#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # Legacy Isolario bgpscanner compatible wrapper for ubgpsuite tools. # Emulates most of the classic bgpscanner CLI. # # Copyright The DoubleFourteen Code Forge (C) All Rights Reserved # Author: Lorenzo Cogotti NAME=$(basename "$0") TGT=bgpgrep OPTS="" PEERAS="" PEERASF="" PEERADDR="" PEERADDRF="" ATTRS="" COMMS="" NCOMMS="" EXACT="" EXACTF="" SUBNETS="" SUBNETSF="" SUPNETS="" SUPNETSF="" RELATED="" RELATEDF="" LOOPS="unspec" REXPS="" NREXPS="" DUMPBYTEC="no" OUTREDIR="" die() { echo "$NAME: $*" >&2 exit 1 } usage() { echo "$NAME: Legacy bgpscanner-compatible wrapper for ubgpsuite tools" >&2 echo "Usage:" >&2 echo " $NAME [-cdlL] [-mM COMMSTRING] [-pP PATHEXPR] [-i ADDR] [-I FILE] [-a AS] [-A FILE] [-e PREFIX] [-E FILE] [-t ATTR_CODE] [-T FILE] [-o FILE] [FILE...]" >&2 echo " $NAME [-cdlL] [-mM COMMSTRING] [-pP PATHEXPR] [-i ADDR] [-I FILE] [-a AS] [-A FILE] [-s PREFIX] [-S FILE] [-t ATTR_CODE] [-T FILE] [-o FILE] [FILE...]" >&2 echo " $NAME [-cdlL] [-mM COMMSTRING] [-pP PATHEXPR] [-i ADDR] [-I FILE] [-a AS] [-A FILE] [-u PREFIX] [-U FILE] [-t ATTR_CODE] [-T FILE] [-o FILE] [FILE...]" >&2 echo " $NAME [-cdlL] [-mM COMMSTRING] [-pP PATHEXPR] [-i ADDR] [-I FILE] [-a AS] [-A FILE] [-r PREFIX] [-R FILE] [-t ATTR_CODE] [-T FILE] [-o FILE] [FILE...]" >&2 echo >&2 echo "Available options:" >&2 echo " -a " >&2 echo " Print only entries coming from the given peer AS" >&2 echo " -A " >&2 echo " Print only entries coming from any peer AS listed in file" >&2 # echo " -c" >&2 # echo " Dump BGP messages in hexadecimal C array format" >&2 echo " -d" >&2 echo " Dump BGP filter bytecode to stderr (debug option)" >&2 echo " -e " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing the exact prefix of interest" >&2 echo " -E " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing exactly any prefix of interest listed in file" >&2 echo " -f" >&2 echo " Print every peer IP address in the RIB provided" >&2 echo " -i " echo " Print only entries coming from a given peer IP address" >&2 echo " -I " >&2 echo " Print only entries coming from any peer IP address listed in file" >&2 echo " -l" >&2 echo " Print only entries with loops in their AS PATH" >&2 echo " -L" >&2 echo " Print only entries without loops in their AS PATH" >&2 echo " -o " >&2 echo " Redirect output to file (defaults to stdout)" >&2 echo " -m " >&2 echo " Print only entries whose COMMUNITY attribute contains the given communities (in any order)" >&2 echo " -M " >&2 echo " Print only entries whose COMMUNITY attribute does not contain the given communities (in any order)" >&2 echo " -p " >&2 echo " Print only entries whose AS PATH matches the given expression" >&2 echo " -P " >&2 echo " Print only entries whose AS PATH does not match the given expression" >&2 echo " -r " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing subnets or supernets of the given prefix (including the prefix itself)" >&2 echo " -R " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing subnets or supernets of any prefix listed in file (including the prefix itself)" >&2 echo " -s " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing subnets of the given prefix" >&2 echo " -S " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing subnets of any prefix listed in file" >&2 echo " -t " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing the given interesting attribute" >&2 # echo " -T " >&2 # echo " Print only entries containing any of the interesting attributes listed in file" >&2 echo " -u " echo " Print only entries containing supernets of the given prefix (including the prefix itself)" >&2 echo " -U " >&2 echo " Print only entries containing supernets of any prefix listed in file (including the prefix itself)" >&2 exit 1 } chkint() { case "$1" in ''|*[!0-9]*) die "'$1': Non negative integer expected";; *) ;; esac } isip4() { for i in 1 2 3 4; do case $(printf %s\\n "$1" | cut -d. -f"$i") in [0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]) ;; *) return 1;; esac done } isip6() { test "$( \ printf %s\\n "$1" | \ grep -Ec '^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]).){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]).){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))$' \ )" -eq 1 } chkip() { isip4 "$1" || isip6 "$1" || die "'$1': Invalid IP address"; } chkprefix() { case "$1" in */*) chkint "${1#*/}" && chkip "${1%/*}";; *) chkip "$1";; esac } chknospc() { case "$1" in ''|*[[:space:]]*) die "'$1': Invalid argument";; *) ;; esac } chkcomm() { case "$1" in ''|*[![:space:][:alnum:]\:]*) die "'$1': Invalid COMMUNITY expression";; *) ;; esac } chkrexp() { case "$1" in ''|*[![:digit:][:space:]^$\?\*]*) die "'$1': Invalid AS_PATH expression";; *) ;; esac } templatef() { TPL=$(mktemp) [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1 sed -e 's/#.*$//g' "$1" | awk 'BEGIN { FPAT = "([^ ]*)|(\"[^\"]*\")" } { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) { print $i } }' | while read -r TOK; do [ -z "$TOK" ] && continue UNQL="${TOK%\"}" UNQR="${TOK#\"}" UNQ="${UNQL#\"}" [ "$UNQL" != "$UNQR" ] && die "'$TOK': Illegal misquoted or multiline token" [ -n "$2" ] && "$2" "$UNQ" [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1 printf %s\\n "$UNQ" done > "$TPL" || die "'$1': File conversion failed" echo "$TPL" } quote() { printf %s\\n "$1" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/'/"; } append() { printf %s\\n "${1:+${1}${3:+ ${3}} }${2}"; } TERM="" EXPR="" appendtermargs() { _T=$1; shift TERM="$_T \( $* \)" } appendtermfiles() { _T=$1; shift for i in "$@"; do _L=$(append "$_L" "$_T $i" "-or"); done [ -n "$TERM" ] && TERM="\( $TERM -or $_L \)" || TERM="$_L" } pushterm() { if [ -n "$TERM" ]; then EXPR=$(append "$EXPR" "$TERM"); TERM=""; fi } exprcompile() { [ -n "$PEERAS" ] || [ -n "$PEERADDR" ] && appendtermargs -peer $PEERAS $PEERADDR [ -n "$PEERASF" ] || [ -n "$PEERADDRF" ] && appendtermfiles -peer $PEERASF $PEERADDRF pushterm for i in $ATTRS; do TERM=$(append "$TERM" "-attr $i" "-or"); done [ "$(echo "$ATTRS" | wc -w)" -gt 1 ] && TERM="\( $TERM \)" pushterm [ -n "$NCOMMS" ] && TERM="-not -communities \( $NCOMMS \)" [ -n "$COMMS" ] && TERM=$(append "$TERM" "-all-communities \( $COMMS \)" "-or") [ -n "$NCOMMS" ] && [ -n "$COMMS" ] && TERM="\( $TERM \)" pushterm [ -n "$EXACT" ] && appendtermargs -exact $EXACT [ -n "$EXACTF" ] && appendtermfiles -exact $EXACTF pushterm [ -n "$SUBNETS" ] && appendtermargs -subnet $SUBNETS [ -n "$SUBNETSF" ] && appendtermfiles -subnet $SUBNETSF pushterm [ -n "$SUPNETS" ] && appendtermargs -supernet $SUPNETS [ -n "$SUPNETSF" ] && appendtermfiles -supernet $SUPNETSF pushterm [ -n "$RELATED" ] && appendtermargs -related $RELATED [ -n "$RELATEDF" ] && appendtermfiles -related $RELATEDF pushterm if [ "$LOOPS" != unspec ]; then [ "$LOOPS" = yes ] && TERM="-loops" || TERM="-not -loops" pushterm fi [ -n "$REXPS" ] && TERM="-aspath \"$REXPS\"" [ -n "$NREXPS" ] && TERM=$(append "$TERM" "-not -aspath \"$NREXPS\"" "-or") [ -n "$REXPS" ] && [ -n "$NREXPS" ] && TERM="\( $TERM \)" pushterm } execute() { eval "set -- $OPTS -- "$@" $EXPR" "$CMD" "$TGT" "$@" } GOTEXACT=""; GOTRELATED=""; GOTSUBNETS=""; GOTSUPNETS="" while getopts "a:A:cde:E:fi:I:lLo:m:M:p:P:r:R:s:S:t:T:u:U:" o; do case $o in a) chkint "$OPTARG" PEERAS=$(append "$PEERAS" "$OPTARG") ;; A) TPL=$(templatef "$OPTARG" chkint) || exit 1 PEERASF=$(append "$PEERASF" "$TPL") ;; c) die "Sorry, option -c is not supported yet!" ;; d) DUMPBYTEC=yes ;; e) chkprefix "$OPTARG" GOTEXACT=y; EXACT=$(append "$EXACT" "$OPTARG") ;; E) TPL=$(templatef "$OPTARG" chkprefix) || exit 1 GOTEXACT=y; EXACTF=$(append "$EXACTF" "$TPL") ;; f) TGT=peerindex ;; i) chkip "$OPTARG" PEERADDR=$(append "$PEERADDR" "$OPTARG") ;; I) TPL=$(templatef "$OPTARG" chkip) || exit 1 PEERADDRF=$(append "$PEERADDRF" "$TPL") ;; l) LOOPS=yes ;; L) LOOPS=no ;; m) chkcomm "$OPTARG" COMMS=$(append "$COMMS" "$OPTARG") ;; M) chkcomm "$OPTARG" NCOMMS=$(append "$NCOMMS" "$OPTARG") ;; o) OUTREDIR="$OPTARG" ;; p) chkrexp "$OPTARG" REXPS=$(append "$REXPS" "$(printf %s\\n "$OPTARG" | tr "?" ".")" "|") ;; P) chkrexp "$OPTARG" NREXPS=$(append "$NREXPS" "$(printf %s\\n "$OPTARG" | tr "?" "." )" "|") ;; r) chkprefix "$OPTARG" GOTRELATED=y; RELATED=$(append "$RELATED" "$OPTARG") ;; R) TPL=$(templatef "$OPTARG" chkprefix) || exit 1 GOTRELATED=y; RELATEDF=$(append "$RELATEDF" "$TPL") ;; s) chkprefix "$OPTARG" GOTSUBNETS=y; SUBNETS=$(append "$SUBNETS" "$OPTARG") ;; S) TPL=$(templatef "$OPTARG" chkprefix) || exit 1 GOTSUBNETS=y; SUBNETSF=$(append "$SUBNETSF" "$TPL") ;; t) chknospc "$OPTARG" ATTRS=$(append "$ATTRS" "$OPTARG") ;; T) die "Sorry, option -T is not supported yet!" ;; u) chkprefix "$OPTARG" GOTSUPNETS=y; SUPNETS=$(append "$SUPNETS" "$OPTARG") ;; U) TPL=$(templatef "$OPTARG" chkprefix) || exit 1 GOTSUPNETS=y; SUPNETSF=$(append "$SUPNETSF" "$TPL") ;; ?) usage ;; esac done GOTNETS="${GOTSUBNETS}${GOTSUPNETS}${GOTEXACT}${GOTRELATED}" shift $(( OPTIND-1 )) exprcompile [ -n "$EXPR" ] && [ "$TGT" != bgpgrep ] && die "Conflicting options" [ -n "$GOTNETS" ] && [ "$GOTNETS" != "y" ] && die "Conflicting options" [ "$TGT" = bgpgrep ] && [ "$DUMPBYTEC" = yes ] && OPTS=$(append "$OPTS" --dump-bytecode) [ "$TGT" != bgpgrep ] && OPTS=-r [ -n "$OUTREDIR" ] && OPTS=$(append "$OPTS" "-o $OUTREDIR") CMD="exec" if [ -n "$PRETEND" ] && [ "$PRETEND" = 1 ] || [ "$PRETEND" = y ] || [ "$PRETEND" = yes ]; then CMD="echo" EXPR=$(quote "$EXPR") fi execute "$@"