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final class FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util
* Get an item from an array using "dot" notation.
* Functions adapted from
* Newer version in
* @param \ArrayAccess<string,mixed>|array<string,mixed>|mixed $array
* @param string|null $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public static function get($array, ?string $key, mixed $default = null) {
if (!static::accessible($array)) {
return static::value($default);
/** @var \ArrayAccess<string,mixed>|array<string,mixed> $array */
if (in_array($key, [null, '', '.', '$'], true)) {
return $array;
// Compatibility with brackets path such as `items[0].value`
$key = preg_replace('/\[(\d+)\]/', '.$1', $key);
if ($key === null) {
return null;
if (static::exists($array, $key)) {
return $array[$key];
if (strpos($key, '.') === false) {
return $array[$key] ?? static::value($default);
foreach (explode('.', $key) as $segment) {
if (static::accessible($array) && static::exists($array, $segment)) {
$array = $array[$segment];
} else {
return static::value($default);
return $array;
* Get a string from an array using "dot" notation.
* @param \ArrayAccess<string,mixed>|array<string,mixed>|mixed $array
* @param string|null $key
public static function getString($array, ?string $key): ?string {
$result = self::get($array, $key, null);
return is_string($result) ? $result : null;
* Determine whether the given value is array accessible.
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
private static function accessible($value): bool {
return is_array($value) || $value instanceof \ArrayAccess;
* Determine if the given key exists in the provided array.
* @param \ArrayAccess<string,mixed>|array<string,mixed>|mixed $array
* @param string $key
* @return bool
private static function exists($array, string $key): bool {
if ($array instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
return $array->offsetExists($key);
if (is_array($array)) {
return array_key_exists($key, $array);
return false;
/** @param mixed $value */
private static function value($value): mixed {
return $value instanceof Closure ? $value() : $value;
* Convert a JSON object to a RSS document
* mapping fields from the JSON object into RSS equivalents
* according to the dot-separated paths
* @param array<string> $jf json feed
* @param string $feedSourceUrl the source URL for the feed
* @param array<string,string> $dotNotation dot notation to map JSON into RSS
* @param string $defaultRssTitle Default title of the RSS feed, if not already provided in dotNotation `feedTitle`
public static function convertJsonToRss(array $jf, string $feedSourceUrl, array $dotNotation, string $defaultRssTitle = ''): ?string {
if (!isset($dotNotation['item']) || $dotNotation['item'] === '') {
return null; //no definition of item path, but we can't scrape anything without knowing this
$view = new FreshRSS_View();
$view->internal_rendering = true;
$view->rss_url = htmlspecialchars($feedSourceUrl, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$view->html_url = $view->rss_url;
$view->entries = [];
$view->rss_title = isset($dotNotation['feedTitle'])
? (htmlspecialchars(FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jf, $dotNotation['feedTitle']) ?? '', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') ?: $defaultRssTitle)
: $defaultRssTitle;
$jsonItems = FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::get($jf, $dotNotation['item']);
if (!is_array($jsonItems) || count($jsonItems) === 0) {
return null;
foreach ($jsonItems as $jsonItem) {
$rssItem = [];
$rssItem['link'] = isset($dotNotation['itemUri']) ? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemUri']) ?? '' : '';
if (empty($rssItem['link'])) {
$rssItem['title'] = isset($dotNotation['itemTitle']) ? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemTitle']) ?? '' : '';
$rssItem['author'] = isset($dotNotation['itemAuthor']) ? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemAuthor']) ?? '' : '';
$rssItem['timestamp'] = isset($dotNotation['itemTimestamp']) ? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemTimestamp']) ?? '' : '';
//get simple content, but if a path for HTML content has been provided, replace the simple content with HTML content
$rssItem['content'] = isset($dotNotation['itemContent']) ? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemContent']) ?? '' : '';
$rssItem['content'] = isset($dotNotation['itemContentHTML'])
? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemContentHTML']) ?? ''
: $rssItem['content'];
if (isset($dotNotation['itemTimeFormat']) && is_string($dotNotation['itemTimeFormat'])) {
$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($dotNotation['itemTimeFormat'], $rssItem['timestamp']);
if ($dateTime != false) {
$rssItem['timestamp'] = $dateTime->format(DateTime::ATOM);
if (isset($dotNotation['itemCategories'])) {
$jsonItemCategories = FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::get($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemCategories']);
if (is_string($jsonItemCategories) && $jsonItemCategories !== '') {
$rssItem['tags'] = [$jsonItemCategories];
} elseif (is_array($jsonItemCategories) && count($jsonItemCategories) > 0) {
$rssItem['tags'] = [];
foreach ($jsonItemCategories as $jsonItemCategory) {
if (is_string($jsonItemCategory)) {
$rssItem['tags'][] = $jsonItemCategory;
$rssItem['thumbnail'] = isset($dotNotation['itemThumbnail']) ? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemThumbnail']) ?? '' : '';
if (isset($dotNotation['itemAttachment'])) {
$jsonItemAttachments = FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::get($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemAttachment']);
if (is_array($jsonItemAttachments) && count($jsonItemAttachments) > 0) {
$rssItem['attachments'] = [];
foreach ($jsonItemAttachments as $attachment) {
$rssAttachment = [];
$rssAttachment['url'] = isset($dotNotation['itemAttachmentUrl'])
? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($attachment, $dotNotation['itemAttachmentUrl'])
: '';
$rssAttachment['type'] = isset($dotNotation['itemAttachmentType'])
? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($attachment, $dotNotation['itemAttachmentType'])
: '';
$rssAttachment['length'] = isset($dotNotation['itemAttachmentLength'])
? FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::get($attachment, $dotNotation['itemAttachmentLength'])
: '';
$rssItem['attachments'][] = $rssAttachment;
if (isset($dotNotation['itemUid'])) {
$rssItem['guid'] = FreshRSS_dotNotation_Util::getString($jsonItem, $dotNotation['itemUid']);
if (empty($rssItem['guid'])) {
$rssItem['guid'] = 'urn:sha1:' . sha1($rssItem['title'] . $rssItem['content'] . $rssItem['link']);
if ($rssItem['title'] != '' || $rssItem['content'] != '' || $rssItem['link'] != '') {
// HTML-encoding/escaping of the relevant fields (all except 'content')
foreach (['author', 'guid', 'link', 'thumbnail', 'timestamp', 'tags', 'title'] as $key) {
if (!empty($rssItem[$key]) && is_string($rssItem[$key])) {
$rssItem[$key] = Minz_Helper::htmlspecialchars_utf8($rssItem[$key]);
$view->entries[] = FreshRSS_Entry::fromArray($rssItem);
return $view->renderToString();