Android can handle plurals and strings having the same names, but
Transifex can't. Renamed the time_unit*'s to just time_ to make sure
we got the correct translations.
* Create episode actions when episodes are downloaded, played, deleted and marked as read
* Sync (download and upload) episode actions
* MediaPlayerActivity deletes almost completely played episode on close
* Improved parsing of datetime strings
* Smart mark as played can be disabled or set in the preferences
Defaults to allow autodl on battery to preserve existing behavior.
Might be a good idea to add a receiver for the intent similar to
ConnectivityActionReceiver as this will allow us to start/stop
downloads as needed.
Use new navigation drawer toggle
Customized colors of new themes
Updated navigation drawer layout
Updated "new episodes list" layout
Updated feeditemlist layout
Fixed refresh button behavior in feeditemlist
Updated downloads fragment layout
Fixed layouts on smaller screens, updated borderless buttons
Use PreferenceFragment instead of PreferenceActivity if possible
Changes of the Preference UI should now be made in the PreferenceController class.
Replaced vertical_divider with android:attr/listDivider
Updated itemlist layout in onlinefeedview
Fixed NPE in TagFragment
Updated gpodnet list layout
Updated search layout
Adjusted background color of external player
Added material design icons
Adjusted primary dark color