package = "osx" version = "scm-1" source = { url = "git+" } description = { summary = "Low level Operating System eXtensions for the Lua Programming Language", detailed = [[ lua-osx is a low level Lua module extending the standard os library to provide additional consistent and portable basic system level facilities to Lua. Such as directory traversal, essential file stat functionality and file manipulation. Separate headers and API are also provided to interact with system directories from C in other modules. ]], license = "LGPL-3-or-later" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" } build = { type = "make", build_variables = { LUA="$(LUA)", CC="$(CC)", LD="$(LD)", CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)", LIBFLAG="$(LIBFLAG)", LUA_INCDIR="$(LUA_INCDIR)", LUA_LIBDIR="$(LUA_LIBDIR)" }, install_variables = { CP="$(CP)", RM="$(RM)", MKDIR="$(MKDIR)", RMDIR="$(RMDIR)", LIBDIR="$(LIBDIR)" } }