mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 02:14:51 +01:00
refactor - move ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator to top-level per review.
This commit is contained in:
@ -398,101 +398,6 @@ public class DBWriter {
static class ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator {
public static class Options {
private boolean enqueueAtFront = false;
private boolean keepInProgressAtFront = false;
public boolean isEnqueueAtFront() {
return enqueueAtFront;
public Options setEnqueueAtFront(boolean enqueueAtFront) {
this.enqueueAtFront = enqueueAtFront;
return this;
public boolean isKeepInProgressAtFront() {
return keepInProgressAtFront;
public Options setKeepInProgressAtFront(boolean keepInProgressAtFront) {
this.keepInProgressAtFront = keepInProgressAtFront;
return this;
private final @NonNull Options options;
* The logic needs to use {@link DownloadRequester#isDownloadingFile(FeedFile)} method only
FeedFileDownloadStatusRequesterInterface requester = DownloadRequester.getInstance();
public ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator(@NonNull Options options) {
this.options = options;
* @param positionAmongToAdd Typically, the callers has a list of items to be inserted to
* the queue. This parameter indicates the position (0-based) of
* the item among the one to inserted. E.g., it is needed for
* enqueue at front option.
* @param item the item to be inserted
* @param curQueue the queue to which the item is to be inserted
* @return the position (0-based) the item should be inserted to the named queu
public int calcPosition(int positionAmongToAdd, FeedItem item, List<FeedItem> curQueue) {
if (options.isEnqueueAtFront()) {
if (options.isKeepInProgressAtFront() &&
curQueue.size() > 0 &&
curQueue.get(0).getMedia() != null &&
curQueue.get(0).getMedia().isInProgress()) {
// leave the front in progress item at the front
return getPositionOf1stNonDownloadingItem(positionAmongToAdd + 1, curQueue);
} else { // typical case
// return NOT 0, so that when a list of items are inserted, the items inserted
// keep the same order. Returning 0 will reverse the order
return getPositionOf1stNonDownloadingItem(positionAmongToAdd, curQueue);
} else {
return curQueue.size();
private int getPositionOf1stNonDownloadingItem(int startPosition, List<FeedItem> curQueue) {
final int curQueueSize = curQueue.size();
for (int i = startPosition; i < curQueueSize; i++) {
if (!isItemAtPositionDownloading(i, curQueue)) {
return i;
} // else continue to search;
return curQueueSize;
private boolean isItemAtPositionDownloading(int position, List<FeedItem> curQueue) {
FeedItem curItem;
try {
curItem = curQueue.get(position);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
curItem = null;
if (curItem != null &&
curItem.getMedia() != null &&
requester.isDownloadingFile(curItem.getMedia())) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Removes all FeedItem objects from the queue.
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package de.danoeh.antennapod.core.storage;
import android.content.Context;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import java.util.List;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedItem;
* @see DBWriter#addQueueItem(Context, boolean, long...) it uses the class to determine
* the positions of the {@link FeedItem} in the queue.
class ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator {
public static class Options {
private boolean enqueueAtFront = false;
private boolean keepInProgressAtFront = false;
public boolean isEnqueueAtFront() {
return enqueueAtFront;
public Options setEnqueueAtFront(boolean enqueueAtFront) {
this.enqueueAtFront = enqueueAtFront;
return this;
public boolean isKeepInProgressAtFront() {
return keepInProgressAtFront;
public Options setKeepInProgressAtFront(boolean keepInProgressAtFront) {
this.keepInProgressAtFront = keepInProgressAtFront;
return this;
private final @NonNull
Options options;
* The logic needs to use {@link DownloadRequester#isDownloadingFile(FeedFile)} method only
FeedFileDownloadStatusRequesterInterface requester = DownloadRequester.getInstance();
public ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator(@NonNull Options options) {
this.options = options;
* @param positionAmongToAdd Typically, the callers has a list of items to be inserted to
* the queue. This parameter indicates the position (0-based) of
* the item among the one to inserted. E.g., it is needed for
* enqueue at front option.
* @param item the item to be inserted
* @param curQueue the queue to which the item is to be inserted
* @return the position (0-based) the item should be inserted to the named queu
public int calcPosition(int positionAmongToAdd, FeedItem item, List<FeedItem> curQueue) {
if (options.isEnqueueAtFront()) {
if (options.isKeepInProgressAtFront() &&
curQueue.size() > 0 &&
curQueue.get(0).getMedia() != null &&
curQueue.get(0).getMedia().isInProgress()) {
// leave the front in progress item at the front
return getPositionOf1stNonDownloadingItem(positionAmongToAdd + 1, curQueue);
} else { // typical case
// return NOT 0, so that when a list of items are inserted, the items inserted
// keep the same order. Returning 0 will reverse the order
return getPositionOf1stNonDownloadingItem(positionAmongToAdd, curQueue);
} else {
return curQueue.size();
private int getPositionOf1stNonDownloadingItem(int startPosition, List<FeedItem> curQueue) {
final int curQueueSize = curQueue.size();
for (int i = startPosition; i < curQueueSize; i++) {
if (!isItemAtPositionDownloading(i, curQueue)) {
return i;
} // else continue to search;
return curQueueSize;
private boolean isItemAtPositionDownloading(int position, List<FeedItem> curQueue) {
FeedItem curItem;
try {
curItem = curQueue.get(position);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
curItem = null;
if (curItem != null &&
curItem.getMedia() != null &&
requester.isDownloadingFile(curItem.getMedia())) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
package de.danoeh.antennapod.core.storage;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedFile;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedItem;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMedia;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMother;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.storage.DBWriter.ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.storage.DBWriter.ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator.Options;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class DBWriterTest {
public static class ItemEnqueuePositionCalculatorTest {
public static class IEPCBasicTest {
@Parameters(name = "{index}: case<{0}>, expected:{1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Options optDefault = new Options();
Options optEnqAtFront = new Options().setEnqueueAtFront(true);
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
{"case default, i.e., add to the end",
optDefault, 0, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case default (2nd item)",
optDefault, 1, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case option enqueue at front",
optEnqAtFront, 0, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case option enqueue at front (2nd item)",
list(11L, TFI_ID, 12L, 13L, 14L),
optEnqAtFront, 1, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case empty queue, option default",
optDefault, 0, QUEUE_EMPTY},
{"case empty queue, option enqueue at front",
optEnqAtFront, 0, QUEUE_EMPTY},
public String message;
public List<Long> idsExpected;
public Options options;
public int posAmongAdded; // the position of feed item to be inserted among the list to be inserted.
public List<FeedItem> curQueue;
public static final long TFI_ID = 101;
* Add a FeedItem with ID {@link #TFI_ID} with the setup
public void test() {
ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator calculator = new ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator(options);
// shallow copy to which the test will add items
List<FeedItem> queue = new ArrayList<>(curQueue);
FeedItem tFI = tFI(TFI_ID);
calculator, posAmongAdded, tFI, queue,
public static class IEPCKeepInProgressAtFrontTest extends IEPCBasicTest {
@Parameters(name = "{index}: case<{0}>, expected:{1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Options optKeepInProgressAtFront =
new Options().setEnqueueAtFront(true).setKeepInProgressAtFront(true);
// edge case: keep in progress without enabling enqueue at front is meaningless
Options optKeepInProgressAtFrontWithNoEnqueueAtFront =
new Options().setKeepInProgressAtFront(true);
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
{"case option keep in progress at front",
list(11L, TFI_ID, 12L, 13L),
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS},
{"case option keep in progress at front (2nd item)",
list(11L, 12L, TFI_ID, 13L),
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 1, QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS},
{"case option keep in progress at front, front item not in progress",
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case option keep in progress at front, front item no media at all",
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA}, // No media should not cause any exception
{"case option keep in progress at front, but enqueue at front is disabled",
optKeepInProgressAtFrontWithNoEnqueueAtFront, 0, QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS},
{"case empty queue, option keep in progress at front",
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_EMPTY},
private static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS = Arrays.asList(tFI(11, 60000), tFI(12), tFI(13));
private static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA = Arrays.asList(tFINoMedia(11), tFI(12), tFI(13));
private static final List<Long> QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA_IDS = toIDs(QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA);
public static class ItemEnqueuePositionCalculatorPreserveDownloadOrderTest {
@Parameters(name = "{index}: case<{0}>")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Options optDefault = new Options();
Options optEnqAtFront = new Options().setEnqueueAtFront(true);
// Attempts to make test more readable by showing the expected list of ids
// (rather than the expected positions)
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{"download order test, enqueue default",
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, 101L),
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, list(101L, 102L)),
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, list(101L, 102L, 201L)),
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, list(101L, 102L, 201L, 202L)),
optDefault, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"download order test, enqueue at front",
concat(101L, QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
concat(list(101L, 102L), QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
concat(list(101L, 102L, 201L), QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
concat(list(101L, 102L, 201L, 202L), QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
optEnqAtFront, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
public String message;
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter101;
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter102;
// 2XX are for testing bulk insertion cases
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter201;
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter202;
public Options options;
public List<FeedItem> queueInitial;
public void testQueueOrderWhenDownloading2Items() {
// Setup class under test
ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator calculator = new ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator(options);
MockDownloadRequester mockDownloadRequester = new MockDownloadRequester();
calculator.requester = mockDownloadRequester;
// Setup initial data
// A shallow copy, as the test code will manipulate the queue
List<FeedItem> queue = new ArrayList<>(queueInitial);
// Test body
// User clicks download on feed item 101
FeedItem tFI101 = tFI_isDownloading(101, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (1st download)",
calculator, 0, tFI101, queue,
// Then user clicks download on feed item 102
FeedItem tFI102 = tFI_isDownloading(102, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (2nd download, it should preserve order of download)",
calculator, 0, tFI102, queue,
// Items 201 and 202 are added as part of a single DBWriter.addQueueItem() calls
FeedItem tFI201 = tFI_isDownloading(201, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (bulk insertion, 1st item)",
calculator, 0, tFI201, queue,
FeedItem tFI202 = tFI_isDownloading(202, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (bulk insertion, 2nd item)",
calculator, 1, tFI202, queue,
// TODO: simulate download failure cases.
private static FeedItem tFI_isDownloading(int id, MockDownloadRequester requester) {
FeedItem item = tFI(id);
FeedMedia media =
new FeedMedia(item, "http://download.url.net/" + id
, 100000 + id, "audio/mp3");
requester.mockDownloadingFile(media, true);
return item;
private static class MockDownloadRequester implements FeedFileDownloadStatusRequesterInterface {
private Map<Long, Boolean> downloadingByIds = new HashMap<>();
public synchronized boolean isDownloadingFile(@NonNull FeedFile item) {
return downloadingByIds.getOrDefault(item.getId(), false);
// All other parent methods should not be called
public void mockDownloadingFile(FeedFile item, boolean isDownloading) {
downloadingByIds.put(item.getId(), isDownloading);
// Common helpers:
// - common queue (of items) for tests
// - construct FeedItems for tests
static void doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(String message,
ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator calculator,
int positionAmongAdd,
FeedItem itemToAdd,
List<FeedItem> queue,
List<Long> idsExpected) {
int posActual = calculator.calcPosition(positionAmongAdd, itemToAdd, queue);
queue.add(posActual, itemToAdd);
assertEquals(message, idsExpected, toIDs(queue));
static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_EMPTY = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList());
static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_DEFAULT = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(tFI(11), tFI(12), tFI(13), tFI(14)));
static final List<Long> QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS = QUEUE_DEFAULT.stream().map(fi -> fi.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
static FeedItem tFI(long id) {
return tFI(id, -1);
static FeedItem tFI(long id, int position) {
FeedItem item = tFINoMedia(id);
FeedMedia media = new FeedMedia(item, "download_url", 1234567, "audio/mpeg");
if (position >= 0) {
return item;
static FeedItem tFINoMedia(long id) {
FeedItem item = new FeedItem(id, "Item" + id, "ItemId" + id, "url",
new Date(), FeedItem.PLAYED, FeedMother.anyFeed());
return item;
// Collections helpers
static <T> List<? extends T> concat(T item, List<? extends T> list) {
List<T> res = new ArrayList<>(list);
res.add(0, item);
return res;
static <T> List<? extends T> concat(List<? extends T> list, T item) {
List<T> res = new ArrayList<>(list);
return res;
static <T> List<? extends T> concat(List<? extends T> list1, List<? extends T> list2) {
List<T> res = new ArrayList<>(list1);
return res;
public static <T> List<T> list(T... a) {
return Arrays.asList(a);
static List<Long> toIDs(List<FeedItem> items) {
return items.stream().map(i->i.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
package de.danoeh.antennapod.core.storage;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedFile;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedItem;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMedia;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMother;
import de.danoeh.antennapod.core.storage.ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator.Options;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class ItemEnqueuePositionCalculatorTest {
public static class IEPCBasicTest {
@Parameters(name = "{index}: case<{0}>, expected:{1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Options optDefault = new Options();
Options optEnqAtFront = new Options().setEnqueueAtFront(true);
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
{"case default, i.e., add to the end",
optDefault, 0, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case default (2nd item)",
optDefault, 1, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case option enqueue at front",
optEnqAtFront, 0, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case option enqueue at front (2nd item)",
list(11L, TFI_ID, 12L, 13L, 14L),
optEnqAtFront, 1, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case empty queue, option default",
optDefault, 0, QUEUE_EMPTY},
{"case empty queue, option enqueue at front",
optEnqAtFront, 0, QUEUE_EMPTY},
public String message;
public List<Long> idsExpected;
public Options options;
public int posAmongAdded; // the position of feed item to be inserted among the list to be inserted.
public List<FeedItem> curQueue;
public static final long TFI_ID = 101;
* Add a FeedItem with ID {@link #TFI_ID} with the setup
public void test() {
ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator calculator = new ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator(options);
// shallow copy to which the test will add items
List<FeedItem> queue = new ArrayList<>(curQueue);
FeedItem tFI = tFI(TFI_ID);
calculator, posAmongAdded, tFI, queue,
public static class IEPCKeepInProgressAtFrontTest extends IEPCBasicTest {
@Parameters(name = "{index}: case<{0}>, expected:{1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Options optKeepInProgressAtFront =
new Options().setEnqueueAtFront(true).setKeepInProgressAtFront(true);
// edge case: keep in progress without enabling enqueue at front is meaningless
Options optKeepInProgressAtFrontWithNoEnqueueAtFront =
new Options().setKeepInProgressAtFront(true);
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
{"case option keep in progress at front",
list(11L, TFI_ID, 12L, 13L),
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS},
{"case option keep in progress at front (2nd item)",
list(11L, 12L, TFI_ID, 13L),
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 1, QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS},
{"case option keep in progress at front, front item not in progress",
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"case option keep in progress at front, front item no media at all",
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA}, // No media should not cause any exception
{"case option keep in progress at front, but enqueue at front is disabled",
optKeepInProgressAtFrontWithNoEnqueueAtFront, 0, QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS},
{"case empty queue, option keep in progress at front",
optKeepInProgressAtFront, 0, QUEUE_EMPTY},
private static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_FRONT_IN_PROGRESS = Arrays.asList(tFI(11, 60000), tFI(12), tFI(13));
private static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA = Arrays.asList(tFINoMedia(11), tFI(12), tFI(13));
private static final List<Long> QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA_IDS = toIDs(QUEUE_FRONT_NO_MEDIA);
public static class ItemEnqueuePositionCalculatorPreserveDownloadOrderTest {
@Parameters(name = "{index}: case<{0}>")
public static Iterable<Object[]> data() {
Options optDefault = new Options();
Options optEnqAtFront = new Options().setEnqueueAtFront(true);
// Attempts to make test more readable by showing the expected list of ids
// (rather than the expected positions)
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{"download order test, enqueue default",
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, 101L),
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, list(101L, 102L)),
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, list(101L, 102L, 201L)),
concat(QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS, list(101L, 102L, 201L, 202L)),
optDefault, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
{"download order test, enqueue at front",
concat(101L, QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
concat(list(101L, 102L), QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
concat(list(101L, 102L, 201L), QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
concat(list(101L, 102L, 201L, 202L), QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS),
optEnqAtFront, QUEUE_DEFAULT},
public String message;
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter101;
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter102;
// 2XX are for testing bulk insertion cases
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter201;
public List<Long> idsExpectedAfter202;
public Options options;
public List<FeedItem> queueInitial;
public void testQueueOrderWhenDownloading2Items() {
// Setup class under test
ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator calculator = new ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator(options);
MockDownloadRequester mockDownloadRequester = new MockDownloadRequester();
calculator.requester = mockDownloadRequester;
// Setup initial data
// A shallow copy, as the test code will manipulate the queue
List<FeedItem> queue = new ArrayList<>(queueInitial);
// Test body
// User clicks download on feed item 101
FeedItem tFI101 = tFI_isDownloading(101, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (1st download)",
calculator, 0, tFI101, queue,
// Then user clicks download on feed item 102
FeedItem tFI102 = tFI_isDownloading(102, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (2nd download, it should preserve order of download)",
calculator, 0, tFI102, queue,
// Items 201 and 202 are added as part of a single DBWriter.addQueueItem() calls
FeedItem tFI201 = tFI_isDownloading(201, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (bulk insertion, 1st item)",
calculator, 0, tFI201, queue,
FeedItem tFI202 = tFI_isDownloading(202, mockDownloadRequester);
doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(message + " (bulk insertion, 2nd item)",
calculator, 1, tFI202, queue,
// TODO: simulate download failure cases.
private static FeedItem tFI_isDownloading(int id, MockDownloadRequester requester) {
FeedItem item = tFI(id);
FeedMedia media =
new FeedMedia(item, "http://download.url.net/" + id
, 100000 + id, "audio/mp3");
requester.mockDownloadingFile(media, true);
return item;
private static class MockDownloadRequester implements FeedFileDownloadStatusRequesterInterface {
private Map<Long, Boolean> downloadingByIds = new HashMap<>();
public synchronized boolean isDownloadingFile(@NonNull FeedFile item) {
return downloadingByIds.getOrDefault(item.getId(), false);
// All other parent methods should not be called
public void mockDownloadingFile(FeedFile item, boolean isDownloading) {
downloadingByIds.put(item.getId(), isDownloading);
// Common helpers:
// - common queue (of items) for tests
// - construct FeedItems for tests
static void doAddToQueueAndAssertResult(String message,
ItemEnqueuePositionCalculator calculator,
int positionAmongAdd,
FeedItem itemToAdd,
List<FeedItem> queue,
List<Long> idsExpected) {
int posActual = calculator.calcPosition(positionAmongAdd, itemToAdd, queue);
queue.add(posActual, itemToAdd);
assertEquals(message, idsExpected, toIDs(queue));
static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_EMPTY = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList());
static final List<FeedItem> QUEUE_DEFAULT = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(tFI(11), tFI(12), tFI(13), tFI(14)));
static final List<Long> QUEUE_DEFAULT_IDS = QUEUE_DEFAULT.stream().map(fi -> fi.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
static FeedItem tFI(long id) {
return tFI(id, -1);
static FeedItem tFI(long id, int position) {
FeedItem item = tFINoMedia(id);
FeedMedia media = new FeedMedia(item, "download_url", 1234567, "audio/mpeg");
if (position >= 0) {
return item;
static FeedItem tFINoMedia(long id) {
FeedItem item = new FeedItem(id, "Item" + id, "ItemId" + id, "url",
new Date(), FeedItem.PLAYED, FeedMother.anyFeed());
return item;
// Collections helpers
static <T> List<? extends T> concat(T item, List<? extends T> list) {
List<T> res = new ArrayList<>(list);
res.add(0, item);
return res;
static <T> List<? extends T> concat(List<? extends T> list, T item) {
List<T> res = new ArrayList<>(list);
return res;
static <T> List<? extends T> concat(List<? extends T> list1, List<? extends T> list2) {
List<T> res = new ArrayList<>(list1);
return res;
static <T> List<T> list(T... a) {
return Arrays.asList(a);
static List<Long> toIDs(List<FeedItem> items) {
return items.stream().map(i->i.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user