--- name: Bug report about: Create a report to help us improve existing features --- <!-- DELETE ME Use the search function to see if someone else has already submitted the same bug report. You don't need to adhere to the template strictly. Feel free to leave out information you feel is not important or does not make sense. If you are experiencing a crash, including the stacktrace will likely get it fixed sooner. --> **App version**: 1.x (from Google Play/F-Droid/Custom build) **Android version**: 5.x [Please mention if you are using a custom rom!] **Device model**: **Expected behaviour**: **Current behaviour**: **First occurred**: Version 1.x / about x days/weeks ago **Steps to reproduce**: 1. This 1. Than that 1. Then **Environment**: [Settings you have changed, e.g. Auto Download. "Unusual" devices you use, e.g. Bluetooth headphones. Do you still use Prestissimo? Did you select another media player?] **Stacktrace/Logcat**: ``` [if available] ```