A:Yes, you can customize which feeds to sync here: `feed list` -> `Subscription`. And you can also customize whether to download the images, whether to download the full text, whether to display image title.
A:`Sync` will synchronize all you feeds, and including download images and web pages. But `Refresh` just trigger by pull down the article list. So it just synchronize the current category/feed. Of course if the current list is all items, it will synchronize all your feeds. And `Refresh` won't download images and web pages.
### Q:Why are the articles that I have read gone? And be deleted?
A:By default, FeedMe will hide articles that have been read. You can switch the display of `unread articles` and `all articles` through the `⭕️` icon in the article list page.
### Q:Can't show thumbnails, but if open article and back, thumbnails show, why?
A:Because InoReader does not support thumbnails for 3rd party app, but Feedly supports. After download images for one article, FeedMe will select one image as thumbnail for InoReader account. So you can't get thumbnail, but once open article, FeedMe downloads all images, and thumbnail can show when back to list.
Another tip, if images downloaded when aotu sync, the thumbnail can show without opening article first.
A:`keep unread` just keep unread locally, will not be synchronized to the server. If you clear cache, logout or reinstall the application, you will not be able to retrieve records which keep unread. So temporary use keep unread only.
A:By default, all automatic network operations will be carried out under wifi network. You can find the related settings in `Settings` -> `Sync` -> `Traffic`.