282 lines
6.1 KiB
282 lines
6.1 KiB
@import "variables"
// common variables for this page
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animation: burnin 1s linear infinite
opacity: .9
position: relative
background: radial-gradient(ellipse at center, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0%,rgba(64,64,64,0) 100%)
opacity: .1
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content: ""
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opacity: .14
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content: ""
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opacity : .1
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.ghost, .pop
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.glitch::before, .glitch::after
content: attr(data-text)
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@keyframes burnin
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transform: scale(1, 1.0001)
transform: scale(1.001, 1)
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@keyframes pulse
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opacity: .14
transform: scale(1.000)
opacity: .13
transform: scale(1.004)
opacity: .14
transform: scale(1.002)
opacity: .11
transform: scale(1.000)
opacity: .14
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20%, 21.999%, 63%, 63.999%, 65%, 69.999%
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2%, 64%
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4%, 60%
transform: translate(-2px,0) skew(0deg)
transform: translate(0,0) skew(5deg)
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2%, 64%
transform: translate(2px,-2px)
4%, 60%
transform: translate(-2px,2px)
transform: translate(13px,-1px) skew(-13deg)
@keyframes glitch-bottom
2%, 64%
transform: translate(-2px,0)
4%, 60%
transform: translate(-2px,0)
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from, to
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html, body
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