# AntennaPod infrastructure This document describes what services and accounts are in use for AntennaPod. The goal is to make it clear who has which passwords and keys. ## App distribution - F-Droid - Automatic updates from GitHub tags - F-Droid's signing keys - Google Play - Developer account owned by @mfietz - @ByteHamster has (nearly full) access - Can not manage permissions - Upload using Gradle Play Publisher - API key: @ByteHamster - AntennaPod signing keys - @mfietz, @ByteHamster, @danieloeh - Amazon App Store - Outdated - None of the current developers has access ## Web - Main website (https://antennapod.org) - Hosted on GitHub Pages - Source: https://github.com/AntennaPod/antennapod.github.io - Maintainer: @Keunes - Forum (https://forum.antennapod.org) - Hosted by @ByteHamster (personal root server) - Powered by [Discourse](https://github.com/discourse/discourse) - Admin: @ByteHamster - Moderators: @ByteHamster, @Keunes - Domain/DNS (`antennapod.org`) - Managed by @mfietz - Google Groups - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/antennapod - No longer used, replaced with forum (https://forum.antennapod.org) - Owners: @mfietz, @danieloeh, @ByteHamster, @Keunes - Wiki - https://github.com/AntennaPod/AntennaPod/wiki - Managed on GitHub - Mostly unmaintained ## Email - `@antennapod.org` - Managed by @ByteHamster (mailbox only for `info@`) - Used for the required contact address on Google Play - Auto responder tells users to write on forum or GitHub instead - `@forum.antennapod.org` - Managed by @ByteHamster (catch-all mailbox) - Used by the forum, checked every 5 minutes - Allows to post+reply via email ## Social media - Twitter - https://twitter.com/antennapod - Email address of @mfietz - @ByteHamster and @mfietz have the password ## Development - Translations - https://transifex.com/antennapod/antennapod - Pulled manually before releasing - Team managers @mfietz, @ByteHamster - Source repo - https://github.com/AntennaPod - Organization owners: @ByteHamster, @danieloeh, @mfietz, @TomHennen