A:Yes, you can customize which feeds to sync here: feed list -> Subscription. And you can also customize whether to download the images, whether to download the full text, whether to display image title.
A:Network problems are likely to occur during the synchronization process, resulting in the termination of the synchronization.
A:It may be a problem, you can try clearing the cache, and then re-sync.
SubscribeA:You can find a subscrib menu in feed list -> Subscription. And then you can search feed by title or url.
ViewA:You can enable them in Settings -> Control.
A:Click arrow icon, it will show all feeds.
OthersA:keep unread just keep unread locally, will not be synchronized to the server. If you clear cache, logout or reinstall the application, you will not be able to retrieve records which keep unread. So temporary use keep unread only.
A:You need enale the service which you want in Settings -> Services first.
A:Yes, you can enable it in Settings -> Control.
A:You can try to disable the handedless in Settings -> Control -> Handedless.
A:By default, all automatic network operations will be carried out under wifi network. You can find the related settings in Settings -> Sync and Settings -> User Interface.
A:If enabled, all feeds will be synchronized. This means that you setted some feeds disable sync will still sync.