Yui Examples ============ A collection of code examples for [yui](https://git.doublefourteen.io/lua/yui). ## Contents * [Hello World](examples/helloworld.lua) - most basic of the basics. * [Basic Menu](examples/basicmenu.lua) - a simple menu made of buttons, useful for main menus and pause menus. * [Options Menu](examples/optionsmenu.lua) - comprehensive example, demonstrating several widgets and interactions. ...and the [initial selection](examples/init.lua) menu is a demo in itself :) ## Running the examples 1. Clone this repository. 2. Download **yui** and its dependencies using [crush](https://git.doublefourteen.io/lua/crush): ```sh lua crush.lua ``` 3. Start the demo menu with [LÖVE](https://love2d.org): ```sh love . ``` ## Acknowledgement Some examples use [PixelDroid Menu fonts](https://github.com/pixeldroid/fonts), see [ACKNOWLEDGEMENT](fonts/README.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) for details. ## License Zlib, see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.