/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Bart De Vries * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ #pragma once #include "feed.h" #include "entry.h" #include "episodemodel.h" class DataManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: static DataManager &instance() { static DataManager _instance; return _instance; } Feed* getFeed(int const index) const; Feed* getFeed(QString const feedurl) const; Entry* getEntry(int const feed_index, int const entry_index) const; Entry* getEntry(const Feed* feed, int const entry_index) const; Entry* getEntry(const EpisodeModel::Type type, const int entry_index) const; Q_INVOKABLE Entry* getEntry(const QString id) const; int feedCount() const; int entryCount(const int feed_index) const; int entryCount(const Feed* feed) const; int entryCount(const EpisodeModel::Type type) const; int unreadEntryCount(const Feed* feed) const; int newEntryCount(const Feed* feed) const; Q_INVOKABLE void addFeed(const QString &url); void addFeed(const QString &url, const bool fetch); void addFeeds(const QStringList &urls); Q_INVOKABLE void removeFeed(Feed* feed); void removeFeed(const int &index); //Q_INVOKABLE void addEntry(const QString &url); // TODO: implement these methods //Q_INVOKABLE void removeEntry(const QString &url); //Q_INVOKABLE void removeEntry(const Feed* feed, const int &index); Entry* getQueueEntry(int const &index) const; int queueCount() const; QStringList getQueue() const; Q_INVOKABLE bool entryInQueue(const Entry* entry); Q_INVOKABLE bool entryInQueue(const QString &feedurl, const QString &id) const; Q_INVOKABLE void addToQueue(const Entry* entry); Q_INVOKABLE void addToQueue(const QString &feedurl, const QString &id); Q_INVOKABLE void moveQueueItem(const int &from, const int &to); Q_INVOKABLE void removeQueueItem(const int &index); Q_INVOKABLE void removeQueueItem(const QString id); Q_INVOKABLE void removeQueueItem(Entry* entry); Q_INVOKABLE QString lastPlayingEntry(); Q_INVOKABLE void setLastPlayingEntry(const QString& id); Q_INVOKABLE void importFeeds(const QString &path); Q_INVOKABLE void exportFeeds(const QString &path); Q_SIGNALS: void feedAdded(const QString &url); void feedRemoved(const int &index); void entryAdded(const QString &feedurl, const QString &id); //void entryRemoved(const Feed*, const int &index); // TODO: implement this signal, is this needed? void feedEntriesUpdated(const QString &url); void queueEntryAdded(const int &index, const QString &id); void queueEntryRemoved(const int &index, const QString &id); void queueEntryMoved(const int &from, const int &to); void unreadEntryCountChanged(const QString &url); void newEntryCountChanged(const QString &url); void downloadCountChanged(const QString &url); private: DataManager(); void loadFeed(QString feedurl) const; void loadEntry(QString id) const; bool feedExists(const QString &url); void updateQueueListnrs() const; mutable QHash m_feeds; // hash of pointers to all feeds in db, key = url (lazy loading) mutable QHash m_entries; // hash of pointers to all entries in db, key = id (lazy loading) QStringList m_feedmap; // list of feedurls in the order that they should appear in feedlist QHash m_entrymap; // list of entries (per feed; key = url) in the order that they should appear in entrylist QStringList m_queuemap; // list of entries/enclosures in the order that they should show up in queuelist };