Lorenzo Cogotti 958206f1f7 [*] Rework theme customization.
This commit allows more flexible and consistent theme overriding
rules for each Widget. There are 3 levels of customization.

1. Global theme (yui.theme) this is the default theme for every Ui
2. Ui theme, this overrides the global theme and provides a default
   for every Widget of the Ui
3. Widget theme, this overrides the Ui theme for a single widget

This commit also allows themes to specify a font field.
This replaces the sparse color, font and cornerRadius field often
provided by each Widget.
Widgets and Uis may also partially override a theme by specifying
only a few fields.
2022-10-25 19:06:57 +02:00

54 lines
1.3 KiB

--- Local drawing helpers
-- @module yui.core
-- @copyright 2022, The DoubleFourteen Code Forge
-- @author Lorenzo Cogotti, Andrea Pasquini
local core = {}
-- Helpers for drawing
function core.verticalOffsetForAlign(valign, font, h)
if valign == 'top' then
return 0
elseif valign == 'bottom' then
return h - font:getHeight()
-- else: 'middle'
return (h - font:getHeight()) / 2
function core.themeForWidget(widget)
local uiTheme = widget.ui.theme
local theme = widget.theme or uiTheme
local color = theme.color or uiTheme.color
local font = theme.font or uiTheme.font or love.graphics.getFont()
local cornerRadius = theme.cornerRadius or uiTheme.cornerRadius
return color, font, cornerRadius
function core.colorForWidgetState(widget, color)
color = color or widget.theme.color or widget.ui.theme.color
if widget.active then
return color.active
elseif widget:isFocused() then
return color.hovered
return color.normal
function core.drawBox(x,y,w,h, color, cornerRadius)
w = math.max(cornerRadius/2, w)
if h < cornerRadius/2 then
y,h = y - (cornerRadius - h), cornerRadius/2
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', x,y, w,h, cornerRadius)
return core