Move CloudKitAccountZone to CloudKitSync module.

This commit is contained in:
Brent Simmons 2024-04-20 09:37:50 -07:00
parent b64b1307b7
commit fe017d042a
3 changed files with 44 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -36,31 +36,31 @@ public typealias CloudKitRecordKey = (recordType: CKRecord.RecordType, recordID:
public protocol CloudKitZone: AnyObject {
static var qualityOfService: QualityOfService { get }
@MainActor static var qualityOfService: QualityOfService { get }
var zoneID: CKRecordZone.ID { get }
var log: OSLog { get }
@MainActor var log: OSLog { get }
@MainActor var container: CKContainer? { get }
@MainActor var database: CKDatabase? { get }
@MainActor var delegate: CloudKitZoneDelegate? { get set }
/// Reset the change token used to determine what point in time we are doing changes fetches
func resetChangeToken()
@MainActor func resetChangeToken()
/// Generates a new CKRecord.ID using a UUID for the record's name
func generateRecordID() -> CKRecord.ID
@MainActor func generateRecordID() -> CKRecord.ID
/// Subscribe to changes at a zone level
func subscribeToZoneChanges()
@MainActor func subscribeToZoneChanges()
/// Process a remove notification
func receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) async
@MainActor func receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) async
@MainActor public extension CloudKitZone {
// My observation has been that QoS is treated differently for CloudKit operations on macOS vs iOS.
// .userInitiated is too aggressive on iOS and can lead the UI slowing down and appearing to block.
// .default (or lower) on macOS will sometimes hang for extended periods of time and appear to hang.
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public protocol CloudKitZone: AnyObject {
return .default
var oldChangeTokenKey: String {
return "cloudkit.server.token.\(zoneID.zoneName)"
@ -130,29 +130,17 @@ public protocol CloudKitZone: AnyObject {
func receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) async {
@MainActor func receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
Task { @MainActor in
self.receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: userInfo) {
@MainActor func receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], completion: @escaping @Sendable () -> Void) {
let note = CKRecordZoneNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary: userInfo)
guard note?.recordZoneID?.zoneName == zoneID.zoneName else {
fetchChangesInZone() { result in
if case .failure(let error) = result {
os_log(.error, log: self.log, "%@ zone remote notification fetch error: %@", self.zoneID.zoneName, error.localizedDescription)
do {
try await fetchChangesInZone()
} catch {
os_log(.error, log: log, "%@ zone remote notification fetch error: %@", zoneID.zoneName, error.localizedDescription)

View File

@ -29,6 +29,18 @@
selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"
shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"
shouldAutocreateTestPlan = "YES">
skipped = "NO">
BuildableIdentifier = "primary"
BlueprintIdentifier = "CloudKitSyncTests"
BuildableName = "CloudKitSyncTests"
BlueprintName = "CloudKitSyncTests"
ReferencedContainer = "container:">
buildConfiguration = "Debug"

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
/// Persist a web feed record to iCloud and return the external key
func createFeed(url: String, name: String?, editedName: String?, homePageURL: String?, container: Container) async throws -> String {
func createFeed(url: String, name: String?, editedName: String?, homePageURL: String?, containerExternalID: String) async throws -> String {
let recordID = CKRecord.ID(recordName: url.md5String, zoneID: zoneID)
let record = CKRecord(recordType: CloudKitFeed.recordType, recordID: recordID)
@ -107,9 +107,6 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.homePageURL] = homePageURL
guard let containerExternalID = container.externalID else {
throw CloudKitZoneError.corruptAccount
record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] = [containerExternalID]
try await save(record)
@ -117,11 +114,7 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
/// Rename the given web feed
func renameFeed(_ feed: Feed, editedName: String?) async throws {
guard let externalID = feed.externalID else {
throw CloudKitZoneError.corruptAccount
func renameFeed(externalID: String, editedName: String?) async throws {
let recordID = CKRecord.ID(recordName: externalID, zoneID: zoneID)
let record = CKRecord(recordType: CloudKitFeed.recordType, recordID: recordID)
@ -132,22 +125,18 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
/// Removes a web feed from a container and optionally deletes it, returning true if deleted
func removeFeed(_ feed: Feed, from: Container) async throws -> Bool {
guard let fromContainerExternalID = from.externalID else {
throw CloudKitZoneError.corruptAccount
func removeFeed(externalID: String, from containerExternalID: String) async throws -> Bool {
do {
let record = try await fetch(externalID: feed.externalID)
let record = try await fetch(externalID: externalID)
if let containerExternalIDs = record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] as? [String] {
var containerExternalIDSet = Set(containerExternalIDs)
if containerExternalIDSet.isEmpty {
try await delete(externalID: feed.externalID)
try await delete(externalID: externalID)
return true
} else {
record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] = Array(containerExternalIDSet)
@ -166,44 +155,32 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
func moveFeed(_ feed: Feed, from: Container, to: Container) async throws {
func moveFeed(externalID: String, from sourceContainerExternalID: String, to destinationContainerExternalID: String) async throws {
guard let fromContainerExternalID = from.externalID, let toContainerExternalID = to.externalID else {
throw CloudKitZoneError.corruptAccount
let record = try await fetch(externalID: feed.externalID)
let record = try await fetch(externalID: externalID)
if let containerExternalIDs = record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] as? [String] {
var containerExternalIDSet = Set(containerExternalIDs)
record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] = Array(containerExternalIDSet)
try await save(record)
func addFeed(_ feed: Feed, to: Container) async throws {
func addFeed(externalID: String, to containerExternalID: String) async throws {
guard let toContainerExternalID = to.externalID else {
throw CloudKitZoneError.corruptAccount
let record = try await fetch(externalID: feed.externalID)
let record = try await fetch(externalID: externalID)
if let containerExternalIDs = record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] as? [String] {
var containerExternalIDSet = Set(containerExternalIDs)
record[CloudKitFeed.Fields.containerExternalIDs] = Array(containerExternalIDSet)
try await save(record)
func findFeedExternalIDs(for folder: Folder) async throws -> [String] {
guard let folderExternalID = folder.externalID else {
throw CloudKitAccountZoneError.unknown
func findFeedExternalIDs(for folderExternalID: String) async throws -> [String] {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "containerExternalIDs CONTAINS %@", folderExternalID)
let ckQuery = CKQuery(recordType: CloudKitFeed.recordType, predicate: predicate)
@ -216,9 +193,7 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
func findOrCreateAccount() async throws -> String {
guard let database else {
throw CloudKitAccountZoneError.unknown
guard let database else { throw CloudKitAccountZoneError.unknown }
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "isAccount = \"1\"")
let ckQuery = CKQuery(recordType: CloudKitContainer.recordType, predicate: predicate)
@ -254,11 +229,7 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
return try await createContainer(name: name, isAccount: false)
func renameFolder(_ folder: Folder, to name: String) async throws {
guard let externalID = folder.externalID else {
throw CloudKitZoneError.corruptAccount
func renameFolder(externalID: String, to name: String) async throws {
let recordID = CKRecord.ID(recordName: externalID, zoneID: zoneID)
let record = CKRecord(recordType: CloudKitContainer.recordType, recordID: recordID)
@ -267,9 +238,9 @@ enum CloudKitAccountZoneError: LocalizedError {
try await save(record)
func removeFolder(_ folder: Folder) async throws {
func removeFolder(externalID: String) async throws {
try await delete(externalID: folder.externalID)
try await delete(externalID: externalID)