--- Timer utilities. -- -- This is a reworked implementation of the original timer module -- from the hump library (https://github.com/vrld/hump). -- See README.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT for detailed information. -- -- It offers functionality to schedule tasks for delayed or periodic -- execution, as well as tweening. -- -- @module gear.timer -- @copyright 2010-2013 Matthias Richter -- @copyright 2022 The DoubleFourteen Code Forge -- @author Matthias Richter, Lorenzo Cogotti local Timer = {} Timer.__index = Timer local function _nothing_() end local function updateTimerHandle(handle, dt) -- handle: { -- time = , -- after = , -- during = , -- limit = , -- count = , -- } handle.time = handle.time + dt handle.during(dt, math.max(handle.limit - handle.time, 0)) while handle.time >= handle.limit and handle.count > 0 do if handle.after(handle.after) == false then handle.count = 0 break end handle.time = handle.time - handle.limit handle.count = handle.count - 1 end end function Timer:update(dt) -- timers may create new timers, which leads to undefined behavior -- in pairs() - so we need to put them in a different table first local to_update = {} for handle in pairs(self.functions) do to_update[handle] = handle end for handle in pairs(to_update) do if self.functions[handle] then updateTimerHandle(handle, dt) if handle.count == 0 then self.functions[handle] = nil end end end end function Timer:during(delay, during, after) local handle = { time = 0, during = during, after = after or _nothing_, limit = delay, count = 1 } self.functions[handle] = true return handle end function Timer:after(delay, func) return self:during(delay, _nothing_, func) end function Timer:every(delay, after, count) local count = count or math.huge -- exploit below: math.huge - 1 = math.huge local handle = { time = 0, during = _nothing_, after = after, limit = delay, count = count } self.functions[handle] = true return handle end function Timer:cancel(handle) self.functions[handle] = nil end function Timer:clear() self.functions = {} end function Timer:script(f) local co = coroutine.wrap(f) co(function(t) self:after(t, co) coroutine.yield() end) end Timer.tween = setmetatable({ -- helper functions out = function(f) -- 'rotates' a function return function(s, ...) return 1 - f(1-s, ...) end end, chain = function(f1, f2) -- concatenates two functions return function(s, ...) return (s < .5 and f1(2*s, ...) or 1 + f2(2*s-1, ...)) * .5 end end, -- useful tweening functions linear = function(s) return s end, quad = function(s) return s*s end, cubic = function(s) return s*s*s end, quart = function(s) return s*s*s*s end, quint = function(s) return s*s*s*s*s end, sine = function(s) return 1-math.cos(s*math.pi/2) end, expo = function(s) return 2^(10*(s-1)) end, circ = function(s) return 1 - math.sqrt(1-s*s) end, back = function(s,bounciness) bounciness = bounciness or 1.70158 return s*s*((bounciness+1)*s - bounciness) end, bounce = function(s) -- magic numbers ahead local a,b = 7.5625, 1/2.75 return math.min(a*s^2, a*(s-1.5*b)^2 + .75, a*(s-2.25*b)^2 + .9375, a*(s-2.625*b)^2 + .984375) end, elastic = function(s, amp, period) amp, period = amp and math.max(1, amp) or 1, period or .3 return (-amp * math.sin(2*math.pi/period * (s-1) - math.asin(1/amp))) * 2^(10*(s-1)) end, }, { -- register new tween __call = function(tween, self, len, subject, target, method, after, ...) -- recursively collects fields that are defined in both subject and target into a flat list local function tween_collect_payload(subject, target, out) for k,v in pairs(target) do local ref = subject[k] assert(type(v) == type(ref), 'Type mismatch in field "'..k..'".') if type(v) == 'table' then tween_collect_payload(ref, v, out) else local ok, delta = pcall(function() return (v-ref)*1 end) assert(ok, 'Field "'..k..'" does not support arithmetic operations') out[#out+1] = {subject, k, delta} end end return out end method = tween[method or 'linear'] -- see __index local payload, t, args = tween_collect_payload(subject, target, {}), 0, {...} local last_s = 0 return self:during(len, function(dt) t = t + dt local s = method(math.min(1, t/len), unpack(args)) local ds = s - last_s last_s = s for _, info in ipairs(payload) do local ref, key, delta = unpack(info) ref[key] = ref[key] + delta * ds end end, after) end, -- fetches function and generated compositions for method `key` __index = function(tweens, key) if type(key) == 'function' then return key end assert(type(key) == 'string', 'Method must be function or string.') if rawget(tweens, key) then return rawget(tweens, key) end local function construct(pattern, f) local method = rawget(tweens, key:match(pattern)) if method then return f(method) end return nil end local out, chain = rawget(tweens,'out'), rawget(tweens,'chain') return construct('^in%-([^-]+)$', function(...) return ... end) or construct('^out%-([^-]+)$', out) or construct('^in%-out%-([^-]+)$', function(f) return chain(f, out(f)) end) or construct('^out%-in%-([^-]+)$', function(f) return chain(out(f), f) end) or error('Unknown interpolation method: ' .. key) end}) -- Timer instancing function Timer:new(args) self = setmetatable(args or {}, self) self.functions = {} return self end return Timer