167 lines
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167 lines
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Tobias Fella <tobias.fella@kde.org>
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Bart De Vries <bart@mogwai.be>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <KFormat>
#include "error.h"
#include "sync/syncutils.h"
namespace QKeychain
class WritePasswordJob;
class DeletePasswordJob;
class GPodder;
class Sync : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool syncEnabled READ syncEnabled WRITE setSyncEnabled NOTIFY syncEnabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString username READ username NOTIFY credentialsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString password READ password WRITE setPassword NOTIFY credentialsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString device READ device WRITE setDevice NOTIFY deviceChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString deviceName READ deviceName WRITE setDeviceName NOTIFY deviceNameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString hostname READ hostname WRITE setHostname NOTIFY hostnameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(SyncUtils::Provider provider READ provider WRITE setProvider NOTIFY providerChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString suggestedDevice READ suggestedDevice CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString suggestedDeviceName READ suggestedDeviceName CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QVector<SyncUtils::Device> deviceList READ deviceList NOTIFY deviceListReceived)
Q_PROPERTY(SyncUtils::SyncStatus syncStatus MEMBER m_syncStatus NOTIFY syncProgressChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int syncProgress MEMBER m_syncProgress NOTIFY syncProgressChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int syncProgressTotal MEMBER m_syncProgressTotal CONSTANT)
Q_PROPERTY(QString syncProgressText MEMBER m_syncProgressText NOTIFY syncProgressChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString lastSuccessfulDownloadSync READ lastSuccessfulDownloadSync NOTIFY syncProgressChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString lastSuccessfulUploadSync READ lastSuccessfulUploadSync NOTIFY syncProgressChanged)
static Sync &instance()
static Sync _instance;
return _instance;
static Sync *create(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *)
engine->setObjectOwnership(&instance(), QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
return &instance();
bool syncEnabled() const;
QString username() const;
QString password() const;
QString device() const;
QString deviceName() const;
QString hostname() const;
SyncUtils::Provider provider() const;
QString lastSuccessfulSync(const QStringList &matchingLabels = {}) const;
QString lastSuccessfulDownloadSync() const;
QString lastSuccessfulUploadSync() const;
QString suggestedDevice() const;
QString suggestedDeviceName() const;
QVector<SyncUtils::Device> deviceList() const;
void setSyncEnabled(bool status);
void setPassword(const QString &password);
void setDevice(const QString &device);
void setDeviceName(const QString &deviceName);
void setHostname(const QString &hostname);
void setProvider(const SyncUtils::Provider provider);
Q_INVOKABLE void login(const QString &username, const QString &password);
Q_INVOKABLE void retrieveCredentialsFromConfig();
Q_INVOKABLE void logout();
Q_INVOKABLE void registerNewDevice(const QString &id, const QString &caption, const QString &type = QStringLiteral("other"));
Q_INVOKABLE void linkUpAllDevices();
void doSync(SyncUtils::SyncStatus status, bool forceFetchAll = false); // base method for syncing
Q_INVOKABLE void doRegularSync(bool forceFetchAll = false); // regular sync; can be forced to update all feeds
Q_INVOKABLE void doForceSync(); // force a full re-sync with the server; discarding local eposide acions
Q_INVOKABLE void doSyncPushAll(); // upload all local episode states to the server; this will likely overwrite all actions stored on the server
Q_INVOKABLE void doQuickSync(); // only upload pending local episode actions; intended to be run directly after an episode action has been created
// Next are some generic methods to store and apply local changes to be synced
void storeAddFeedAction(const QString &url);
void storeRemoveFeedAction(const QString &url);
void storePlayEpisodeAction(const QString &id, const qulonglong started, const qulonglong position);
void storePlayedEpisodeAction(const QString &id);
void applySubscriptionChangesLocally(const QStringList &addList, const QStringList &removeList);
void applyEpisodeActionsLocally(const QHash<QString, QHash<QString, SyncUtils::EpisodeAction>> &episodeActionHash);
void syncEnabledChanged();
void credentialsChanged();
void deviceChanged();
void deviceNameChanged();
void hostnameChanged();
void providerChanged();
void deviceCreated();
void passwordSaveFinished(bool success);
void passwordRetrievalFinished(QString password);
void passwordInputRequired();
void loginSucceeded();
void deviceListReceived();
void error(Error::Type type, const QString &url, const QString &id, const int errorId, const QString &errorString, const QString &title);
void syncProgressChanged();
void abortSync();
void clearSettings();
void savePasswordToKeyChain(const QString &username, const QString &password);
void savePasswordToFile(const QString &username, const QString &password);
void retrievePasswordFromKeyChain(const QString &username);
QString retrievePasswordFromFile(const QString &username);
void deletePasswordFromKeychain(const QString &username);
void retrieveAllLocalEpisodeStates();
void onWriteDummyJobFinished(QKeychain::WritePasswordJob *writeDummyJob, const QString &username);
void onWritePasswordJobFinished(QKeychain::WritePasswordJob *job, const QString &username, const QString &password);
void onDeleteJobFinished(QKeychain::DeletePasswordJob *deleteJob, const QString &username);
GPodder *m_gpodder = nullptr;
bool m_syncEnabled;
QString m_username;
QString m_password;
QString m_device;
QString m_deviceName;
QString m_hostname;
SyncUtils::Provider m_provider;
QVector<SyncUtils::Device> m_deviceList;
KFormat m_kformat;
// variables needed for linkUpAllDevices()
QStringList m_syncUpAllSubscriptions;
int m_deviceResponses;
// internal variables used while syncing
bool m_allowSyncActionLogging = true;
// internal variables used for UI notifications
SyncUtils::SyncStatus m_syncStatus = SyncUtils::SyncStatus::NoSync;
int m_syncProgress = 0;
int m_syncProgressTotal = 7;
QString m_syncProgressText = QLatin1String("");