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// UTS46.swift
// PunyCocoa Swift
// Created by Nate Weaver on 2020-03-29.
import Foundation
import Compression
/// UTS46 mapping.
/// Storage file format. Codepoints are stored UTF-8-encoded.
/// All multibyte integers are little-endian.
/// Header:
/// +--------------+---------+---------+---------+
/// | 6 bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | 4 bytes |
/// +--------------+---------+---------+---------+
/// | magic number | version | flags | crc32 |
/// +--------------+---------+---------+---------+
/// - `magic number`: `"UTS#46"` (`0x55 0x54 0x53 0x23 0x34 0x36`).
/// - `version`: format version (1 byte; currently `0x01`).
/// - `flags`: Bitfield:
/// +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
/// | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
/// +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
/// | currently unused | crc | compression |
/// +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
/// - `crc`: Contains a CRC32 of the data after the header.
/// - `compression`: compression mode of the data.
/// Currently identical to NSData's compression constants + 1:
/// - 0: no compression
/// - 1: LZFSE
/// - 2: LZ4
/// - 3: LZMA
/// - 4: ZLIB
/// - `crc32`: CRC32 of the (possibly compressed) data. Implementations can skip
/// parsing this unless data integrity is an issue.
/// The data section is a collection of data blocks of the format
/// [marker][section data] ...
/// Section data formats:
/// If marker is `characterMap`:
/// [codepoint][mapped-codepoint ...][null] ...
/// If marker is `disallowedCharacters` or `ignoredCharacters`:
/// [codepoint-range] ...
/// If marker is `joiningTypes`:
/// [type][[codepoint-range] ...]
/// where `type` is one of `C`, `D`, `L`, `R`, or `T`.
/// `codepoint-range`: two codepoints, marking the first and last codepoints of a
/// closed range. Single-codepoint ranges have the same start and end codepoint.
class UTS46 {
static var characterMap: [UInt32: String] = [:]
static var ignoredCharacters: CharacterSet = []
static var disallowedCharacters: CharacterSet = []
static var joiningTypes = [UInt32: JoiningType]()
static var isLoaded = false
enum Marker {
static let characterMap = UInt8.max
static let ignoredCharacters = UInt8.max - 1
static let disallowedCharacters = UInt8.max - 2
static let joiningTypes = UInt8.max - 3
static let min = UInt8.max - 10 // No valid UTF-8 byte can fall here.
static let sequenceTerminator: UInt8 = 0
enum JoiningType: Character {
case causing = "C"
case dual = "D"
case right = "R"
case left = "L"
case transparent = "T"
enum UTS46Error: Error {
case badSize
case compressionError
case decompressionError
case badMarker
case unknownVersion
/// Identical values to `NSData.CompressionAlgorithm + 1`.
enum CompressionAlgorithm: UInt8 {
case none = 0
case lzfse = 1
case lz4 = 2
case lzma = 3
case zlib = 4
var rawAlgorithm: compression_algorithm? {
switch self {
case .lzfse:
case .lz4:
case .lzma:
case .zlib:
return nil
struct Header: RawRepresentable, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
typealias RawValue = [UInt8]
var rawValue: [UInt8] {
let value = Self.signature + [version, flags.rawValue]
assert(value.count == 8)
return value
private static let compressionMask: UInt8 = 0x07
private static let signature: [UInt8] = Array("UTS#46".utf8)
private struct Flags: RawRepresentable {
var rawValue: UInt8 {
return (hasCRC ? hasCRCMask : 0) | compression.rawValue
var hasCRC: Bool
var compression: CompressionAlgorithm
private let hasCRCMask: UInt8 = 1 << 3
private let compressionMask: UInt8 = 0x7
init(rawValue: UInt8) {
hasCRC = rawValue & hasCRCMask != 0
let compressionBits = rawValue & compressionMask
compression = CompressionAlgorithm(rawValue: compressionBits) ?? .none
init(compression: CompressionAlgorithm = .none, hasCRC: Bool = false) {
self.compression = compression
self.hasCRC = hasCRC
let version: UInt8
private var flags: Flags
var hasCRC: Bool { flags.hasCRC }
var compression: CompressionAlgorithm { flags.compression }
var dataOffset: Int { 8 + (flags.hasCRC ? 4 : 0) }
init?<T: DataProtocol>(rawValue: T) where T.Index == Int {
guard rawValue.count == 8 else { return nil }
guard rawValue.prefix(Self.signature.count).elementsEqual(Self.signature) else { return nil }
version = rawValue[rawValue.index(rawValue.startIndex, offsetBy: 6)]
flags = Flags(rawValue: rawValue[rawValue.index(rawValue.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)])
init(compression: CompressionAlgorithm = .none, hasCRC: Bool = false) {
self.version = 1
self.flags = Flags(compression: compression, hasCRC: hasCRC)
var debugDescription: String { "has CRC: \(hasCRC); compression: \(String(describing: compression))" }