org.kde.kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts ਕਾਸਟਸ Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts Kasts xxKastsxx Kasts Podcast application Aplicació de podcast Aplicació de podcast Podcast application Aplicación de pódcast Podcast-sovellus Application de podcasts Aplikasi podcast Applicazione per podcast პოდკასტის აპლიკაცია 팟캐스트 프로그램 Podcastprogramma Aplikacja do podkastów Aplicação de 'podcasts' Aplikacija podcastov Poddradioprogram Podcast uygulaması Програма для трансляцій xxPodcast applicationxx CC0-1.0 GPL-2.0-or-later The KDE Community La comunitat KDE La comunitat KDE Komunita KDE Die KDE-Gemeinschaft The KDE Community La Comunidad KDE KDE-yhteisö La communauté KDE KDE Community La comunità KDE KDE-ის საზოგადოება KDE 커뮤니티 De KDE gemeenschap ਕੇਡੀਈ ਕਮਿਊਨਟੀ Społeczność KDE A Comunidade do KDE A comunidade KDE KDE Komunita Skupnost KDE KDE-gemenskapen KDE Topluluğu Спільнота KDE xxThe KDE Communityxx KDE 社区

Kasts is a convergent podcast application that looks good on desktop and mobile.

El Kasts és una aplicació convergent de podcast que funciona bé a l'escriptori i al mòbil.

Kasts és una aplicació convergent de podcast que treballa bé en l'escriptori i al mòbil.

Kasts is a convergent podcast application that looks good on desktop and mobile.

Kasts es una aplicación convergente de pódcast que se ve bien en el escritorio y en dispositivos móviles.

Kasts on mukautuva podcast-sovellus, joka näyttää hyvältä niin työpöydällä kuin mobiilissa.

Kasts est une application unifiée pour podcast, fonctionnant bien sur ordinateurs et sur mobile.

Kasts adalah aplikasi podcast konvergen yang terlihat bagus di desktop dan seluler.

Kasts è un'applicazione podcast convergente che va bene su desktop e mobile.

Kasts პოდკასტების კონვერგენტული აპლიკაციაა, რომელიც ორივე, კომპიუტერზე და მობილურზე, კარგად გამოიყურება.

Kasts는 데스크톱과 모바일 양쪽에서 작동하는 팟캐스트 프로그램입니다.

Kasts is een convergente podcast-toepassing die er goed uitziet op het bureaublad en op de mobiel.

Kasts jest dostosowującą się aplikacją do podkastów, która wygląda dobrze na urządzeniach biurkowych i przenośnych.

O Kasts é uma aplicação de 'podcasts' convergente que parece bonita em computadores e em dispositivos móveis.

Kasts je konvergentna aplikacija za podcaste za namizje in mobilne naprave.

Kasts är ett konvergent poddradioprogram som ser bra ut på skrivbordsdatorer och mobiler.

Kasts, hem masaüstü hem de taşınabilirde iyi çalışan, yakınsak bir Podcast uygulamasıdır.

Kasts — універсальна програма для роботи із трансляціями (подкастами), яка однаково добре виглядає на комп'ютерах і мобільних пристроях.

xxKasts is a convergent podcast application that looks good on desktop and mobile.xx

Its main features are:

Les seves característiques principals són:

Les seues característiques principals són:

Its main features are:

Sus funcionalidades principales son:

Sen pääominaisuuksia ovat:

Ses principales fonctionnalités sont :

Fitur utamanya adalah:

Le sue funzionalità principali sono:

მთავარი ფუნქციები:

주 기능:

De hoofdkenmerken zijn:

Jego głównymi cechami są:

As suas funcionalidades principais são:

Njene glavne zmožnosti so:

Dess huvudfunktioner är:

Temel özellikleri:

Його основні можливості:

xxIts main features are:xx

  • Episode management through play queue
  • Gestió d'episodis a través de la cua de reproducció
  • Gestioneu els episodis a través de la cua de reproducció
  • Episode management through play queue
  • Gestión de episodios mediante cola de reproducción
  • Jaksohallinta toistojonon kauta
  • Gestion des épisodes grâce à une file de lecture
  • Pengelolaan episode melalui antrean putar
  • Gestione degli episodi attraverso la coda di riproduzione
  • ეპიზოდის მართვა დაკვრის რიგის საშუალებით
  • 재생 대기열을 통한 에피소드 관리
  • Beheer van episoden via afspeelwachtrij
  • Zarządzanie odcinkami poprzez kolejkę odtwarzania
  • Gestão de episódios através da fila de reprodução
  • Upravljanje z epizodami prek čakalne vrste predvajanj
  • Avsnittshantering via uppspelningskö
  • Çalma kuyruğu üzerinden bölüm yönetimi
  • Керування епізодами за допомогою черги відтворення
  • xxEpisode management through play queuexx
  • Sync playback positions with other clients through or gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sincronitza la posició de reproducció amb altres clients a través de o gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sincronitza la posició de reproducció amb altres clients a través de o gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sync playback positions with other clients through or gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sincronización de posiciones de reproducción con otros clientes mediante o gpodder-nextcloud
  • Toistosijainnin tahdistus eri asiakkailla gpodder.netin tai gpodder-nextcloudin avulla
  • Synchroniser les positions de lecture avec d'autres client, grâce à « » ou « gpodder-nextcloud »
  • Sinkronkan posisi pemutaran dengan klien lain melalui atau gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sincronizza le posizioni di riproduzione con altri client tramite o gpodder-nextcloud
  • დაასინქრონეთ დაკვრის მდებარეობები სხვა კლიენტებთან ან gpodder-nextcloud-ის საშუალებით
  • gpoddet.net이나 gpodder-nextcloud를 사용하여 다른 클라이언트와 재생 위치 동기화
  • Afspeelposities synchroniseren met andere clients via of gpodder-nextcloud
  • Uwspólnianie postępu w odtwarzaniu z innymi programami przez lub gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sincronizar as posições de reprodução com outros clientes através do ou do gpodder-nextcloud
  • Sinhronizacija pozicij predvajanja z ostalimi odjemalci prek ali gpodder-nextcloud
  • Synkronisera uppspelningsposition med andra klienter via eller gpodder-nextcloud
  • Çalma konumlarını, veya gpodder-nextcloud üzerinden eşzamanlama
  • Синхронізація позицій відтворення із іншими клієнтами за допомогою або gpodder-nextcloud
  • xxSync playback positions with other clients through or gpodder-nextcloudxx
  • Variable playback speed
  • Velocitat de reproducció variable
  • Velocitat de reproducció variable
  • Variable playback speed
  • Velocidad de reproducción variable
  • Muuntuva toistonopeus
  • Vitesse variable de lecture
  • Kecepatan pemutaran variabel
  • Velocità di riproduzione variabile
  • დაკვრის ცვლადი სიჩქარე
  • 가변 재생 속도
  • Variabele afspeelsnelheid
  • Zmienna szybkość odtwarzania
  • Velocidade de reprodução variável
  • Variabilna hitrost predvajanja
  • Variabel uppspelningshastighet
  • Değişken çalma hızı
  • Змінна швидкість відтворення
  • xxVariable playback speedxx
  • Search for podcasts
  • Cerca de podcasts
  • Busca de podcast
  • Search for podcasts
  • Búsqueda de pódcast
  • Podcast-haku
  • Recherche de podcasts
  • Pencarian podcasts
  • Ricerca dei podcast
  • პოდკასტების ძებნა
  • 팟캐스트 검색
  • Zoeken naar podcasts
  • Poszukaj podkastów
  • Procurar por 'podcasts'
  • Iskanje podkastov
  • Sök efter poddradioprogram
  • Podcast arama
  • Пошук подкастів
  • xxSearch for podcastsxx
  • Full system integration: e.g. inhibit system suspend while listening
  • Integració completa amb el sistema: p. ex. inhibeix la suspensió del sistema mentre s'està escoltant
  • Integració completa amb el sistema: p. ex. inhibix la suspensió del sistema mentre s'està escoltant
  • Full system integration: e.g. inhibit system suspend while listening
  • Completa integración con el sistema: por ejemplo, inhibición de la suspensión del sistema cuando se está reproduciendo
  • Täysi järjestelmäeheytys, esim. estää järjestelmän lepotilan kuunneltaessa
  • Intégration totale avec le système : par exemple, inhibition de la mise en veille du système durant la lecture
  • Integrasi sistem penuh: mis. menghambat sistem suspensi saat mendengarkan
  • Integrazione completa del sistema: ad es. inibire la sospensione del sistema durante l'ascolto
  • სრული ინტეგრაცია სისტემასთან: მაგ: მოსმენისას სისტემის დაძინების აკრძალვა
  • 전체 시스템 통합: 재생 중에 시스템 대기 모드 진입 방지
  • Volledige systeemintegratie: bijv. het systeem niet uitschakelen tijdens luisteren
  • Pełna integracja z systemem, tj. nie usypianie systemu podczas słuchania
  • Integração total com o sistema: p.ex. inibir a suspensão do sistema enquanto escuta algo
  • Popolna sistemska integracija: npr. preprečevanje mirovanja sistema pri poslušanju
  • Fullständig systemintegrering: t.ex. förhindra att systemet går till viloläge under uppspelning
  • Tam sistem tümleşimi; örn. dinlerken sistem uykusunu ertele
  • Повна інтеграція із системою, зокрема заборона присипляння пристрою під час прослуховування
  • xxFull system integration: e.g. inhibit system suspend while listeningxx
pointing keyboard touch kasts Kasts on the desktop with default header bar El Kasts a l'escriptori Kasts en l'escriptori Kasts on the desktop Kasts en el escritorio Kasts työpöydällä Kasts sur le bureau Kasts di desktop Kasts sul desktop Kasts -ი სამუშაო კომპიუტერზე 데스크톱에서의 Kasts Kasts op het bureaublad Kasts na biurko Kasts no computador Kasts na namizju Kasts på skrivbordet Masaüstünde Kasts Kasts на стільниці xxKasts on the desktopxx Kasts on the desktop with minimized header bar Kasts on a phone El Kasts a un telèfon Kasts a un telèfon Kasts na telefonu Kasts auf einem Mobiltelefon Kasts on a phone Kasts en un teléfono Kasts puhelimessa Kasts sur un téléphone Kasts di ponsel Kasts su un telefono Kasts ტელეფონზე 휴대폰에서의 Kasts Kasts op een telefoon ਫ਼ੋਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਾਸਟਸ Kasts na telefonie O Kasts num telemóvel Kasts em um celular Kasts na telefonu Kasts på en telefon Telefonda Kasts Kasts на телефоні xxKasts on a phonexx 在手机上运行的 Kasts Kasts mobile player controls org.kde.kasts.desktop

New features and bugfixes in this release:

  • The header bar player controls have been redesigned, partly based on the design of Elisa. The header bar is resizeable and can be fully collapsed to just a minimal toolbar.
  • The left sidebar menu in desktop mode has been redesigned. It's now using similar buttons to the ones used in the bottom navigation bar in mobile mode.
  • The audio backend has been re-written from scratch. It can now handle multiple backends: libVLC, gstreamer and Qt Multimedia. Kasts will use libVLC as default backend when available, which should solve common issues: volume control is now available through the main toolbar and seeking should no longer make the audio hang.
  • The settings menu was ported to the new form components.
  • Support for chapter images was added.
  • Timestamps mentioned in episode descriptions are now clickable, which will make the audio jump to that point in the episode.
  • Images in headers are now clickable. This will open a fullscreen view of the image in question.
  • The subscribe button is now disabled when a podcast has just been added.
  • Several issues with right-to-left language layouts were solved.
  • The interface is simplified by only showing one page at a time instead of adding columns, and by combining the podcast page with the podcast episode list page.
  • The podcast and episode info pages are improved by adding a button toolbar (moving actions out of the app header) and by reworking the information layout.
  • A sleep timer has been implemented.
  • The app will now remember the position and size of its window.
  • Kasts now has the ability to push all local episode states to the sync server.
  • A setting has been added to tell Kasts how many recent episodes should be marked as unplayed when adding a new podcast.
  • Several small UI bugs and glitches were solved.
  • The podcast update routine has been completely overhauled, solving several bugs. It's now using multithreading, and it will also update existing episode information.
  • General improvements were made to make sure that the app fits well on small screens in both portrait and landscape mode.
  • Episode images will now be retrieved from id3v2tag if available.
  • New episodes will be added to the queue in ascending chronological order (rather than descending) per podcast.
  • A switch has been introduced to optionally adjust the time left on episodes based on the current playback rate.
  • The episode details pages now have a context action to go straight to the list of episodes for that podcast.
  • It's now possible to sync with custom GPodder servers (i.e. other than the official instance).
  • Podcasts can now again be updated even when the sync server is unavailable. This was a bug in previous versions.
  • General code quality improvements and bugfixes
  • Various User interface improvements
  • Keep fetching episode actions until we get the current timestamp
  • Re-enable icons for gpodder and nextcloud

New features in this release:

  • Support for chapters, both RSS feed and MP3 tags encoded chapters are supported
  • Several improvements in user interface
  • Optimization and improvements for backend
  • Reworked settings page
  • Support for syncing subscriptions and episode play position using or nextcloud-gpodder app
  • Several bugfixes.

Next to some minor bugfixes, it is now possible to change the location where the downloaded podcast episodes and cached images are saved. These files can take up a lot of disk space, so it's nice to be able to store them elsewhere on systems with limited home folder disk space. The related settings now show the disk space used by episodes and images, and allow to clear the image cache.

New features in this release:

  • Discover page to search for podcasts on
  • Podcast downloads can now be resumed.
  • Updated playback speed settings dialog.
  • Settings to allow/disallow network access on metered connections.
  • More descriptive error notifications from which the complete list of errors can be opened.
  • Several smaller improvements: menu item highlighting, tooltips, hotkeys
  • Several bugfixes.

First release of Kasts, a Kirigami-based convergent podcast player. Released as part of Plasma Mobile Gear 21.06. It features:

  • a play queue
  • notification panel and lockscreen media controls
  • inhibits systemd suspend while listening to podcasts
  • convergent UI; looks good on mobile and desktop