {
return self::$originalRequest;
* @param array<string,mixed>|null $extraParams
* @return array{'c':string,'a':string,'params':array<string,mixed>}
public static function modifiedCurrentRequest(?array $extraParams = null): array {
$currentRequest = self::currentRequest();
if (null !== $extraParams) {
$currentRequest['params'] = array_merge($currentRequest['params'], $extraParams);
return $currentRequest;
* Setteurs
public static function _controllerName(string $controller_name): void {
self::$controller_name = ctype_alnum($controller_name) ? $controller_name : '';
public static function _actionName(string $action_name): void {
self::$action_name = ctype_alnum($action_name) ? $action_name : '';
/** @param array<string,string> $params */
public static function _params(array $params): void {
self::$params = $params;
/** @param array|mixed $value */
public static function _param(string $key, $value = false): void {
if ($value === false) {
} else {
self::$params[$key] = $value;
* Initialise la Request
public static function init(): void {
public static function is(string $controller_name, string $action_name): bool {
return self::$controller_name === $controller_name &&
self::$action_name === $action_name;
* Return true if the request is over HTTPS, false otherwise (HTTP)
public static function isHttps(): bool {
$header = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ?? '';
if ('' != $header) {
return 'https' === strtolower($header);
return 'on' === ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ?? '');
* Try to guess the base URL from $_SERVER information
* @return string base url (e.g.
public static function guessBaseUrl(): string {
$protocol = self::extractProtocol();
$host = self::extractHost();
$port = self::extractPortForUrl();
$prefix = self::extractPrefix();
$path = self::extractPath();
return filter_var("{$protocol}://{$host}{$port}{$prefix}{$path}", FILTER_SANITIZE_URL) ?: '';
private static function extractProtocol(): string {
if (self::isHttps()) {
return 'https';
return 'http';
private static function extractHost(): string {
if ('' != $host = ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] ?? '')) {
return parse_url("http://{$host}", PHP_URL_HOST) ?: 'localhost';
if ('' != $host = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? '')) {
// Might contain a port number, and mind IPv6 addresses
return parse_url("http://{$host}", PHP_URL_HOST) ?: 'localhost';
if ('' != $host = ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ?? '')) {
return $host;
return 'localhost';
private static function extractPort(): int {
if ('' != $port = ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] ?? '')) {
return intval($port);
if ('' != $proto = ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ?? '')) {
return 'https' === strtolower($proto) ? 443 : 80;
if ('' != $port = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ?? '')) {
return intval($port);
return self::isHttps() ? 443 : 80;
private static function extractPortForUrl(): string {
if (self::isHttps() && 443 !== $port = self::extractPort()) {
return ":{$port}";
if (!self::isHttps() && 80 !== $port = self::extractPort()) {
return ":{$port}";
return '';
private static function extractPrefix(): string {
if ('' != $prefix = ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PREFIX'] ?? '')) {
return rtrim($prefix, '/ ');
return '';
private static function extractPath(): string {
$path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '';
if ($path != '') {
$path = parse_url($path, PHP_URL_PATH) ?: '';
return substr($path, -1) === '/' ? rtrim($path, '/') : dirname($path);
return '';
* Return the base_url from configuration
* @throws Minz_ConfigurationException
public static function getBaseUrl(): string {
$conf = Minz_Configuration::get('system');
$url = trim($conf->base_url, ' /\\"');
return filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL) ?: '';
* Test if a given server address is publicly accessible.
* Note: for the moment it tests only if address is corresponding to a
* localhost address.
* @param string $address the address to test, can be an IP or a URL.
* @return bool true if server is accessible, false otherwise.
* @todo improve test with a more valid technique (e.g. test with an external server?)
public static function serverIsPublic(string $address): bool {
if (strlen($address) < strlen('http://a.bc')) {
return false;
$host = parse_url($address, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (!is_string($host)) {
return false;
$is_public = !in_array($host, [
], true);
if ($is_public) {
$is_public &= !preg_match('/^(10|127|172[.]16|192[.]168)[.]/', $host);
$is_public &= !preg_match('/^(\[)?(::1$|fc00::|fe80::)/i', $host);
return (bool)$is_public;
private static function requestId(): string {
if (empty($_GET['rid']) || !ctype_xdigit($_GET['rid'])) {
$_GET['rid'] = uniqid();
return $_GET['rid'];
private static function setNotification(string $type, string $content): void {
$requests = Minz_Session::paramArray('requests');
$requests[self::requestId()] = [
'time' => time(),
'notification' => [ 'type' => $type, 'content' => $content ],
Minz_Session::_param('requests', $requests);
public static function setGoodNotification(string $content): void {
self::setNotification('good', $content);
public static function setBadNotification(string $content): void {
self::setNotification('bad', $content);
* @param $pop true (default) to remove the notification, false to keep it.
* @return array{type:string,content:string}|null
public static function getNotification(bool $pop = true): ?array {
$notif = null;
/** @var array<string,array{time:int,notification:array{type:string,content:string}}> */
$requests = Minz_Session::paramArray('requests');
if (!empty($requests)) {
//Delete abandoned notifications
$requests = array_filter($requests, static function (array $r) { return $r['time'] > time() - 3600; });
$requestId = self::requestId();
if (!empty($requests[$requestId]['notification'])) {
$notif = $requests[$requestId]['notification'];
if ($pop) {
Minz_Session::_param('requests', $requests);
return $notif;
* Restart a request
* @param array{'c'?:string,'a'?:string,'params'?:array<string,mixed>} $url an array presentation of the URL to route to
* @param bool $redirect If true, uses an HTTP redirection, and if false (default), performs an internal dispatcher redirection.
* @throws Minz_ConfigurationException
public static function forward($url = [], bool $redirect = false): void {
if (empty(Minz_Request::originalRequest())) {
self::$originalRequest = $url;
$url = Minz_Url::checkControllerUrl($url);
$url['params']['rid'] = self::requestId();
if ($redirect) {
header('Location: ' . Minz_Url::display($url, 'php', 'root'));
} else {
* Wrappers good notifications + redirection
* @param string $msg notification content
* @param array{'c'?:string,'a'?:string,'params'?:array<string,mixed>} $url url array to where we should be forwarded
public static function good(string $msg, array $url = []): void {
Minz_Request::forward($url, true);
* Wrappers bad notifications + redirection
* @param string $msg notification content
* @param array{'c'?:string,'a'?:string,'params'?:array<string,mixed>} $url url array to where we should be forwarded
public static function bad(string $msg, array $url = []): void {
Minz_Request::forward($url, true);
* Allows receiving POST data as application/json
private static function initJSON(): void {
if ('application/json' !== self::extractContentType()) {
$ORIGINAL_INPUT = file_get_contents('php://input', false, null, 0, 1048576);
if ($ORIGINAL_INPUT == false) {
if (!is_array($json = json_decode($ORIGINAL_INPUT, true))) {
foreach ($json as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($_POST[$k])) {
$_POST[$k] = $v;
private static function extractContentType(): string {
return strtolower(trim($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] ?? ''));
public static function isPost(): bool {
return 'POST' === ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? '');
* @return array<string>
public static function getPreferredLanguages(): array {
if (preg_match_all('/(^|,)\s*(?P<lang>[^;,]+)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] ?? '', $matches) > 0) {
return $matches['lang'];
return array('en');