Update i18n to add context to FeedListPage
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import org.kde.kasts 1.0
Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
id: subscriptionPage
title: i18n("Subscriptions")
title: i18nc("@title Podcast subscription list page title", "Subscriptions")
LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft
LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
@ -38,32 +38,32 @@ Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
property list<Kirigami.Action> pageActions: [
Kirigami.Action {
visible: Kirigami.Settings.isMobile
text: i18n("Discover")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar Open the podcast discover page", "Discover")
icon.name: "search"
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: i18n("Refresh All Podcasts")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Refresh All Podcasts")
icon.name: "view-refresh"
onTriggered: refreshing = true
Kirigami.Action {
text: i18n("Add Podcast")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Add Podcast")
icon.name: "list-add"
onTriggered: {
Kirigami.Action {
text: i18n("Import Podcasts...")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Import Podcasts...")
icon.name: "document-import"
displayHint: Kirigami.DisplayHint.AlwaysHide
onTriggered: importDialog.open()
Kirigami.Action {
text: i18n("Export Podcasts...")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Export Podcasts...")
icon.name: "document-export"
displayHint: Kirigami.DisplayHint.AlwaysHide
onTriggered: exportDialog.open()
@ -87,26 +87,24 @@ Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage {
visible: feedList.count === 0
width: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 20
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: i18n("No Podcasts Added Yet")
text: i18nc("@info Placeholder message for empty podcast list", "No Podcasts Added Yet")
FileDialog {
id: importDialog
title: i18n("Import Podcasts")
title: i18nc("@title:window", "Import Podcasts")
folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.HomeLocation)
nameFilters: [i18n("All Files (*)"), i18n("XML Files (*.xml)"), i18n("OPML Files (*.opml)")]
nameFilters: [i18nc("@label:listbox File filter option in file dialog", "All Files (*)"), i18nc("@label:listbox File filter option in file dialog", "XML Files (*.xml)"), i18nc("@label:listbox File filter option in file dialog", "OPML Files (*.opml)")]
onAccepted: DataManager.importFeeds(file)
FileDialog {
id: exportDialog
title: i18n("Export Podcasts")
title: i18nc("@title:window", "Export Podcasts")
folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.HomeLocation)
nameFilters: [i18n("All Files")]
nameFilters: [i18nc("@label:listbox File filter option in file dialog", "All Files")]
onAccepted: DataManager.exportFeeds(file)
fileMode: FileDialog.SaveFile
@ -244,7 +242,7 @@ Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
// they can be re-used across the different ListViews.
property var selectAllAction: Kirigami.Action {
icon.name: "edit-select-all"
text: i18n("Select All")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Select All")
visible: true
onTriggered: {
feedList.selectionModel.select(feedList.model.index(0, 0), ItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect | ItemSelectionModel.Columns);
@ -253,7 +251,7 @@ Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
property var selectNoneAction: Kirigami.Action {
icon.name: "edit-select-none"
text: i18n("Deselect All")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar", "Deselect All")
visible: feedList.selectionModel.hasSelection
onTriggered: {
@ -262,7 +260,7 @@ Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
property var deleteFeedAction: Kirigami.Action {
icon.name: "delete"
text: i18ncp("context menu action", "Remove Podcast", "Remove Podcasts", feedList.selectionForContextMenu.length)
text: i18ncp("@action:intoolbar", "Remove Podcast", "Remove Podcasts", feedList.selectionForContextMenu.length)
visible: feedList.selectionModel.hasSelection
onTriggered: {
// First get an array of pointers to the feeds to be deleted
@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
property var feedDetailsAction: Kirigami.Action {
icon.name: "documentinfo"
text: i18n("Podcast Details")
text: i18nc("@action:intoolbar Open view with more podcast details", "Podcast Details")
visible: feedList.selectionModel.hasSelection && (feedList.selectionForContextMenu.length == 1)
onTriggered: {
while(pageStack.depth > 1)
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