Bart De Vries c3ca038af7 Implement backend to allow Feed list sort and search
The current list of things to sort on (ascending and descending), includes:
- unplayed episodes
- new episodes
- favorite episodes
- title (alphabetical)
For the first three categories, the value of the sort quantity will be shown
in the upper right corner of the delegate.

BUG: 471012
CCBUG: 459885
2023-07-27 09:24:03 +00:00

139 lines
4.9 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tobias Fella <tobias.fella@kde.org>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Bart De Vries <bart@mogwai.be>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#pragma once
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>
#include "author.h"
#include "models/entriesproxymodel.h"
class Feed : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString image READ image WRITE setImage NOTIFY imageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString cachedImage READ cachedImage NOTIFY cachedImageChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString link READ link WRITE setLink NOTIFY linkChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description WRITE setDescription NOTIFY descriptionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVector<Author *> authors READ authors WRITE setAuthors NOTIFY authorsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool refreshing READ refreshing WRITE setRefreshing NOTIFY refreshingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int deleteAfterCount READ deleteAfterCount WRITE setDeleteAfterCount NOTIFY deleteAfterCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int deleteAfterType READ deleteAfterType WRITE setDeleteAfterType NOTIFY deleteAfterTypeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime subscribed READ subscribed CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime lastUpdated READ lastUpdated WRITE setLastUpdated NOTIFY lastUpdatedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool notify READ notify WRITE setNotify NOTIFY notifyChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString dirname READ dirname WRITE setDirname NOTIFY dirnameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int entryCount READ entryCount NOTIFY entryCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int unreadEntryCount READ unreadEntryCount WRITE setUnreadEntryCount NOTIFY unreadEntryCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int newEntryCount READ newEntryCount NOTIFY newEntryCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int favoriteEntryCount READ favoriteEntryCount NOTIFY favoriteEntryCountChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int errorId READ errorId WRITE setErrorId NOTIFY errorIdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString errorString READ errorString WRITE setErrorString NOTIFY errorStringChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(EntriesProxyModel *entries MEMBER m_entries CONSTANT)
Feed(const QString &feedurl);
void updateAuthors();
QString url() const;
QString name() const;
QString image() const;
QString cachedImage() const;
QString link() const;
QString description() const;
QVector<Author *> authors() const;
int deleteAfterCount() const;
int deleteAfterType() const;
QDateTime subscribed() const;
QDateTime lastUpdated() const;
bool notify() const;
QString dirname() const;
int entryCount() const;
int unreadEntryCount() const;
int newEntryCount() const;
int favoriteEntryCount() const;
bool read() const;
int errorId() const;
QString errorString() const;
bool refreshing() const;
void setName(const QString &name);
void setImage(const QString &image);
void setLink(const QString &link);
void setDescription(const QString &description);
void setAuthors(const QVector<Author *> &authors);
void setDeleteAfterCount(int count);
void setDeleteAfterType(int type);
void setLastUpdated(const QDateTime &lastUpdated);
void setNotify(bool notify);
void setDirname(const QString &dirname);
void setUnreadEntryCount(const int count);
void setRefreshing(bool refreshing);
void setErrorId(int errorId);
void setErrorString(const QString &errorString);
Q_INVOKABLE void refresh();
void nameChanged(const QString &name);
void imageChanged(const QString &image);
void cachedImageChanged(const QString &imagePath);
void linkChanged(const QString &link);
void descriptionChanged(const QString &description);
void authorsChanged(const QVector<Author *> &authors);
void deleteAfterCountChanged(int count);
void deleteAfterTypeChanged(int type);
void lastUpdatedChanged(const QDateTime &lastUpdated);
void notifyChanged(bool notify);
void dirnameChanged(const QString &dirname);
void entryCountChanged();
void unreadEntryCountChanged();
void newEntryCountChanged();
void favoriteEntryCountChanged();
void errorIdChanged(int &errorId);
void errorStringChanged(const QString &errorString);
void refreshingChanged(bool refreshing);
void updateUnreadEntryCountFromDB();
void updateNewEntryCountFromDB();
void updateFavoriteEntryCountFromDB();
QString m_url;
QString m_name;
QString m_image;
QString m_link;
QString m_description;
QVector<Author *> m_authors;
int m_deleteAfterCount;
int m_deleteAfterType;
QDateTime m_subscribed;
QDateTime m_lastUpdated;
bool m_notify;
QString m_dirname;
int m_errorId;
QString m_errorString;
int m_unreadEntryCount = -1;
int m_newEntryCount = -1;
int m_favoriteEntryCount = -1;
EntriesProxyModel *m_entries;
bool m_refreshing = false;