330 lines
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330 lines
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tobias Fella <fella@posteo.de>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Bart De Vries <bart@mogwai.be>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#include <QVariant>
#include "database.h"
#include "datamanager.h"
#include "entriesmodel.h"
#include "feed.h"
#include "fetcher.h"
Feed::Feed(const QString &feedurl)
: QObject(nullptr)
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM Feeds WHERE url=:feedurl;"));
query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":feedurl"), feedurl);
if (!query.next())
qWarning() << "Failed to load feed" << feedurl;
m_url = query.value(QStringLiteral("url")).toString();
m_name = query.value(QStringLiteral("name")).toString();
m_image = query.value(QStringLiteral("image")).toString();
m_link = query.value(QStringLiteral("link")).toString();
m_description = query.value(QStringLiteral("description")).toString();
m_deleteAfterCount = query.value(QStringLiteral("deleteAfterCount")).toInt();
m_deleteAfterType = query.value(QStringLiteral("deleteAfterType")).toInt();
m_notify = query.value(QStringLiteral("notify")).toBool();
m_errorId = 0;
m_errorString = QLatin1String("");
connect(&Fetcher::instance(), &Fetcher::startedFetchingFeed, this, [this](const QString &url) {
if (url == m_url) {
m_errorId = 0;
m_errorString = QString();
connect(&DataManager::instance(), &DataManager::feedEntriesUpdated, this, [this](const QString &url) {
if (url == m_url) {
Q_EMIT entryCountChanged();
Q_EMIT unreadEntryCountChanged();
connect(&Fetcher::instance(), &Fetcher::error, this, [this](const QString &url, const QString &id, int errorId, const QString &errorString) {
if (url == m_url) {
connect(&Fetcher::instance(), &Fetcher::feedUpdateFinished, this, [this](const QString &url) {
if (url == m_url) {
connect(&Fetcher::instance(), &Fetcher::downloadFinished, this, [this](QString url) {
if (url == m_image) {
Q_EMIT imageChanged(url);
Q_EMIT cachedImageChanged(cachedImage());
m_entries = new EntriesModel(this);
void Feed::updateAuthors()
QVector<Author *> newAuthors;
bool haveAuthorsChanged = false;
QSqlQuery authorQuery;
authorQuery.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE id='' AND feed=:feed"));
authorQuery.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":feed"), m_url);
while (authorQuery.next()) {
// check if author already exists, if so, then reuse
bool existingAuthor = false;
QString name = authorQuery.value(QStringLiteral("name")).toString();
QString email = authorQuery.value(QStringLiteral("email")).toString();
QString url = authorQuery.value(QStringLiteral("uri")).toString();
// qDebug() << name << email << url;
for (int i = 0; i < m_authors.count(); i++) {
// qDebug() << "old authors" << m_authors[i]->name() << m_authors[i]->email() << m_authors[i]->url();
if (m_authors[i] && m_authors[i]->name() == name && m_authors[i]->email() == email && m_authors[i]->url() == url) {
existingAuthor = true;
newAuthors += m_authors[i];
if (!existingAuthor) {
newAuthors += new Author(name, email, url, nullptr);
haveAuthorsChanged = true;
// Finally check whether m_authors and newAuthors are identical
// if not, then delete the authors that were removed
for (int i = 0; i < m_authors.count(); i++) {
if (!newAuthors.contains(m_authors[i])) {
delete m_authors[i];
haveAuthorsChanged = true;
m_authors = newAuthors;
if (haveAuthorsChanged)
Q_EMIT authorsChanged(m_authors);
// qDebug() << "feed" << m_name << "authors have changed?" << haveAuthorsChanged;
QString Feed::url() const
return m_url;
QString Feed::name() const
return m_name;
QString Feed::image() const
return m_image;
QString Feed::cachedImage() const
if (m_image.isEmpty()) {
return QStringLiteral("no-image");
} else {
QString imagePath = Fetcher::instance().image(m_image);
if (imagePath.isEmpty()) {
return QStringLiteral("fetching");
} else {
return QStringLiteral("file://") + imagePath;
QString Feed::link() const
return m_link;
QString Feed::description() const
return m_description;
QVector<Author *> Feed::authors() const
return m_authors;
int Feed::deleteAfterCount() const
return m_deleteAfterCount;
int Feed::deleteAfterType() const
return m_deleteAfterType;
QDateTime Feed::subscribed() const
return m_subscribed;
QDateTime Feed::lastUpdated() const
return m_lastUpdated;
bool Feed::notify() const
return m_notify;
int Feed::entryCount() const
return DataManager::instance().entryCount(this);
int Feed::unreadEntryCount() const
return DataManager::instance().unreadEntryCount(this);
int Feed::newEntryCount() const
return DataManager::instance().newEntryCount(this);
bool Feed::refreshing() const
return m_refreshing;
int Feed::errorId() const
return m_errorId;
QString Feed::errorString() const
return m_errorString;
void Feed::setName(const QString &name)
if (name != m_name) {
m_name = name;
Q_EMIT nameChanged(m_name);
void Feed::setImage(const QString &image)
if (image != m_image) {
m_image = image;
Q_EMIT imageChanged(m_image);
Q_EMIT cachedImageChanged(cachedImage());
void Feed::setLink(const QString &link)
if (link != m_link) {
m_link = link;
Q_EMIT linkChanged(m_link);
void Feed::setDescription(const QString &description)
if (description != m_description) {
m_description = description;
Q_EMIT descriptionChanged(m_description);
void Feed::setAuthors(const QVector<Author *> &authors)
for (auto &author : m_authors) {
delete author;
m_authors = authors;
Q_EMIT authorsChanged(m_authors);
void Feed::setDeleteAfterCount(int count)
m_deleteAfterCount = count;
Q_EMIT deleteAfterCountChanged(m_deleteAfterCount);
void Feed::setDeleteAfterType(int type)
m_deleteAfterType = type;
Q_EMIT deleteAfterTypeChanged(m_deleteAfterType);
void Feed::setLastUpdated(const QDateTime &lastUpdated)
if (lastUpdated != m_lastUpdated) {
m_lastUpdated = lastUpdated;
Q_EMIT lastUpdatedChanged(m_lastUpdated);
void Feed::setNotify(bool notify)
if (notify != m_notify) {
m_notify = notify;
Q_EMIT notifyChanged(m_notify);
void Feed::setRefreshing(bool refreshing)
if (refreshing != m_refreshing) {
m_refreshing = refreshing;
Q_EMIT refreshingChanged(m_refreshing);
void Feed::setErrorId(int errorId)
if (errorId != m_errorId) {
m_errorId = errorId;
Q_EMIT errorIdChanged(m_errorId);
void Feed::setErrorString(const QString &errorString)
if (errorString != m_errorString) {
m_errorString = errorString;
Q_EMIT errorStringChanged(m_errorString);
void Feed::refresh()