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synced 2025-03-13 09:40:15 +01:00
Update license headers (fix duplicates) and contributors list
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,68 +27,90 @@
* Daniele Gobbetti <daniele+github@gobbetti.name>
* João Paulo Barraca <jpbarraca@gmail.com>
* Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@gmail.com>
* Jonas <jonasdcdm@posteo.net>
* Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>
* postsorino <postsorino@krutt.org>
* Jonas <jonasdcdm@posteo.net>
* Roi Greenberg <roigreenberg@gmail.com>
* Sebastian Kranz <tklightforce@googlemail.com>
* Vadim Kaushan <admin@disasm.info>
* Allan Nordhøy <epost@anotheragency.no>
* protomors <protomors@gmail.com>
* José Rebelo <joserebelo@outlook.com>
* mesnevi <shams@airpost.net>
* naofum <naofum@gmail.com>
* youzhiran <2668760098@qq.com>
* TaaviE <taavi.eomae+weblate@gmail.com>
* mueller-ma <mueller-ma@users.noreply.github.com>
* ivanovlev <ivanovlev@mail.ru>
* naofum <naofum@gmail.com>
* youzhiran <2668760098@qq.com>
* Tijl Schepens <tijl.schepens@hotmail.com>
* mesnevi <shams@airpost.net>
* Hadrián Candela <hadrian.candela@gmail.com>
* Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie@inuits.eu>
* Andreas Böhler <dev@aboehler.at>
* 陈少举 <oshirisu.red@gmail.com>
* Taavi Eomäe <taavi.eomae+github@gmail.com>
* Steffen Liebergeld <perl@gmx.org>
* Lem Dulfo <lemuel.dulfo@gmail.com>
* Hadrián Candela <hadrian.candela@gmail.com>
* Felix Konstantin Maurer <maufl@maufl.de>
* Sergey Trofimov <sarg@sarg.org.ru>
* Robert Barat <rbarat07@gmail.com>
* Pavel Elagin <pelagin@techcd.ru>
* Lem Dulfo <lemuel.dulfo@gmail.com>
* Matthieu Baerts <matttbe@gmail.com>
* Felix Konstantin Maurer <maufl@maufl.de>
* Utsob Roy <uroybd@gmail.com>
* Sergey Trofimov <sarg@sarg.org.ru>
* Full Name <petr+weblate@linuks.cz>
* Robert Barat <rbarat07@gmail.com>
* JohnnySun <bmy001@gmail.com>
* Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de>
* Kranz <Kranz>
* Gilles Émilien MOREL <contact@gilles-morel.fr>
* Edoardo Rosa <edoardo.rosa90@gmail.com>
* Bożydar <trening302@o2.pl>
* Alberto <albertsal83@gmail.com>
* Vladislav Serkov <vladserkoff@protonmail.com>
* Vebryn <vebryn@gmail.com>
* Gilles Émilien MOREL <contact@gilles-morel.fr>
* M. Hadi <hhhadddi@yahoo.com>
* Giuseppe Caliendo <giuseppe.caliendo@gmail.com>
* Gergely Peidl <gergely@peidl.net>
* Emre <wenigerpluesch@mailbox.org>
* Bożydar <trening302@o2.pl>
* Elwood <elwood21@gmail.com>
* AndrewBedscastle <1462953+AndrewBedscastle@users.noreply.github.com>
* abettenburg <a.bettenburg@gmail.com>
* 0nse <0nse@users.noreply.github.com>
* Максим Якимчук <xpinovo@gmail.com>
* Rimas Raguliūnas <rarimas@gmail.com>
* nautilusx <mail.ka@mailbox.org>
* Minori Hiraoka (미노리) <minori@mnetwork.co.kr>
* masakoodaa <masakoodaa@protonmail.com>
* Marius Cornescu <marius_cornescu@yahoo.com>
* Lukas Veneziano <fs@venezilu.de>
* LL <lu.lecocq@free.fr>
* Kompact <joaorafael123@hotmail.com>
* K0L0B0G <github@gorobav.ru>
* Johann C. Rode <jcrode@ece.ucsb.edu>
* Jasper <jespiex456@hotmail.com>
* Dikay900 <dark900@xyz.de>
* Christian Fischer <sw-dev@computerlyrik.de>
* c4ndel4 <hadrian.candela@gmail.com>
* 6arms1leg <m.brnsfld@googlemail.com>
* Zhong Jianxin <azuwis@gmail.com>
* walkjivefly <mark@walkjivefly.com>
* WaldiS <admin@sto.ugu.pl>
* Thomas <tutonis@gmail.com>
* Ted Stein <me@tedstein.net>
* ssantos <ssantos@web.de>
* Sebastian Obrusiewicz <sobrus2@o2.pl>
* Ranved Sticon <the7bulk@gmail.com>
* petronovak <petro.novak@gmail.com>
* Petr Kadlec <mormegil@centrum.cz>
* Pascal <pascal.tannich@gmail.com>
* NotAFIle <nota@notafile.com>
* Normano64 <per.bergqwist@gmail.com>
* NicoBuntu <nicolas__du95@hotmail.fr>
* Minori Hiraoka (미노리) <minori@mnetwork.co.kr>
* Moarc <aldwulf@gmail.com>
* Michal Novotny <mignov@gmail.com>
* Martin <ritualz@users.noreply.github.com>
* LL <lu.lecocq@free.fr>
* Louis-Marie Croisez <louis.croisez@gmail.com>
* Jesús <zaagur@gmail.com>
* Irul <wedesignthing@gmail.com>
* HenRy <helge1o1o1@gmail.com>
* exit-failure <hakrala@web.de>
* Dreamwalker <aristojeff@gmail.com>
* Denis <korden@sky-play.ru>
* Avamander <Avamander@users.noreply.github.com>
* AnthonyDiGirolamo <anthony.digirolamo@gmail.com>
@ -98,26 +120,32 @@
* Yar <yaroslav.isakov@gmail.com>
* xzovy <caleb@caleb-cooper.net>
* xphnx <xphnx@users.noreply.github.com>
* Xavier RENE-CORAIL <xavier.renecorail@gmail.com>
* Vitaliy Shuruta <vshuruta@gmail.com>
* Vincèn PUJOL <vincen@vincen.org>
* veecue <veecue@ventos.tk>
* Tomer Rosenfeld <tomerosenfeld007@gmail.com>
* Tomas Radej <tradej@redhat.com>
* tiparega <11555126+tiparega@users.noreply.github.com>
* Tarik Sekmen <tarik@ilixi.org>
* Szymon Tomasz Stefanek <s.stefanek@gmail.com>
* szilardx <15869670+szilardx@users.noreply.github.com>
* Stan Gomin <stan@gomin.me>
* SinMan <emilio.galvan@gmail.com>
* Sergio Lopez <slp@sinrega.org>
* S Dantas <dantasosteney@gmail.com>
* Sami Alaoui <4ndroidgeek@gmail.com>
* Roman Plevka <rplevka@redhat.com>
* rober <rober@prtl.nodomain.net>
* redking <redking974@gmail.com>
* Quallenauge <Hamsi2k@freenet.de>
* Pavel Motyrev <legioner.r@gmail.com>
* Pavel <elagin.pasha@gmail.com>
* Olexandr Nesterenko <olexn@ukr.net>
* Nicolò Balzarotti <anothersms@gmail.com>
* Natanael Arndt <arndtn@gmail.com>
* Nabil BENDAFI <nabil@bendafi.fr>
* Molnár Barnabás <nsd4rkn3ss@gmail.com>
* Moarc <aldwulf@gmail.com>
* Mike van Rossum <mike@vanrossum.net>
* Michal Novak <michal.novak@post.cz>
* michaelneu <git@michaeln.eu>
@ -142,9 +170,14 @@
* kalaee <alex.kalaee@gmail.com>
* Joseph Kim <official.jkim@gmail.com>
* jonnsoft <>
* Johannes Tysiak <vinyl@users.sf.net>
* jcrode <46062294+jcrode@users.noreply.github.com>
* Jan Lolek <janlolek@seznam.cz>
* Jakub Jelínek <jakub.jelinek@gmail.com>
* Ivan <ivan_tizhanin@mail.ru>
* Hüseyin Aslan <ha098784@gmail.com>
* hr-sales <hericsonregis@hotmail.com>
* Hirnchirurg <anonymous11@posteo.net>
* Hasan Ammar <ammarh@gmail.com>
* Grzegorz Dznsk <grantmlody96@gmail.com>
* Gilles MOREL <contact@gilles-morel.fr>
@ -152,7 +185,8 @@
* Gabe Schrecker <gabe@pbrb.co.uk>
* freezed-or-frozen <freezed.or.frozen@gmail.com>
* Frank Slezak <KazWolfe@users.noreply.github.com>
* Dreamwalker <aristojeff@gmail.com>
* Francesco Franchina <cescus92@gmail.com>
* Edoardo Tronconi <edoardo.tronconi@gmail.com>
* Dougal19 <4662351+Dougal19@users.noreply.github.com>
* Davis Mosenkovs <davikovs@gmail.com>
* Daniel Hauck <maill@dhauck.eu>
@ -164,14 +198,18 @@
* Carlos Ferreira <calbertoferreira@gmail.com>
* bucala <marcel.bucala@gmail.com>
* boun <boun@gmx.de>
* Benjamin Kahlau <nyhkkbjyek@roanapur.de>
* batataspt@gmail.com <batataspt@gmail.com>
* atkyritsis <at.kyritsis@gmail.com>
* apre <adrienpre+github@gmail.com>
* Aniruddha Adhikary <aniruddha@adhikary.net>
* andrewlytvyn <indusfreelancer@gmail.com>
* AndrewH <36428679+andrewheadricke@users.noreply.github.com>
* andre <andre.buesgen@yahoo.de>
* Allen B <28495335+Allen-B1@users.noreply.github.com>
* Alfeu Lucas Guedes dos Santos <alfeugds@gmail.com>
* Alexey Afanasev <avafanasiev@gmail.com>
* Alexandra Sevostyanova <asevostyanova@gmail.com>
And all the Transifex translators, which I cannot automatically list, at the moment.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Andreas Shimokawa, Carsten Pfeiffer, Daniele
Gobbetti, José Rebelo, Mormegil, protomors
Gobbetti, José Rebelo, Petr Kadlec, protomors
This file is part of Gadgetbridge.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Alberto, Andreas Shimokawa, Carsten Pfeiffer,
criogenic, dakhnod, Daniele Gobbetti, Frank Slezak, ivanovlev, José Rebelo,
Julien Pivotto, Kasha, Roi, Steffen Liebergeld
Julien Pivotto, Kasha, Roi Greenberg, Steffen Liebergeld
This file is part of Gadgetbridge.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Andreas Shimokawa, Carsten Pfeiffer, Matthieu
Baerts, Roi
Baerts, Roi Greenberg
This file is part of Gadgetbridge.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Andreas Shimokawa, Aniruddha Adhikary, Daniele
Gobbetti, ivanovlev, kalaee, lazarosfs, McSym28, M. Hadi, Roi, Roi Greenberg,
Gobbetti, ivanovlev, kalaee, lazarosfs, McSym28, M. Hadi, Roi Greenberg,
Ted Stein, Thomas, Yaron Shahrabani
This file is part of Gadgetbridge.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Andreas Shimokawa, Carsten Pfeiffer, Roi,
Roi Greenberg
/* Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Andreas Shimokawa, Carsten Pfeiffer, Roi Greenberg
This file is part of Gadgetbridge.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Carsten Pfeiffer, Daniele Gobbetti, João Paulo
Barraca, Roi
Barraca, Roi Greenberg
This file is part of Gadgetbridge.
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