
243 lines
8.9 KiB

"allArticles": "All articles",
"add": "Add",
"create": "Create",
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"name": "Name",
"openExternal": "Open externally",
"emptyName": "This field cannot be empty.",
"emptyField": "This field cannot be empty.",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"followSystem": "Follow system",
"more": "More",
"close": "Close",
"search": "Search",
"loadMore": "Load more",
"dangerButton": "Confirm {action}?",
"confirmMarkAll": "Do you really want to mark all articles on this page as read?",
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"now": "now",
"m": "m",
"h": "h",
"d": "d",
"minute": "{m, plural, =1 {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
"hour": "{h, plural, =1 {# hour} other {# hours}}",
"day": "{d, plural, =1 {# day} other {# days}}"
"log": {
"empty": "No notifications",
"fetchFailure": "Failed to load source \"{name}\".",
"fetchSuccess": "Successfully fetched {count, plural, =1 {# article} other {# articles}}.",
"networkError": "A network error has occurred.",
"parseError": "An error has occurred when parsing the XML feed.",
"syncFailure": "Failed to sync with service"
"nav": {
"menu": "Menu",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"markAllRead": "Mark all as read",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"view": "View",
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"maximize": "Maximize"
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"close": "Close menu",
"subscriptions": "Subscriptions"
"article": {
"error": "Failed to load article.",
"reload": "Reload?",
"empty": "No articles",
"untitled": "(Untitled)",
"hide": "Hide article",
"unhide": "Unhide article",
"markRead": "Mark as read",
"markUnread": "Mark as unread",
"markAbove": "Mark above as read",
"markBelow": "Mark below as read",
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"RTL": "Right-to-left",
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"share": "Share",
"read": "Read",
"copyTitle": "Copy title",
"copyURL": "Copy link",
"copy": "Copy",
"search": "Search \"{text}\" on {engine}",
"view": "View",
"cardView": "Card view",
"listView": "List view",
"magazineView": "Magazine view",
"compactView": "Compact view",
"filter": "Filtering",
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"starredOnly": "Starred only",
"fullSearch": "Search in full text",
"showHidden": "Show hidden articles",
"manageSources": "Manage sources",
"saveImageAs": "Save image as …",
"copyImage": "Copy image",
"copyImageURL": "Copy image link",
"caseSensitive": "Case sensitive",
"showCover": "Show cover",
"showSnippet": "Show snippet",
"fadeRead": "Fade read articles"
"searchEngine": {
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"google": "Google",
"bing": "Bing",
"baidu": "Baidu",
"duckduckgo": "DuckDuckGo"
"settings": {
"writeError": "An error has occurred while writing the file.",
"name": "Settings",
"fetching": "Updating sources, please wait …",
"exit": "Exit settings",
"sources": "Sources",
"grouping": "Groups",
"rules": "Rules",
"service": "Service",
"app": "Preferences",
"about": "About",
"version": "Version",
"shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"openSource": "Open source",
"feedback": "Feedback"
"sources": {
"serviceWarning": "Sources imported or added here will not be synced with your service.",
"serviceManaged": "This source is managed by your service.",
"untitled": "Source",
"errorAdd": "An error has occured when adding the source.",
"errorParse": "An error has occurred when parsing the OPML file.",
"errorParseHint": "Please ensure that the file isn't corrupted and is encoded with UTF-8.",
"errorImport": "Error importing {count, plural, =1 {# source} other {# sources}}.",
"exist": "This source already exists.",
"opmlFile": "OPML File",
"name": "Source name",
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"add": "Add source",
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"inputUrl": "Enter URL",
"badIcon": "Invalid icon",
"badUrl": "Invalid URL",
"deleteWarning": "The source and all saved articles will be removed.",
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"selectedMulti": "Selected multiple sources",
"hidden": "Hide in \"all articles\""
"groups": {
"exist": "This group already exists.",
"type": "Type",
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"source": "Source",
"capacity": "Capacity",
"exitGroup": "Back to groups",
"deleteSource": "Delete from group",
"sourceHint": "Drag and drop sources to reorder.",
"create": "Create group",
"selectedGroup": "Selected group",
"selectedSource": "Selected source",
"enterName": "Enter name",
"editName": "Edit name",
"deleteGroup": "Delete group",
"chooseGroup": "Select a group",
"addToGroup": "Add to ...",
"groupHint": "Double click on group to edit sources. Drag and drop to reorder."
"rules": {
"intro": "Automatically mark articles or send notifications with regular expressions.",
"help": "Learn more",
"source": "Source",
"selectSource": "Select a source",
"new": "New Rule",
"if": "If",
"then": "Then",
"title": "Title",
"content": "Content",
"fullSearch": "Title or content",
"creator": "Author",
"match": "matches",
"notMatch": "doesn't match",
"regex": "Regular expression",
"badRegex": "Invalid regular expression.",
"action": "Actions",
"selectAction": "Select actions",
"hint": "Rules will be applied in order. Drag and drop to reorder.",
"test": "Test rules"
"service": {
"intro": "Sync across devices with RSS services.",
"select": "Select a service",
"suggest": "Suggest a new service",
"overwriteWarning": "Local sources will be deleted if they exist in the service.",
"groupsWarning": "Groups aren't automatically synced with the service.",
"rateLimitWarning": "To avoid rate limiting, you need to create your own API Key.",
"removeAd": "Remove Ad",
"endpoint": "Endpoint",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"unchanged": "Unchanged",
"fetchLimit": "Sync limit",
"fetchLimitNum": "{count} latest articles",
"importGroups": "Import groups",
"failure": "Cannot connect to service",
"failureHint": "Please check the service configuration or network status.",
"fetchUnlimited": "Unlimited (not recommended)",
"exportToLite": "Export to Fluent Reader Lite"
"app": {
"cleanup": "Clean up",
"cache": "Clear cache",
"cacheSize": "Cached {size} of data",
"deleteChoices": "Delete articles from ... days ago",
"confirmDelete": "Delete",
"daysAgo": "{days, plural, =1 {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"deleteAll": "Delete all articles",
"calculatingSize": "Calculating size...",
"itemSize": "Around {size} of local storage is occupied by articles",
"confirmImport": "Do you really want to import data from the backup file? All current data will be wiped.",
"data": "Application Data",
"backup": "Backup",
"restore": "Restore",
"frData": "Fluent Reader Data",
"language": "Display language",
"theme": "Theme",
"lightTheme": "Light mode",
"darkTheme": "Dark mode",
"enableProxy": "Enable Proxy",
"badUrl": "Invalid URL",
"pac": "PAC Address",
"setPac": "Set PAC",
"pacHint": "For Socks proxies, it is recommended for PAC to return \"SOCKS5\" for proxy-side DNS. Turning off proxy requires restart.",
"fetchInterval": "Automatic fetch interval",
"never": "Never"