
228 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// @license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0b31508aeb0634b347b8270c7bee4d411b5d4109&dn=agpl-3.0.txt AGPL-3.0
'use strict';
/* globals context, openNotification, openPopupWithSource, xmlHttpRequestJson */
function fix_popup_preview_selector() {
const link = document.getElementById('popup-preview-selector');
if (!link) {
link.addEventListener('click', function (ev) {
const selector_entries = document.getElementById('path_entries').value;
const href = link.href.replace('selector-token', encodeURIComponent(selector_entries));
// <crypto form (Web login)>
function poormanSalt() { // If crypto.getRandomValues is not available
const base = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.0123456789/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
let text = '$2a$04$';
for (let i = 22; i > 0; i--) {
text += base.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 64));
return text;
function forgetOpenCategories() {
function init_crypto_form() {
/* globals dcodeIO */
const crypto_form = document.getElementById('crypto-form');
if (!crypto_form) {
if (!(window.dcodeIO)) {
if (window.console) {
console.log('FreshRSS waiting for bcrypt.js…');
setTimeout(init_crypto_form, 100);
const submit_button = document.getElementById('loginButton');
submit_button.disabled = false;
crypto_form.onsubmit = function (e) {
submit_button.disabled = true;
let success = false;
const req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', './?c=javascript&a=nonce&user=' + document.getElementById('username').value, false);
req.onerror = function () {
openNotification('Communication error!', 'bad');
if (req.status == 200) {
const json = xmlHttpRequestJson(req);
if (!json.salt1 || !json.nonce) {
openNotification('Invalid user!', 'bad');
} else {
try {
const strong = window.Uint32Array && window.crypto && (typeof window.crypto.getRandomValues === 'function');
const s = dcodeIO.bcrypt.hashSync(document.getElementById('passwordPlain').value, json.salt1);
const c = dcodeIO.bcrypt.hashSync(json.nonce + s, strong ? dcodeIO.bcrypt.genSaltSync(4) : poormanSalt());
document.getElementById('challenge').value = c;
if (!s || !c) {
openNotification('Crypto error!', 'bad');
} else {
success = true;
} catch (ex) {
openNotification('Crypto exception! ' + ex, 'bad');
} else {
submit_button.disabled = false;
return success;
// </crypto form (Web login)>
function init_password_observers() {
document.querySelectorAll('.toggle-password').forEach(function (a) {
a.onmousedown = function (ev) {
const passwordField = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('data-toggle'));
passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'text');
return false;
a.onmouseup = function (ev) {
const passwordField = document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('data-toggle'));
passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'password');
return false;
function init_select_observers() {
document.querySelectorAll('.select-change').forEach(function (s) {
s.onchange = function (ev) {
const opt = s.options[s.selectedIndex];
const url = opt.getAttribute('data-url');
if (url) {
s.disabled = true;
s.value = '';
if (s.form) {
s.form.querySelectorAll('[type=submit]').forEach(function (b) {
b.disabled = true;
location.href = url;
function init_slider_observers() {
const slider = document.getElementById('slider');
const closer = document.getElementById('close-slider');
if (!slider) {
document.querySelector('.post').onclick = function (ev) {
const a ='.open-slider');
if (a) {
if (!context.ajax_loading) {
context.ajax_loading = true;
const req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', a.href + '&ajax=1', true);
req.responseType = 'document';
req.onload = function (e) {
slider.innerHTML = this.response.body.innerHTML;
context.ajax_loading = false;
return false;
closer.onclick = function (ev) {
if (data_leave_validation() || confirm(context.i18n.confirmation_default)) {
slider.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function (f) { f.reset(); });
return true;
} else {
return false;
Feature/new archiving (#2335) * Change archiving config page layout I've changed some wording and moved actions into a maintenance section. * Update purge action Now we have more control on the purge action. The configuration allows us to choose what to keep and what to discard in a more precise way. At the moment, the configuration applies for all feeds. * Add purge configuration on feed level Now the extend purge configuration is available on feed level. It is stored as attributes and will be used in the purge action. * Update purge action Now the purge action uses the feed configuration if it exists and defaults on user configuration if not. * Add empty option in period list * Fix configuration warnings * Add archiving configuration on categories See #2369 * Add user info back * Add explanations in UI * Fixes for SQLite + error + misc. * Fix invalid feed reference * Short array syntax Only for new code, so far * Fix prefix error * Query performance, default values Work in progress * Fix default values and confirm before leaving Form cancel and confirm changes before leaving were broken. And start taking advantage of the short echo syntax `<?= ?>` as we have moved to PHP 5.4+ * More work * Tuning SQL * Fix MariaDB + performance issue * SQL performance * Fix SQLite bug * Fix some attributes JSON encoding bugs Especially for SQLite export/import * More uniform, fix bugs More uniform between global, category, feed settings * Drop special cases for old articles during refresh Instead will use lastSeen date with the new archiving logic. This was generating problems anyway * Draft drop index keep_history Not needed anymore * MySQL typo Now properly tested with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite * More work for legacy values Important to avoid overriding user's preference and risking deleting data erroneously * Fix PHP 7.3 / 7.4 warnings @aledeg "Trying to use values of type null, bool, int, float or resource as an array (such as $null["key"]) will now generate a notice. " * Reintroduce min articles and take care of legacy parameters * A few changes forgotten * Draft of migration + DROP of feed.keep_history * Fix several errors And give up using const for SQL to allow multiple database types (and we cannot redefine a const) * Add keep_min to categories + factorise archiving logic * Legacy fix * Fix bug yield from * Minor: Use JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHE for attributes And make more uniform * Fix sign and missing variable * Fine tune the logic
2019-10-23 00:52:15 +02:00
function data_leave_validation() {
const ds = document.querySelectorAll('[data-leave-validation]');
for (let i = ds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const input = ds[i];
if (input.type === 'checkbox' || input.type === 'radio') {
if (input.checked != input.getAttribute('data-leave-validation')) {
return false;
} else if (input.value != input.getAttribute('data-leave-validation')) {
return false;
return true;
function init_configuration_alert() {
window.onsubmit = function (e) {
window.hasSubmit = true;
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
if (window.hasSubmit) {
if (!data_leave_validation()) {
return false;
function init_extra() {
if (!window.context) {
if (window.console) {
console.log('FreshRSS extra waiting for JS…');
window.setTimeout(init_extra, 50); // Wait for all js to be loaded
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} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
if (window.console) {
console.log('FreshRSS extra waiting for DOMContentLoaded…');
}, false);
// @license-end