crush ===== **crush** - The uncomplicated LÖVE external module system. **crush** is a minimalistic dependency-less package system for the LÖVE engine. It provides a structured approach to retrieve external libraries for your game project. ## Why? Lua knows some excellent dependency management system, like [LuaRocks]( Though, they are not optimal for a game project, where: * External libraries should be packed along with the game for distribution. * Packages are often small, and their code should be readily hackable by developers (package versions are not tremendously important). * Depending on a complex package manager is undesireable. LÖVE games have limited ways to manage external libraries: 1. Manually, directly copying external libraries in the game source tree. * Pulling latest changes in the library requires more copy-pasting. * Harder to use libraries if they depend on other libraries themselves. 2. Using a package manager during development, and carefully pack external libraries with the game manually upon distribution. * Adds a non-trivial step to distribution phase. * Many existing LÖVE libraries have no support for package managers. **crush** provides an alternative to this. ## How to use it? To use **crush** follow these steps: 1. Copy the latest `crush.lua` into your project's root folder. 2. Create a `.lovedeps` file in the same directory, here you will list every dependency (more in the next section). 3. With `crush.lua` and `.lovedeps` in place, you can populate or refresh project dependencies by running: ```sh lua crush.lua ``` **crush** will fetch the project's dependencies recursively, cloning them inside a `lib` subdirectory. Thus you may use them comfortably in your code with a trivial `require()`, like this: ```lua local serialize = require 'lib.serialize' ``` Meaning that **crush** flattens all dependencies inside the `lib` folder. This implies that common dependencies across different packages must be named and accessed consistently in the source code. A reasonable limitation given **crush** use-case. ## The .lovedeps file The `.lovedeps` file is a regular Lua text file, containing a table where every entry specifies a dependency: ```lua ['dependency-name'] = "git-url" ``` For example: ```lua { -- Fetch lib/df-serialize from -- needs ['quote'] syntax due to '-' ['df-serialize'] = "", -- Fetch lib/gear from gear = "", -- Fetch lib/yui from yui = "" -- NOTE: Any dependency may also pull additional subdependencies, -- these will also be cloned within lib/ } ``` ## Philosophy **crush** is somewhat opinionated and tied to its intended use-case. It obeys the following general rules: `MUST`: * Be self-contained, only a single Lua file: `crush.lua`. * Must only depend on Lua, LÖVE and `git`, expected to be available on any LÖVE developer machine. * Do one thing: fetch the dependencies listed in the `.lovedeps` file. * Be simple and predictable, integrating **crush** into a LÖVE game must be as intuitive as possible. * Be hackable, its code must be reasonably trivial, understandable and adaptable. * Enforce one way to do things, encouraging consistency. `MUST NOT`: * Give in to feature creep. * Provide a centralized repository. * Be completely general, its scope is limited to the average LÖVE game or library. * Be entirely safe, there is no demand for checksum or strict versioning in **crush** use case. `SHOULD NOT`: * Break compatibility with older `.lovedeps` files. If this does not meet your requirements, code should still be sufficiently hackable to provide some room for customization. ## Similar projects * [LÖVERocks]( is a more involved project with the ambition to bring LuaRocks features to LÖVE. ## License See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for detailed information.