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// AccountManager.swift
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/18/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Web
import Articles
import ArticlesDatabase
import Database
import Secrets
@MainActor public final class AccountManager: UnreadCountProvider {
@MainActor public static var shared: AccountManager!
public static let netNewsWireNewsURL = ""
private static let jsonNetNewsWireNewsURL = ""
public let defaultAccount: Account
private let accountsFolder: String
private var accountsDictionary = [String: Account]()
private let defaultAccountFolderName = "OnMyMac"
private let defaultAccountIdentifier = "OnMyMac"
private let secretsProvider: SecretsProvider
public var isSuspended = false
public var isUnreadCountsInitialized: Bool {
for account in activeAccounts {
if !account.isUnreadCountsInitialized {
return false
return true
public var unreadCount = 0 {
didSet {
if unreadCount != oldValue {
public var accounts: [Account] {
return Array(accountsDictionary.values)
public var sortedAccounts: [Account] {
return sortByName(accounts)
public var activeAccounts: [Account] {
return Array(accountsDictionary.values.filter { $0.isActive })
public var sortedActiveAccounts: [Account] {
return sortByName(activeAccounts)
public var lastArticleFetchEndTime: Date? {
var lastArticleFetchEndTime: Date? = nil
for account in activeAccounts {
if let accountLastArticleFetchEndTime = account.metadata.lastArticleFetchEndTime {
if lastArticleFetchEndTime == nil || lastArticleFetchEndTime! < accountLastArticleFetchEndTime {
lastArticleFetchEndTime = accountLastArticleFetchEndTime
return lastArticleFetchEndTime
public func existingActiveAccount(forDisplayName displayName: String) -> Account? {
return AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.first(where: { $0.nameForDisplay == displayName })
public var refreshInProgress: Bool {
for account in activeAccounts {
if account.refreshInProgress {
return true
return false
public var combinedRefreshProgress: CombinedRefreshProgress {
let downloadProgressArray = { $0.refreshProgress }
return CombinedRefreshProgress(downloadProgressArray: downloadProgressArray)
public init(accountsFolder: String, secretsProvider: SecretsProvider) {
self.accountsFolder = accountsFolder
self.secretsProvider = secretsProvider
// The local "On My Mac" account must always exist, even if it's empty.
let localAccountFolder = (accountsFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("OnMyMac")
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: localAccountFolder, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
catch {
assertionFailure("Could not create folder for OnMyMac account.")
defaultAccount = Account(dataFolder: localAccountFolder, type: .onMyMac, accountID: defaultAccountIdentifier, secretsProvider: secretsProvider)
accountsDictionary[defaultAccount.accountID] = defaultAccount
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(unreadCountDidInitialize(_:)), name: .UnreadCountDidInitialize, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(unreadCountDidChange(_:)), name: .UnreadCountDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(accountStateDidChange(_:)), name: .AccountStateDidChange, object: nil)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// MARK: - API
public func createAccount(type: AccountType) -> Account {
let accountID = type == .cloudKit ? "iCloud" : UUID().uuidString
let accountFolder = (accountsFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("\(type.rawValue)_\(accountID)")
do {
try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: accountFolder, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
} catch {
assertionFailure("Could not create folder for \(accountID) account.")
let account = Account(dataFolder: accountFolder, type: type, accountID: accountID, secretsProvider: secretsProvider)
accountsDictionary[accountID] = account
var userInfo = [String: Any]()
userInfo[Account.UserInfoKey.account] = account .UserDidAddAccount, object: self, userInfo: userInfo)
return account
public func deleteAccount(_ account: Account) {
guard !account.refreshInProgress else {
accountsDictionary.removeValue(forKey: account.accountID)
account.isDeleted = true
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: account.dataFolder)
catch {
assertionFailure("Could not create folder for OnMyMac account.")
var userInfo = [String: Any]()
userInfo[Account.UserInfoKey.account] = account .UserDidDeleteAccount, object: self, userInfo: userInfo)
public func duplicateServiceAccount(type: AccountType, username: String?) -> Bool {
guard type != .onMyMac else {
return false
for account in accounts {
if account.type == type && username == account.username {
return true
return false
public func existingAccount(with accountID: String) -> Account? {
return accountsDictionary[accountID]
public func existingContainer(with containerID: ContainerIdentifier) -> Container? {
switch containerID {
case .account(let accountID):
return existingAccount(with: accountID)
case .folder(let accountID, let folderName):
return existingAccount(with: accountID)?.existingFolder(with: folderName)
return nil
public func suspendNetworkAll() {
isSuspended = true
accounts.forEach { $0.suspendNetwork() }
public func suspendDatabaseAll() {
accounts.forEach { $0.suspendDatabase() }
public func resumeAll() {
isSuspended = false
accounts.forEach { $0.resumeDatabaseAndDelegate() }
accounts.forEach { $0.resume() }
public func receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) async {
for account in activeAccounts {
await account.receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: userInfo)
private func internetIsReachable() -> Bool {
guard let reachability = try? Reachability(hostname: ""), reachability.connection != .unavailable else {
return false
return true
public func refreshAll(errorHandler: ((Error) -> Void)? = nil) async {
guard internetIsReachable() else {
var syncErrors = [AccountSyncError]()
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { taskGroup in
for account in self.activeAccounts {
taskGroup.addTask { @MainActor in
do {
try await account.refreshAll()
} catch {
if let errorHandler {
let syncError = AccountSyncError(account: account, error: error)
if !syncErrors.isEmpty { .AccountsDidFailToSyncWithErrors, object: self, userInfo: [Account.UserInfoKey.syncErrors: syncErrors]))
public func sendArticleStatusAll() async {
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { taskGroup in
for account in activeAccounts {
taskGroup.addTask {
try? await account.sendArticleStatus()
public func syncArticleStatusAll() async {
await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { taskGroup in
for account in activeAccounts {
taskGroup.addTask {
try? await account.syncArticleStatus()
public func saveAll() {
accounts.forEach { $ }
public func anyAccountHasAtLeastOneFeed() -> Bool {
for account in activeAccounts {
if account.hasAtLeastOneFeed() {
return true
return false
public func anyAccountHasNetNewsWireNewsSubscription() -> Bool {
return anyAccountHasFeedWithURL(Self.netNewsWireNewsURL) || anyAccountHasFeedWithURL(Self.jsonNetNewsWireNewsURL)
public func anyAccountHasFeedWithURL(_ urlString: String) -> Bool {
for account in activeAccounts {
if let _ = account.existingFeed(withURL: urlString) {
return true
return false
// MARK: - Fetching Articles
// These fetch articles from active accounts and return a merged Set<Article>.
public func fetchArticles(fetchType: FetchType) async throws -> Set<Article> {
guard activeAccounts.count > 0 else {
return Set<Article>()
var allFetchedArticles = Set<Article>()
for account in activeAccounts {
let articles = try await account.articles(for: fetchType)
return allFetchedArticles
// MARK: - Caches
/// Empty caches that can reasonably be emptied  when the app moves to the background, for instance.
public func emptyCaches() {
for account in accounts {
// MARK: - Notifications
@objc func unreadCountDidInitialize(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let _ = notification.object as? Account else {
if isUnreadCountsInitialized {
@objc dynamic func unreadCountDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let _ = notification.object as? Account else {
@objc func accountStateDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
// MARK: - Private
private extension AccountManager {
func updateUnreadCount() {
unreadCount = calculateUnreadCount(activeAccounts)
func loadAccount(_ accountSpecifier: AccountSpecifier) -> Account? {
return Account(dataFolder: accountSpecifier.folderPath, type: accountSpecifier.type, accountID: accountSpecifier.identifier, secretsProvider: secretsProvider)
func loadAccount(_ filename: String) -> Account? {
let folderPath = (accountsFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent(filename)
if let accountSpecifier = AccountSpecifier(folderPath: folderPath) {
return loadAccount(accountSpecifier)
return nil
func readAccountsFromDisk() {
var filenames: [String]?
do {
filenames = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: accountsFolder)
catch {
print("Error reading Accounts folder: \(error)")
filenames = filenames?.sorted()
filenames?.forEach { (oneFilename) in
guard oneFilename != defaultAccountFolderName else {
if let oneAccount = loadAccount(oneFilename) {
if !duplicateServiceAccount(oneAccount) {
accountsDictionary[oneAccount.accountID] = oneAccount
func duplicateServiceAccount(_ account: Account) -> Bool {
return duplicateServiceAccount(type: account.type, username: account.username)
func sortByName(_ accounts: [Account]) -> [Account] {
// LocalAccount is first.
return accounts.sorted { (account1, account2) -> Bool in
if account1 === defaultAccount {
return true
if account2 === defaultAccount {
return false
return (account1.nameForDisplay as NSString).localizedStandardCompare(account2.nameForDisplay) == .orderedAscending
private struct AccountSpecifier {
let type: AccountType
let identifier: String
let folderPath: String
let folderName: String
let dataFilePath: String
init?(folderPath: String) {
if !FileManager.default.isFolder(atPath: folderPath) {
return nil
let name = NSString(string: folderPath).lastPathComponent
if name.hasPrefix(".") {
return nil
let nameComponents = name.components(separatedBy: "_")
guard nameComponents.count == 2, let rawType = Int(nameComponents[0]), let accountType = AccountType(rawValue: rawType) else {
return nil
self.folderPath = folderPath
self.folderName = name
self.type = accountType
self.identifier = nameComponents[1]
self.dataFilePath = AccountSpecifier.accountFilePathWithFolder(self.folderPath)
private static let accountDataFileName = "AccountData.plist"
private static func accountFilePathWithFolder(_ folderPath: String) -> String {
return NSString(string: folderPath).appendingPathComponent(accountDataFileName)