/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tobias Fella * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Bart De Vries * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ #include "entry.h" #include "entrylogging.h" #include #include #include #include "database.h" #include "datamanager.h" #include "feed.h" #include "fetcher.h" #include "settingsmanager.h" #include "sync/sync.h" Entry::Entry(Feed *feed, const QString &id) : QObject(&DataManager::instance()) , m_feed(feed) , m_id(id) { connect(&Fetcher::instance(), &Fetcher::downloadFinished, this, [this](QString url) { if (url == m_image) { Q_EMIT imageChanged(url); Q_EMIT cachedImageChanged(cachedImage()); } else if (m_image.isEmpty() && url == m_feed->image()) { Q_EMIT imageChanged(url); Q_EMIT cachedImageChanged(cachedImage()); } }); connect(&Fetcher::instance(), &Fetcher::entryUpdated, this, [this](const QString &url, const QString &id) { if ((m_feed->url() == url) && (m_id == id)) { updateFromDb(); } }); updateFromDb(false); } Entry::~Entry() { } void Entry::updateFromDb(bool emitSignals) { QSqlQuery entryQuery; entryQuery.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM Entries WHERE feed=:feed AND id=:id;")); entryQuery.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":feed"), m_feed->url()); entryQuery.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":id"), m_id); Database::instance().execute(entryQuery); if (!entryQuery.next()) { qWarning() << "No element with index" << m_id << "found in feed" << m_feed->url(); return; } setCreated(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("created")).toInt()), emitSignals); setUpdated(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("updated")).toInt()), emitSignals); setTitle(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("title")).toString(), emitSignals); setContent(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("content")).toString(), emitSignals); setLink(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("link")).toString(), emitSignals); if (m_read != entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("read")).toBool()) { m_read = entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("read")).toBool(); Q_EMIT readChanged(m_read); } if (m_new != entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("new")).toBool()) { m_new = entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("new")).toBool(); Q_EMIT newChanged(m_new); } if (m_favorite != entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("favorite")).toBool()) { m_favorite = entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("favorite")).toBool(); Q_EMIT favoriteChanged(m_favorite); } setHasEnclosure(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("hasEnclosure")).toBool(), emitSignals); setImage(entryQuery.value(QStringLiteral("image")).toString(), emitSignals); updateAuthors(emitSignals); } void Entry::updateAuthors(bool emitSignals) { QVector newAuthors; bool haveAuthorsChanged = false; QSqlQuery authorQuery; authorQuery.prepare(QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE id=:id AND feed=:feed;")); authorQuery.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":id"), m_id); authorQuery.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":feed"), m_feed->url()); Database::instance().execute(authorQuery); while (authorQuery.next()) { // check if author already exists, if so, then reuse bool existingAuthor = false; QString name = authorQuery.value(QStringLiteral("name")).toString(); QString email = authorQuery.value(QStringLiteral("email")).toString(); QString url = authorQuery.value(QStringLiteral("uri")).toString(); qCDebug(kastsEntry) << name << email << url; for (Author *author : m_authors) { if (author) qCDebug(kastsEntry) << "old authors" << author->name() << author->email() << author->url(); if (author && author->name() == name && author->email() == email && author->url() == url) { existingAuthor = true; newAuthors += author; } } if (!existingAuthor) { newAuthors += new Author(name, email, url, this); haveAuthorsChanged = true; } } // Finally check whether m_authors and newAuthors are identical // if not, then delete the authors that were removed for (Author *author : m_authors) { if (!newAuthors.contains(author)) { delete author; haveAuthorsChanged = true; } } m_authors = newAuthors; if (haveAuthorsChanged && emitSignals) { Q_EMIT authorsChanged(m_authors); qCDebug(kastsEntry) << "entry" << m_id << "authors have changed?" << haveAuthorsChanged; } } QString Entry::id() const { return m_id; } QString Entry::title() const { return m_title; } QString Entry::content() const { return m_content; } QVector Entry::authors() const { return m_authors; } QDateTime Entry::created() const { return m_created; } QDateTime Entry::updated() const { return m_updated; } QString Entry::link() const { return m_link; } bool Entry::read() const { return m_read; } bool Entry::getNew() const { return m_new; } bool Entry::favorite() const { return m_favorite; } QString Entry::baseUrl() const { return QUrl(m_link).adjusted(QUrl::RemovePath).toString(); } void Entry::setTitle(const QString &title, bool emitSignal) { if (m_title != title) { m_title = title; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT titleChanged(m_title); } } } void Entry::setContent(const QString &content, bool emitSignal) { if (m_content != content) { m_content = content; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT contentChanged(m_content); } } } void Entry::setCreated(const QDateTime &created, bool emitSignal) { if (m_created != created) { m_created = created; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT createdChanged(m_created); } } } void Entry::setUpdated(const QDateTime &updated, bool emitSignal) { if (m_updated != updated) { m_updated = updated; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT updatedChanged(m_updated); } } } void Entry::setLink(const QString &link, bool emitSignal) { if (m_link != link) { m_link = link; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT linkChanged(m_link); Q_EMIT baseUrlChanged(baseUrl()); } } } void Entry::setHasEnclosure(bool hasEnclosure, bool emitSignal) { if (hasEnclosure) { // if there is already an enclosure, it will be updated through separate // signals if required if (!m_enclosure) { m_enclosure = new Enclosure(this); } } else { delete m_enclosure; m_enclosure = nullptr; } if (m_hasenclosure != hasEnclosure) { m_hasenclosure = hasEnclosure; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT hasEnclosureChanged(m_hasenclosure); } } } void Entry::setImage(const QString &image, bool emitSignal) { if (m_image != image) { m_image = image; if (emitSignal) { Q_EMIT imageChanged(m_image); Q_EMIT cachedImageChanged(cachedImage()); } } } void Entry::setRead(bool read) { if (read != m_read) { // Making a detour through DataManager to make bulk operations more // performant. DataManager will call setReadInternal on every item to // be marked read/unread. So implement features there. DataManager::instance().bulkMarkRead(read, QStringList(m_id)); } } void Entry::setReadInternal(bool read) { if (read != m_read) { // Make sure that operations done here can be wrapped inside an sqlite // transaction. I.e. no calls that trigger a SELECT operation. m_read = read; Q_EMIT readChanged(m_read); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(QStringLiteral("UPDATE Entries SET read=:read WHERE id=:id AND feed=:feed")); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":id"), m_id); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":feed"), m_feed->url()); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":read"), m_read); Database::instance().execute(query); m_feed->setUnreadEntryCount(m_feed->unreadEntryCount() + (read ? -1 : 1)); // Follow up actions if (read) { // 1) Remove item from queue setQueueStatusInternal(false); // 2) Remove "new" label setNewInternal(false); if (hasEnclosure()) { // 3) Reset play position if (SettingsManager::self()->resetPositionOnPlayed()) { m_enclosure->setPlayPosition(0); } // 4) Delete episode if that setting is set if (SettingsManager::self()->autoDeleteOnPlayed() == 1) { m_enclosure->deleteFile(); } } // 5) Log a sync action to sync this state with (gpodder) server Sync::instance().storePlayedEpisodeAction(m_id); } } } void Entry::setNew(bool state) { if (state != m_new) { // Making a detour through DataManager to make bulk operations more // performant. DataManager will call setNewInternal on every item to // be marked new/not new. So implement features there. DataManager::instance().bulkMarkNew(state, QStringList(m_id)); } } void Entry::setNewInternal(bool state) { if (state != m_new) { // Make sure that operations done here can be wrapped inside an sqlite // transaction. I.e. no calls that trigger a SELECT operation. m_new = state; Q_EMIT newChanged(m_new); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(QStringLiteral("UPDATE Entries SET new=:new WHERE id=:id;")); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":id"), m_id); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":new"), m_new); Database::instance().execute(query); // Q_EMIT m_feed->newEntryCountChanged(); // TODO: signal and slots to be implemented Q_EMIT DataManager::instance().newEntryCountChanged(m_feed->url()); } } void Entry::setFavorite(bool favorite) { if (favorite != m_favorite) { // Making a detour through DataManager to make bulk operations more // performant. DataManager will call setFavoriteInternal on every item to // be marked new/not new. So implement features there. DataManager::instance().bulkMarkFavorite(favorite, QStringList(m_id)); } } void Entry::setFavoriteInternal(bool favorite) { if (favorite != m_favorite) { // Make sure that operations done here can be wrapped inside an sqlite // transaction. I.e. no calls that trigger a SELECT operation. m_favorite = favorite; Q_EMIT favoriteChanged(m_favorite); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(QStringLiteral("UPDATE Entries SET favorite=:favorite WHERE id=:id;")); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":id"), m_id); query.bindValue(QStringLiteral(":favorite"), m_favorite); Database::instance().execute(query); Q_EMIT DataManager::instance().favoriteEntryCountChanged(m_feed->url()); } } QString Entry::adjustedContent(int width, int fontSize) { QString ret(m_content); QRegularExpression imgRegex(QStringLiteral("]*>")); QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = imgRegex.globalMatch(ret); while (i.hasNext()) { QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next(); QString imgTag(match.captured()); if (imgTag.contains(QStringLiteral("wp-smiley"))) imgTag.insert(4, QStringLiteral(" width=\"%1\"").arg(fontSize)); QString widthParameter = match.captured(4); if (widthParameter.length() != 0) { if (widthParameter.toInt() > width) { imgTag.replace(match.captured(3), QStringLiteral("width=\"%1\"").arg(width)); imgTag.replace(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("height=\"([0-9]+)(px)?\"")), QString()); } } ret.replace(match.captured(), imgTag); } ret.replace(QStringLiteral(" ::const_reverse_iterator iter = timeFragments.crbegin(); iter != timeFragments.crend(); iter++) { time += (*iter).toInt() * 1000 * timeUnit; timeUnit *= 60; } timeStamp = QStringLiteral("%2").arg(time).arg(timeStamp); ret.replace(match.captured(), timeStamp); } return ret; } Enclosure *Entry::enclosure() const { return m_enclosure; } bool Entry::hasEnclosure() const { return m_hasenclosure; } QString Entry::image() const { if (m_hasenclosure && !m_enclosure->cachedEmbeddedImage().isEmpty()) { // use embedded image if available return m_enclosure->cachedEmbeddedImage(); } else if (!m_image.isEmpty()) { return m_image; } else { // else fall back to feed image return m_feed->image(); } } QString Entry::cachedImage() const { // First check for an image in the downloaded file if (m_hasenclosure && !m_enclosure->cachedEmbeddedImage().isEmpty()) { // use embedded image if available return m_enclosure->cachedEmbeddedImage(); } // Then check for the entry image, fall back if needed to feed image QString image = m_image; if (image.isEmpty()) { // else fall back to feed image image = m_feed->image(); } return Fetcher::instance().image(image); } bool Entry::queueStatus() const { return DataManager::instance().entryInQueue(this); } void Entry::setQueueStatus(bool state) { if (state != DataManager::instance().entryInQueue(this)) { // Making a detour through DataManager to make bulk operations more // performant. DataManager will call setQueueStatusInternal on every // item to be processed. So implement features there. DataManager::instance().bulkQueueStatus(state, QStringList(m_id)); } } void Entry::setQueueStatusInternal(bool state) { // Make sure that operations done here can be wrapped inside an sqlite // transaction. I.e. no calls that trigger a SELECT operation. if (state) { DataManager::instance().addToQueue(m_id); // Set status to unplayed/unread when adding item to the queue setReadInternal(false); } else { DataManager::instance().removeFromQueue(m_id); // Unset "new" state setNewInternal(false); } Q_EMIT queueStatusChanged(state); } Feed *Entry::feed() const { return m_feed; }