import * as db from "../db" import lf from "lovefield" import { SourceActionTypes, INIT_SOURCES, ADD_SOURCE, DELETE_SOURCE, UNHIDE_SOURCE, HIDE_SOURCE, } from "./source" import { ItemActionTypes, FETCH_ITEMS, RSSItem, TOGGLE_HIDDEN, applyItemReduction, } from "./item" import { ActionStatus, AppThunk, mergeSortedArrays } from "../utils" import { PageActionTypes, SELECT_PAGE, PageType, APPLY_FILTER } from "./page" export enum FilterType { None, ShowRead = 1 << 0, ShowNotStarred = 1 << 1, ShowHidden = 1 << 2, FullSearch = 1 << 3, CaseInsensitive = 1 << 4, CreatorSearch = 1 << 5, Default = ShowRead | ShowNotStarred, UnreadOnly = ShowNotStarred, StarredOnly = ShowRead, Toggles = ShowHidden | FullSearch | CaseInsensitive, } export class FeedFilter { type: FilterType search: string constructor(type: FilterType = null, search = "") { if ( type === null && (type = window.settings.getFilterType()) === null ) { type = FilterType.Default | FilterType.CaseInsensitive } this.type = type = search } static toPredicates(filter: FeedFilter) { let type = filter.type const predicates = new Array() if (!(type & FilterType.ShowRead)) predicates.push(db.items.hasRead.eq(false)) if (!(type & FilterType.ShowNotStarred)) predicates.push(db.items.starred.eq(true)) if (!(type & FilterType.ShowHidden)) predicates.push(db.items.hidden.eq(false)) if ( !== "") { const flags = type & FilterType.CaseInsensitive ? "i" : "" const regex = RegExp(, flags) if (type & FilterType.FullSearch) { predicates.push( lf.op.or( db.items.title.match(regex), db.items.snippet.match(regex) ) ) } else { predicates.push(db.items.title.match(regex)) } } return predicates } static testItem(filter: FeedFilter, item: RSSItem) { let type = filter.type let flag = true if (!(type & FilterType.ShowRead)) flag = flag && !item.hasRead if (!(type & FilterType.ShowNotStarred)) flag = flag && item.starred if (!(type & FilterType.ShowHidden)) flag = flag && !item.hidden if ( !== "") { const flags = type & FilterType.CaseInsensitive ? "i" : "" const regex = RegExp(, flags) if (type & FilterType.FullSearch) { flag = flag && (regex.test(item.title) || regex.test(item.snippet)) } else if (type & FilterType.CreatorSearch) { flag = flag && regex.test(item.creator || "") } else { flag = flag && regex.test(item.title) } } return Boolean(flag) } } export const ALL = "ALL" export const SOURCE = "SOURCE" const LOAD_QUANTITY = 50 export class RSSFeed { _id: string loaded: boolean loading: boolean allLoaded: boolean sids: number[] iids: number[] filter: FeedFilter constructor(id: string = null, sids = [], filter = null) { this._id = id this.sids = sids this.iids = [] this.loaded = false this.allLoaded = false this.filter = filter === null ? new FeedFilter() : filter } static async loadFeed(feed: RSSFeed, skip = 0): Promise { const predicates = FeedFilter.toPredicates(feed.filter) predicates.push( return (await db.itemsDB .select() .from(db.items) .where(lf.op.and.apply(null, predicates)) .orderBy(, lf.Order.DESC) .skip(skip) .limit(LOAD_QUANTITY) .exec()) as RSSItem[] } } export type FeedState = { [_id: string]: RSSFeed } export const INIT_FEEDS = "INIT_FEEDS" export const INIT_FEED = "INIT_FEED" export const LOAD_MORE = "LOAD_MORE" export const DISMISS_ITEMS = "DISMISS_ITEMS" interface initFeedsAction { type: typeof INIT_FEEDS status: ActionStatus } interface initFeedAction { type: typeof INIT_FEED status: ActionStatus feed?: RSSFeed items?: RSSItem[] err? } interface loadMoreAction { type: typeof LOAD_MORE status: ActionStatus feed: RSSFeed items?: RSSItem[] err? } interface dismissItemsAction { type: typeof DISMISS_ITEMS fid: string iids: Set } export type FeedActionTypes = | initFeedAction | initFeedsAction | loadMoreAction | dismissItemsAction export function dismissItems(): AppThunk { return (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState() let fid = let filter = state.feeds[fid].filter let iids = new Set() for (let iid of state.feeds[fid].iids) { let item = state.items[iid] if (!FeedFilter.testItem(filter, item)) { iids.add(iid) } } dispatch({ type: DISMISS_ITEMS, fid: fid, iids: iids, }) } } export function initFeedsRequest(): FeedActionTypes { return { type: INIT_FEEDS, status: ActionStatus.Request, } } export function initFeedsSuccess(): FeedActionTypes { return { type: INIT_FEEDS, status: ActionStatus.Success, } } export function initFeedSuccess( feed: RSSFeed, items: RSSItem[] ): FeedActionTypes { return { type: INIT_FEED, status: ActionStatus.Success, items: items, feed: feed, } } export function initFeedFailure(err): FeedActionTypes { return { type: INIT_FEED, status: ActionStatus.Failure, err: err, } } export function initFeeds(force = false): AppThunk> { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(initFeedsRequest()) let promises = new Array>() for (let feed of Object.values(getState().feeds)) { if (!feed.loaded || force) { let p = RSSFeed.loadFeed(feed) .then(items => { dispatch(initFeedSuccess(feed, items)) }) .catch(err => { console.log(err) dispatch(initFeedFailure(err)) }) promises.push(p) } } return Promise.allSettled(promises).then(() => { dispatch(initFeedsSuccess()) }) } } export function loadMoreRequest(feed: RSSFeed): FeedActionTypes { return { type: LOAD_MORE, status: ActionStatus.Request, feed: feed, } } export function loadMoreSuccess( feed: RSSFeed, items: RSSItem[] ): FeedActionTypes { return { type: LOAD_MORE, status: ActionStatus.Success, feed: feed, items: items, } } export function loadMoreFailure(feed: RSSFeed, err): FeedActionTypes { return { type: LOAD_MORE, status: ActionStatus.Failure, feed: feed, err: err, } } export function loadMore(feed: RSSFeed): AppThunk> { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (feed.loaded && !feed.loading && !feed.allLoaded) { dispatch(loadMoreRequest(feed)) const state = getState() const skipNum = feed.iids.filter(i => FeedFilter.testItem(feed.filter, state.items[i]) ).length return RSSFeed.loadFeed(feed, skipNum) .then(items => { dispatch(loadMoreSuccess(feed, items)) }) .catch(e => { console.log(e) dispatch(loadMoreFailure(feed, e)) }) } return new Promise((_, reject) => { reject() }) } } export function feedReducer( state: FeedState = { [ALL]: new RSSFeed(ALL) }, action: | SourceActionTypes | ItemActionTypes | FeedActionTypes | PageActionTypes ): FeedState { switch (action.type) { case INIT_SOURCES: switch (action.status) { case ActionStatus.Success: return { ...state, [ALL]: new RSSFeed( ALL, Object.values(action.sources) .filter(s => !s.hidden) .map(s => s.sid) ), } default: return state } case ADD_SOURCE: case UNHIDE_SOURCE: switch (action.status) { case ActionStatus.Success: return { ...state, [ALL]: new RSSFeed( ALL, [...state[ALL].sids, action.source.sid], state[ALL].filter ), } default: return state } case DELETE_SOURCE: case HIDE_SOURCE: { let nextState = {} for (let [id, feed] of Object.entries(state)) { nextState[id] = new RSSFeed( id, feed.sids.filter(sid => sid != action.source.sid), feed.filter ) } return nextState } case APPLY_FILTER: { let nextState = {} for (let [id, feed] of Object.entries(state)) { nextState[id] = { ...feed, filter: action.filter, } } return nextState } case FETCH_ITEMS: switch (action.status) { case ActionStatus.Success: { let nextState = { ...state } for (let feed of Object.values(state)) { if (feed.loaded) { let items = action.items.filter( i => feed.sids.includes(i.source) && FeedFilter.testItem(feed.filter, i) ) if (items.length > 0) { let oldItems = id => action.itemState[id] ) let nextItems = mergeSortedArrays( oldItems, items, (a, b) => - ) nextState[feed._id] = { ...feed, iids: => i._id), } } } } return nextState } default: return state } case DISMISS_ITEMS: let nextState = { ...state } let feed = state[action.fid] nextState[action.fid] = { ...feed, iids: feed.iids.filter(iid => !action.iids.has(iid)), } return nextState case INIT_FEED: switch (action.status) { case ActionStatus.Success: return { ...state, [action.feed._id]: { ...action.feed, loaded: true, allLoaded: action.items.length < LOAD_QUANTITY, iids: => i._id), }, } default: return state } case LOAD_MORE: switch (action.status) { case ActionStatus.Request: return { ...state, [action.feed._id]: { ...action.feed, loading: true, }, } case ActionStatus.Success: return { ...state, [action.feed._id]: { ...action.feed, loading: false, allLoaded: action.items.length < LOAD_QUANTITY, iids: [ ...action.feed.iids, => i._id), ], }, } case ActionStatus.Failure: return { ...state, [action.feed._id]: { ...action.feed, loading: false, }, } default: return state } case TOGGLE_HIDDEN: { let nextItem = applyItemReduction(action.item, action.type) let filteredFeeds = Object.values(state).filter( feed => feed.loaded && !FeedFilter.testItem(feed.filter, nextItem) ) if (filteredFeeds.length > 0) { let nextState = { ...state } for (let feed of filteredFeeds) { nextState[feed._id] = { ...feed, iids: feed.iids.filter(id => id != nextItem._id), } } return nextState } else { return state } } case SELECT_PAGE: switch (action.pageType) { case PageType.Sources: return { ...state, [SOURCE]: new RSSFeed( SOURCE, action.sids, action.filter ), } case PageType.AllArticles: return action.init ? { ...state, [ALL]: { ...state[ALL], loaded: false, filter: action.filter, }, } : state default: return state } default: return state } }