// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /** * \file bgpgrep_timestamp.c * * Timestamp expressions parsing and compilation. * * \copyright The DoubleFourteen Code Forge (C) All Rights Reserved * \author Lorenzo Cogotti */ #include "bgpgrep_local.h" #include "numlib.h" #include "strlib.h" #include #include #include #include #define SECSPERMIN (60) #define SECSPERHOUR (60 * SECSPERMIN) #define FATAL(msg) Bgpgrep_Fatal("%s: " msg, BgpgrepC_CurTerm()) #define FATALF(fmt, ...) Bgpgrep_Fatal("%s: " fmt, BgpgrepC_CurTerm(), __VA_ARGS__) static time_t UtcTime(struct tm *t) { #ifdef _WIN32 return _mkgmtime(t); #else return timegm(t); #endif } static Uint32 ParseFrac(const char *s, const char *p, char **ep) { char *endp; NumConvRet res; unsigned long long n = Atoull(p, &endp, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR) FATALF("%s: Expecting fractional portion of a second after '.'", s); int ndigs = endp - p; long double frac = pow(10, ndigs); if (ep) *ep = endp; return (Uint32) truncl(n / frac * 1000000.0L); } static Boolean ParseRfc3339(const char *s, Timestampop *dest) { NumConvRet res; char *p, *ep; int yyyy, mm, dd, h, min, secs, microsecs; int timeOff; Boolean expectTimeOfDay; struct tm t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t)); p = (char *) s; yyyy = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || (*ep != '-' && *ep != ':')) return FALSE; // Invalid RFC-3339 format h = min = secs = microsecs = 0; timeOff = 0; expectTimeOfDay = FALSE; if (*ep == '-') { // YYYY-MM-DD if (ep - p != 4) FATALF("%s: Expecting 4-digit year number", s); p = ++ep; mm = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || ep - p != 2) FATALF("%s: Expecting 2-digit month field", s); if (*ep != '-') FATALF("%s: Missing day of month field", s); p = ++ep; dd = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || ep - p != 2) FATALF("%s: Expecting 2-digit day of month field", s); // Rescale values for struct tm yyyy -= 1900; mm -= 1; if (*ep == 'T' || *ep == 't') { ++ep; expectTimeOfDay = TRUE; } p = ep; } else { // What we've parsed is not YYYY, but actually HH, // Reset parser and expect to get time of day p = (char *) s; expectTimeOfDay = TRUE; // Setup YYYY-MM-DD from current date, in UTC const time_t now = time(NULL); const struct tm *cur = gmtime(&now); if (!cur) // PARANOID FATAL("gmtime() failed: Could not retrieve current date"); yyyy = cur->tm_year; mm = cur->tm_mon; dd = cur->tm_mday; } if (expectTimeOfDay) { // HOUR:MIN[:SECS[.FRAC]] h = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || *ep != ':' || ep - p != 2) FATALF("%s: Expected 2-digits for hour field", s); p = ++ep; min = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || ep - p != 2) FATALF("%s: Expected 2-digits for minutes field", s); if (*ep == ':') { // SECS[.FRAC] p = ++ep; secs = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || ep - p != 2) FATALF("%s: Expected 2-digits for seconds field", s); if (*ep == '.') { // Fraction of a second p = ++ep; microsecs = ParseFrac(s, p, &ep); } } } if (*ep == '+' || *ep == '-') { // Time offset +/- HH:MM int hoursOff, minOff; int sign = (*ep == '+') ? 1 : -1; p = ++ep; hoursOff = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || *ep != ':' || ep - p != 2 || hoursOff < 0 || hoursOff > 23) FATALF("%s: Expected valid 2-digit hours field for timezone offset", s); p = ++ep; minOff = Atou(p, &ep, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR || ep - p != 2 || minOff < 0 || minOff > 59) FATALF("%s: Expected valid 2-digit minute field for timezone offset", s); timeOff = (hoursOff*SECSPERHOUR + minOff*SECSPERMIN); timeOff *= sign; } else if (*ep == 'Z' || *ep == 'z') ++ep; // explicit UTC marker if (*ep != '\0') FATALF("%s: Bad timestamp format", s); if (h == 24 && min == 0 && secs == 0 && microsecs == 0) { // 24:00:00 -> 00:00:00 // we adjust time offset to add one day to epoch h = 0; timeOff -= 24*SECSPERHOUR; } // Convert to UTC time_t t.tm_year = yyyy; t.tm_mon = mm; t.tm_mday = dd; t.tm_hour = h; t.tm_min = min; t.tm_sec = secs; time_t epoch = UtcTime(&t); // Do not accept renormalized dates if (t.tm_year != yyyy || t.tm_mon != mm || t.tm_mday != dd || t.tm_hour != h || t.tm_min != min || t.tm_sec != secs) FATALF("%s: Invalid timestamp", s); // Adjust for time offset dest->secs = epoch - timeOff; // assume POSIX time_t semantics dest->microsecs = microsecs; return TRUE; } static Boolean ParseEpoch(const char *s, Timestampop *dest) { char *p; NumConvRet res; dest->secs = Atoll(s, &p, 10, &res); if (res != NCVENOERR) return FALSE; if (*p == '.') { ++p; dest->microsecs = ParseFrac(s, p, &p); } else dest->microsecs = 0; return *p == '\0'; } Sint32 BgpgrepC_ParseTimestampExpression(void) { const char *tok = BgpgrepC_ExpectAnyToken(); Timestampop *stamp = (Timestampop *) Bgp_VmPermAlloc(&S.vm, sizeof(*stamp)); if (!stamp) Bgpgrep_Fatal("Memory allocation failed, too many timestamp operations"); // Optional operator stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_EQ; if (strncmp(tok, "<=", 2) == 0) { stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_LE; tok += 2; } else if (*tok == '<') { stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_LT; tok++; } else if (*tok == '!') { stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_NE; tok++; } else if (*tok == '=') { stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_EQ; tok++; } else if (strncmp(tok, ">=", 2) == 0) { stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_GE; tok += 2; } else if (*tok == '>') { stamp->opc = TIMESTAMP_GT; tok++; } // Timestamp value if (!ParseRfc3339(tok, stamp) && !ParseEpoch(tok, stamp)) FATALF("Unrecognized timestamp format '%s'", tok); Sint32 kidx = BGP_VMSETKA(&S.vm, Bgp_VmNewk(&S.vm), stamp); if (kidx < 0) Bgpgrep_Fatal("Expression has too many timestamp operations"); return kidx; }