--- Common functions for strings. -- -- @module gear.strings -- @copyright 2022 The DoubleFourteen Code Forge -- @author Lorenzo Cogotti local strings = {} -- Platform preferred path separator local SEP = package.config:sub(1,1) local DOT = string.byte('.') local SLASH = string.byte('/') local BACKSLASH = string.byte('\\') local COLON = string.byte(':') --- Find file extension within path. -- -- @string path a file path -- @string[opt] sep path separator pattern, any combination of '/', '\\' or ':' to support various OSes, defaults to all -- @treturn number extension position within path if an extension is found, nil otherwise function strings.findpathext(path, sep) sep = sep or '/\\:' for i = 1,#sep do local byt = sep:byte(i) if byt ~= SLASH and byt ~= BACKSLASH and byt ~= COLON then error(("Unsupported path separator pattern: %q"):format(sep)) end end local function issep(byt) for i = 1,#sep do if byt == sep:byte(i) then return true end end end local pos = nil for i = #path,2,-1 do local byt = path:byte(i) if byt == DOT and not issep(path:byte(i-1)) then -- Update extension position pos = i elseif issep(byt) then break end end return pos end --- Set default file extension. -- -- If path contains an extension, returns the path unaltered, -- otherwise set extension to the specified one. -- -- @string path a file path -- @string ext default extension to be set -- @string[opt] sep path separator pattern, any combination of '/', '\\' or ':' to support various OSes, defaults to all -- @treturn string updated path, and separator position function strings.setdefpathext(path, ext, sep) if ext:byte(1) ~= DOT then error(("Bad extension %q: must be a string starting with '.'"):format(ext)) end local pos = strings.findpathext(path, sep) if not pos then -- Append default extension pos = #path path = path..ext end return path, pos end --- Set file extension. -- -- @string path a file path -- @string ext extension to be set (including '.') -- @string[opt] sep path separator pattern, any combination of '/', '\\' or ':' to support various OSes, defaults to all -- @treturn string updated path and separator position function strings.setpathext(path, ext, sep) if ext:byte(1) ~= DOT then error(("Bad extension %q: must be a string starting with '.'"):format(ext)) end local pos = strings.findpathext(path, sep) if pos then -- Trim existing extension path = path:sub(1, pos-1) end return path..ext, pos end --- Get file extension. -- -- @string path a file path -- @string[opt] sep path separator pattern, any combination of '/', '\\' or ':' to support various OSes, defaults to all -- @treturn string file extension and position, if any is found, nil otherwise function strings.getpathext(path, sep) local pos = strings.findpathext(path, sep) if pos then return path:sub(pos), pos end end --- Remove redundant slashes and resolve dot and dot-dots in path. -- -- @string path a file path -- @string[opt] sep separator pattern, '/' for Unix, '\\' for Windows (default) -- @string[optchain] osep target separator pattern, '/' for Unix, '\\' for Windows, uses the platform preferred path separator by default. -- @treturn string cleared path function strings.clearpath(path, sep, osep) sep = sep or '\\' -- conservative, both / and \ as seps osep = osep or SEP local dot, dotdot, sepsub, esub if sep == '\\' then -- Windows style separator pattern dot, dotdot = '[\\/]+%.?[\\/]', '[^\\/]+[\\/]%.%.[\\/]?' sepsub, esub = '[\\/]', '[\\/]$' elseif sep == '/' then -- Unix like separators only dot, dotdot = '/+%.?/', '[^/]+/%.%./?' sepsub, esub = '/', '/$' else error("Unsupported separator pattern: "..tostring(sep)) end if osep ~= '\\' and osep ~= '/' then error("Unsupported target separator pattern: "..tostring(osep)) end local k repeat -- /./ -> / path,k = path:gsub(dot, osep, 1) until k == 0 repeat -- A/../ -> (empty) path,k = path:gsub(dotdot, '', 1) until k == 0 -- Make separators consistent path = path:gsub(sepsub, osep) path = path:gsub(esub, '') -- never leave trailing separator return path == '' and '.' or path end --- Split path into components: directory, basename, extension. -- -- @string path path to be split -- @treturn string directory name (including separator), '' if none was found in path -- @treturn string file name without extension, '' if none was found in path -- @treturn string file extension including '.', '' if none was found in path function strings.splitpath(path) return path:match("(.-)([^\\/]-)(%.?[^%.\\/]*)$") end --- Test whether a string starts with a prefix. -- -- This is an optimized version of: return s:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix. -- -- @string s string to be tested -- @string prefix prefix to test for -- @treturn bool true if prefix is found, false otherwise function strings.startswith(s, prefix) for i = 1,#prefix do if s:byte(i) ~= prefix:byte(i) then return false end end return true end --- Test whether a string ends with a trailing suffix. -- -- This is an optimized version of: return trailing == "" -- or s:sub(-#trailing) == trailing. -- -- @string s string to be tested -- @string trailing suffix to test for -- @treturn bool true if suffix is found, false otherwise function strings.endswith(s, trailing) local n1,n2 = #s,#trailing for i = 0,n2-1 do if s:byte(n1-i) ~= trailing:byte(n2-i) then return false end end return true end return strings