
299 lines
10 KiB

import intl from "react-intl-universal"
import * as db from "../../db"
import lf from "lovefield"
import { ServiceHooks } from "../service"
import { ServiceConfigs, SyncService } from "../../../schema-types"
import { createSourceGroup } from "../group"
import { RSSSource } from "../source"
import { domParser } from "../../utils"
import { RSSItem } from "../item"
import { SourceRule } from "../rule"
export interface NextcloudConfigs extends ServiceConfigs {
type: SyncService.Nextcloud
endpoint: string
username: string
password: string
fetchLimit: number
lastModified?: number
lastId?: number
async function fetchAPI(configs: NextcloudConfigs, params: string) {
const headers = new Headers()
"Basic " + btoa(configs.username + ":" + configs.password)
return await fetch(configs.endpoint + params, { headers: headers })
async function markItems(
configs: NextcloudConfigs,
type: string,
method: string,
refs: number[]
) {
const headers = new Headers()
"Basic " + btoa(configs.username + ":" + configs.password)
headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
const promises = new Array<Promise<Response>>()
while (refs.length > 0) {
const batch = new Array<number>()
while (batch.length < 1000 && refs.length > 0) {
const bodyObject: any = {}
bodyObject["itemIds"] = batch
fetch(configs.endpoint + "/items/" + type + "/multiple", {
method: method,
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(bodyObject),
return await Promise.all(promises)
const APIError = () => new Error(intl.get("service.failure"))
export const nextcloudServiceHooks: ServiceHooks = {
authenticate: async (configs: NextcloudConfigs) => {
try {
const result = await fetchAPI(configs, "/version")
return result.status === 200
} catch {
return false
updateSources: () => async (dispatch, getState) => {
const configs = getState().service as NextcloudConfigs
const response = await fetchAPI(configs, "/feeds")
if (response.status !== 200) throw APIError()
const feeds = await response.json()
let groupsMap: Map<string, string>
let groupsByTagId: Map<string, string> = new Map()
if (configs.importGroups) {
const foldersResponse = await fetchAPI(configs, "/folders")
if (foldersResponse.status !== 200) throw APIError()
const folders = await foldersResponse.json()
const foldersSet = new Set<string>()
groupsMap = new Map()
for (let folder of folders.folders) {
const title = folder.name.trim()
if (!foldersSet.has(title)) {
groupsByTagId.set(String(folder.id), title)
const sources = feeds.feeds.map(s => {
const source = new RSSSource(s.url, s.title)
source.iconurl = s.faviconLink
source.serviceRef = String(s.id)
if (s.folderId && groupsByTagId.has(String(s.folderId))) {
return source
return [sources, groupsMap]
syncItems: () => async (_, getState) => {
const configs = getState().service as NextcloudConfigs
const [unreadResponse, starredResponse] = await Promise.all([
fetchAPI(configs, "/items?getRead=false&type=3&batchSize=-1"),
fetchAPI(configs, "/items?getRead=true&type=2&batchSize=-1"),
if (unreadResponse.status !== 200 || starredResponse.status !== 200)
throw APIError()
const unread = await unreadResponse.json()
const starred = await starredResponse.json()
return [
new Set(unread.items.map(i => String(i.id))),
new Set(starred.items.map(i => String(i.id))),
fetchItems: () => async (_, getState) => {
const state = getState()
const configs = state.service as NextcloudConfigs
let items = new Array()
configs.lastModified = configs.lastModified || 0
configs.lastId = configs.lastId || 0
let lastFetched: any
if (!configs.lastModified || configs.lastModified == 0) {
//first sync
let min = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
do {
const response = await fetchAPI(
"/items?getRead=true&type=3&batchSize=125&offset=" + min
if (response.status !== 200) throw APIError()
lastFetched = await response.json()
items = [...items, ...lastFetched.items]
min = lastFetched.items.reduce((m, n) => Math.min(m, n.id), min)
} while (
lastFetched.items &&
lastFetched.items.length >= 125 &&
items.length < configs.fetchLimit
} else {
//incremental sync
const response = await fetchAPI(
"/items/updated?lastModified=" +
configs.lastModified +
if (response.status !== 200) throw APIError()
lastFetched = (await response.json()).items
items.push(...lastFetched.filter(i => i.id > configs.lastId))
configs.lastModified = items.reduce(
(m, n) => Math.max(m, n.lastModified),
configs.lastId = items.reduce(
(m, n) => Math.max(m, n.id),
configs.lastModified++ //+1 to avoid fetching articles with same lastModified next time
if (items.length > 0) {
const fidMap = new Map<string, RSSSource>()
for (let source of Object.values(state.sources)) {
if (source.serviceRef) {
fidMap.set(source.serviceRef, source)
const parsedItems = new Array<RSSItem>()
items.forEach(i => {
if (i.body === null || i.url === null) return
const unreadItem = i.unread
const starredItem = i.starred
const source = fidMap.get(String(i.feedId))
const dom = domParser.parseFromString(i.body, "text/html")
const item = {
source: source.sid,
title: i.title,
link: i.url,
date: new Date(i.pubDate * 1000),
fetchedDate: new Date(),
content: i.body,
snippet: dom.documentElement.textContent.trim(),
creator: i.author,
hasRead: !i.unread,
starred: i.starred,
hidden: false,
notify: false,
serviceRef: String(i.id),
} as RSSItem
if (i.enclosureLink) {
item.thumb = i.enclosureLink
} else {
let baseEl = dom.createElement("base")
item.link.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/")
let img = dom.querySelector("img")
if (img && img.src) item.thumb = img.src
// Apply rules and sync back to the service
if (source.rules) SourceRule.applyAll(source.rules, item)
if (unreadItem && item.hasRead)
item.hasRead ? "read" : "unread",
if (starredItem !== Boolean(item.starred))
item.starred ? "star" : "unstar",
return [parsedItems, configs]
} else {
return [[], configs]
markAllRead: (sids, date, before) => async (_, getState) => {
const state = getState()
const configs = state.service as NextcloudConfigs
const predicates: lf.Predicate[] = [
if (date) {
before ? db.items.date.lte(date) : db.items.date.gte(date)
const query = lf.op.and.apply(null, predicates)
const rows = await db.itemsDB
const refs = rows.map(row => parseInt(row["serviceRef"]))
markItems(configs, "unread", "POST", refs)
markRead: (item: RSSItem) => async (_, getState) => {
await markItems(
getState().service as NextcloudConfigs,
markUnread: (item: RSSItem) => async (_, getState) => {
await markItems(
getState().service as NextcloudConfigs,
star: (item: RSSItem) => async (_, getState) => {
await markItems(
getState().service as NextcloudConfigs,
unstar: (item: RSSItem) => async (_, getState) => {
await markItems(
getState().service as NextcloudConfigs,