#!/bin/sh ln -snf "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ" /etc/localtime echo "$TZ" >/etc/timezone find /etc/php*/ -type f -name php.ini -exec sed -r -i "\\#^;?date.timezone#s#^.*#date.timezone = $TZ#" {} \; find /etc/php*/ -type f -name php.ini -exec sed -r -i "\\#^;?post_max_size#s#^.*#post_max_size = 32M#" {} \; find /etc/php*/ -type f -name php.ini -exec sed -r -i "\\#^;?upload_max_filesize#s#^.*#upload_max_filesize = 32M#" {} \; if [ -n "$LISTEN" ]; then find /etc/apache2/ -type f -name FreshRSS.Apache.conf -exec sed -r -i "\\#^Listen#s#^.*#Listen $LISTEN#" {} \; fi if [ -n "$TRUSTED_PROXY" ]; then if [ "$TRUSTED_PROXY" = "0" ]; then # Disable RemoteIPHeader and RemoteIPInternalProxy find /etc/apache2/ -type f -name FreshRSS.Apache.conf -exec sed -r -i "/^\s*RemoteIP.*$/s/^/#/" {} \; else # Custom list for RemoteIPInternalProxy find /etc/apache2/ -type f -name FreshRSS.Apache.conf -exec sed -r -i "\\#^\s*RemoteIPInternalProxy#s#^.*#\tRemoteIPInternalProxy $TRUSTED_PROXY#" {} \; fi fi if [ -n "$OIDC_ENABLED" ] && [ "$OIDC_ENABLED" -ne 0 ]; then # Debian (which a2enmod >/dev/null && a2enmod -q auth_openidc) || # Alpine (mv /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod-auth-openidc.conf.bak /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod-auth-openidc.conf && echo 'Enabling module auth_openidc.') if [ -n "$OIDC_SCOPES" ]; then # Compatibility with : as separator instead of space OIDC_SCOPES=$(echo "$OIDC_SCOPES" | tr ':' ' ') export OIDC_SCOPES fi fi if [ -n "$CRON_MIN" ]; then awk -v RS='\0' '!/^(FRESHRSS_INSTALL|FRESHRSS_USER|HOME|PATH|PWD|SHLVL|TERM|_)=/ {gsub("\047", "\047\\\047\047"); print "export \047" $0 "\047"}' /proc/self/environ >/var/www/FreshRSS/Docker/env.txt sed /dev/null if [ -n "$FRESHRSS_INSTALL" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 php -f ./cli/do-install.php -- \ $(echo "$FRESHRSS_INSTALL" | sed -r 's/[\r\n]+/\n/g' | paste -s -) EXITCODE=$? if [ $EXITCODE -eq 3 ]; then echo 'ℹ️ FreshRSS already installed; no change performed.' elif [ $EXITCODE -eq 0 ]; then echo '✅ FreshRSS successfully installed.' else echo '❌ FreshRSS error during installation!' exit $EXITCODE fi fi if [ -n "$FRESHRSS_USER" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 php -f ./cli/create-user.php -- \ $(echo "$FRESHRSS_USER" | sed -r 's/[\r\n]+/\n/g' | paste -s -) EXITCODE=$? if [ $EXITCODE -eq 3 ]; then echo 'ℹ️ FreshRSS user already exists; no change performed.' elif [ $EXITCODE -eq 0 ]; then echo '✅ FreshRSS user successfully created.' ./cli/list-users.php | xargs -n1 ./cli/actualize-user.php --user else echo '❌ FreshRSS error during the creation of a user!' exit $EXITCODE fi fi ./cli/access-permissions.sh exec "$@"