#!/bin/env lua -- Trimmed down cat(1) utility. -- -- Concatenate files to stdout, making sure bytes are actually written -- out successfully. -- -- SYNOPSIS: -- cat.lua [-u] -- -- NOTE: utility doesn't explicitly allow to concatenate stdin. -- -- Author: Lorenzo Cogotti, The DoubleFourteen Code Forge local osx = require 'osx' local io = require 'io' local uflag = false local function cat(path) local ferr = io.stderr local f, err = io.open(path, 'r') if err then ferr:write(err, "\n") return false end local success = true -- unless it happens to be a failure local fout = io.stdout while true do local buf, err = f:read(4096) if err then ferr:write(err, "\n") success = false end if not buf then break -- done with file end assert(fout:write(buf)) end f:close() assert(fout:flush()) if not osx.isatty(fout) then assert(osx.commit(fout)) end return success end local function parseargs(...) local files = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local arg = select(i, ...) if arg == '-u' then uflag = true else files[#files+1] = arg end end if #files == 0 then error("Missing file arguments") end return files end local files = parseargs(...) io.stdout:setvbuf(uflag and 'no' or 'full') local success = true for _, path in ipairs(files) do if not cat(path) then success = false end end if not success then os.exit(1) end