remove homeless Bangle.js doc file - will do proper docs on Espruino site

This commit is contained in:
Gordon Williams 2019-12-09 10:18:09 +00:00
parent fb70da856a
commit 0952941d73

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
./gradlew assembleDebug
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Messages sent to Bangle.js from Phone
wrapped in `GB(json)\n`
* `t:"notify", id:int, src,title,subject,body,sender,tel:string` - new notification
* `t:"notify-", id:int` - delete notification
* `t:"alarm", d:[{h,m},...]` - set alarms
* `t:"find", n:bool` - findDevice
* `t:"vibrate", n:int` - vibrate
* `t:"weather", temp,hum,txt,wind,loc` - weather report
* `t:"musicstate", state,position,shuffle,repeat`
* `t:"musicinfo", artist,album,track,dur,c(track count),n(track num)`
Messages from Bangle.js to Phone
Just raw newline-terminated JSON lines:
* `t:"info", msg:"..."`
* `t:"warn", msg:"..."`
* `t:"error", msg:"..."`
* `t:"status", bat:0..100, volt:float(voltage)` - status update
* `t:"findPhone", n:bool`
* `t:"music", n:"play/pause/next/previous/volumeup/volumedown"`
* `t:"notify", id:int, n:"DISMISS,DISMISS_ALL/OPEN/MUTE/REPLY", `
* if `REPLY` can use `tel:string(optional), msg:string`