array( 'documentation' => 'Copy the following URL to use it within an external tool.', // TODO 'title' => 'API', // TODO ), 'bookmarklet' => array( 'documentation' => 'Drag this button to your bookmarks toolbar or right-click it and choose “Bookmark This Link”. Then click the “Subscribe” button in any page you want to subscribe to.', // TODO 'label' => 'Subscribe', // TODO 'title' => 'Bookmarklet', // TODO ), 'category' => array( '_' => 'Category', // TODO 'add' => 'Add a category', // TODO 'archiving' => 'Archiving', // TODO 'dynamic_opml' => array( '_' => 'Dynamic OPML', // TODO 'help' => 'Provide the URL to an OPML file to dynamically populate this category with feeds', // TODO ), 'empty' => 'Empty category', // TODO 'information' => 'Information', // TODO 'opml_url' => 'OPML URL', // TODO 'position' => 'Display position', // TODO 'position_help' => 'To control category sort order', // TODO 'title' => 'Title', // TODO ), 'feed' => array( 'accept_cookies' => 'Accept cookies', // TODO 'accept_cookies_help' => 'Allow the feed server to set cookies (stored in memory for the duration of the request only)', // TODO 'add' => 'Add an RSS feed', // TODO 'advanced' => 'Advanced', // TODO 'archiving' => 'Archiving', // TODO 'auth' => array( 'configuration' => 'Login', // TODO 'help' => 'Allows access to HTTP protected RSS feeds', // TODO 'http' => 'HTTP Authentication', // TODO 'password' => 'HTTP password', // TODO 'username' => 'HTTP username', // TODO ), 'clear_cache' => 'Always clear cache', // TODO 'content_action' => array( '_' => 'Content action when fetching the article content', // TODO 'append' => 'Add after existing content', // TODO 'prepend' => 'Add before existing content', // TODO 'replace' => 'Replace existing content', // TODO ), 'css_cookie' => 'Use Cookies when fetching the article content', // TODO 'css_cookie_help' => 'Example: foo=bar; gdpr_consent=true; cookie=value', // TODO 'css_help' => 'Retrieves truncated RSS feeds (caution, requires more time!)', // TODO 'css_path' => 'Article CSS selector on original website', // TODO 'css_path_filter' => array( '_' => 'CSS selector of the elements to remove', // TODO 'help' => 'A CSS selector may be a list such as: .footer, .aside', // TODO ), 'description' => 'Description', // TODO 'empty' => 'This feed is empty. Please verify that it is still maintained.', // TODO 'error' => 'This feed has encountered a problem. Please verify that it is always reachable then update it.', // TODO 'export-as-opml' => array( 'download' => 'Download', // TODO 'help' => 'XML file', // TODO 'label' => 'Export as OPML', // TODO ), 'filteractions' => array( '_' => 'Filter actions', // TODO 'help' => 'Write one search filter per line. Operators see documentation.', // TODO ), 'information' => 'Information', // TODO 'keep_min' => 'Minimum number of articles to keep', // TODO 'kind' => array( '_' => 'Type of feed source', // TODO 'html_xpath' => array( '_' => 'HTML + XPath (Web scraping)', // TODO 'feed_title' => array( '_' => 'feed title', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: //title or a static string: "My custom feed"', // TODO ), 'help' => 'XPath 1.0 is a standard query language for advanced users, and which FreshRSS supports to enable Web scraping.', // TODO 'item' => array( '_' => 'finding news items
(most important)', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: //div[@class="news-item"]', // TODO ), 'item_author' => array( '_' => 'item author', // TODO 'help' => 'Can also be a static string. Example: "Anonymous"', // TODO ), 'item_categories' => 'item tags', // TODO 'item_content' => array( '_' => 'item content', // TODO 'help' => 'Example to take the full item: .', // TODO ), 'item_thumbnail' => array( '_' => 'item thumbnail', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: descendant::img/@src', // TODO ), 'item_timeFormat' => array( '_' => 'Custom date/time format', // TODO 'help' => 'Optional. A format supported by DateTime::createFromFormat() such as d-m-Y H:i:s', // TODO ), 'item_timestamp' => array( '_' => 'item date', // TODO 'help' => 'The result will be parsed by strtotime()', // TODO ), 'item_title' => array( '_' => 'item title', // TODO 'help' => 'Use in particular the XPath axis descendant:: like descendant::h2', // TODO ), 'item_uid' => array( '_' => 'item unique ID', // TODO 'help' => 'Optional. Example: descendant::div/@data-uri', // TODO ), 'item_uri' => array( '_' => 'item link (URL)', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: descendant::a/@href', // TODO ), 'relative' => 'XPath (relative to item) for:', // TODO 'xpath' => 'XPath for:', // TODO ), 'json_dotnotation' => array( '_' => 'JSON (dot notation)', // TODO 'feed_title' => array( '_' => 'feed title', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: meta.title or a static string: "My custom feed"', // TODO ), 'help' => 'A JSON dot notated uses dots between objects and brackets for arrays (e.g. data.items[0].title)', // TODO 'item' => array( '_' => 'finding news items
(most important)', // TODO 'help' => 'JSON path to the array containing the items, e.g. newsItems', // TODO ), 'item_author' => 'item author', // TODO 'item_categories' => 'item tags', // TODO 'item_content' => array( '_' => 'item content', // TODO 'help' => 'Key under which the content is found, e.g. content', // TODO ), 'item_thumbnail' => array( '_' => 'item thumbnail', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: image', // TODO ), 'item_timeFormat' => array( '_' => 'Custom date/time format', // TODO 'help' => 'Optional. A format supported by DateTime::createFromFormat() such as d-m-Y H:i:s', // TODO ), 'item_timestamp' => array( '_' => 'item date', // TODO 'help' => 'The result will be parsed by strtotime()', // TODO ), 'item_title' => 'item title', // TODO 'item_uid' => 'item unique ID', // TODO 'item_uri' => array( '_' => 'item link (URL)', // TODO 'help' => 'Example: permalink', // TODO ), 'json' => 'dot notation for:', // TODO 'relative' => 'dot notated path (relative to item) for:', // TODO ), 'jsonfeed' => 'JSON Feed', // TODO 'rss' => 'RSS / Atom (default)', // TODO 'xml_xpath' => 'XML + XPath', // TODO ), 'maintenance' => array( 'clear_cache' => 'Clear cache', // TODO 'clear_cache_help' => 'Clear the cache for this feed.', // TODO 'reload_articles' => 'Reload articles', // TODO 'reload_articles_help' => 'Reload that many articles and fetch complete content if a selector is defined.', // TODO 'title' => 'Maintenance', // TODO ), 'max_http_redir' => 'Max HTTP redirects', // TODO 'max_http_redir_help' => 'Set to 0 or leave blank to disable, -1 for unlimited redirects', // TODO 'method' => array( '_' => 'HTTP Method', // TODO ), 'method_help' => 'The POST payload has automatic support for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json', // TODO 'method_postparams' => 'Payload for POST', // TODO 'moved_category_deleted' => 'When you delete a category, its feeds are automatically classified under %s.', // TODO 'mute' => 'mute', // TODO 'no_selected' => 'No feed selected.', // TODO 'number_entries' => '%d articles', // TODO 'priority' => array( '_' => 'Visibility', // TODO 'archived' => 'Do not show (archived)', // TODO 'category' => 'Show in its category', // TODO 'important' => 'Show in important feeds', // TODO 'main_stream' => 'Show in main stream', // TODO ), 'proxy' => 'Set a proxy for fetching this feed', // TODO 'proxy_help' => 'Select a protocol (e.g: SOCKS5) and enter the proxy address (e.g: or username:password@', // TODO 'selector_preview' => array( 'show_raw' => 'Show source code', // TODO 'show_rendered' => 'Show content', // TODO ), 'show' => array( 'all' => 'Show all feeds', // TODO 'error' => 'Show only feeds with errors', // TODO ), 'showing' => array( 'error' => 'Showing only feeds with errors', // TODO ), 'ssl_verify' => 'Verify SSL security', // TODO 'stats' => 'Statistics', // TODO 'think_to_add' => 'You may add some feeds.', // TODO 'timeout' => 'Timeout in seconds', // TODO 'title' => 'Title', // TODO 'title_add' => 'Add an RSS feed', // TODO 'ttl' => 'Do not automatically refresh more often than', // TODO 'url' => 'Feed URL', // TODO 'useragent' => 'Set the user agent for fetching this feed', // TODO 'useragent_help' => 'Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:86.0)', // TODO 'validator' => 'Check the validity of the feed', // TODO 'website' => 'Website URL', // TODO 'websub' => 'Instant notifications with WebSub', // TODO ), 'import_export' => array( 'export' => 'Export', // TODO 'export_labelled' => 'Export your labelled articles', // TODO 'export_opml' => 'Export list of feeds (OPML)', // TODO 'export_starred' => 'Export your favourites', // TODO 'feed_list' => 'List of %s articles', // TODO 'file_to_import' => 'File to import
(OPML, JSON or ZIP)', // TODO 'file_to_import_no_zip' => 'File to import
(OPML or JSON)', // TODO 'import' => 'Import', // TODO 'starred_list' => 'List of favourite articles', // TODO 'title' => 'Import / export', // TODO ), 'menu' => array( 'add' => 'Add a feed or category', // TODO 'import_export' => 'Import / export', // TODO 'label_management' => 'Label management', // TODO 'stats' => array( 'idle' => 'Idle feeds', // TODO 'main' => 'Main statistics', // TODO 'repartition' => 'Articles repartition', // TODO ), 'subscription_management' => 'Subscription management', // TODO 'subscription_tools' => 'Subscription tools', // TODO ), 'tag' => array( 'auto_label' => 'Add this label to new articles', // TODO 'name' => 'Name', // TODO 'new_name' => 'New name', // TODO 'old_name' => 'Old name', // TODO ), 'title' => array( '_' => 'Subscription management', // TODO 'add' => 'Add a feed or category', // TODO 'add_category' => 'Add a category', // TODO 'add_dynamic_opml' => 'Add dynamic OPML', // TODO 'add_feed' => 'Add a feed', // TODO 'add_label' => 'Add a label', // TODO 'delete_label' => 'Delete a label', // TODO 'feed_management' => 'RSS feeds management', // TODO 'rename_label' => 'Rename a label', // TODO 'subscription_tools' => 'Subscription tools', // TODO ), );