
317 lines
12 KiB
Raw Blame History

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/* Each entry of that file can be associated with a comment to indicate its */
/* state. When there is no comment, it means the entry is fully translated. */
/* The recognized comments are (comment matching is case-insensitive): */
/* + TODO: the entry has never been translated. */
/* + DIRTY: the entry has been translated but needs to be updated. */
/* + IGNORE: the entry does not need to be translated. */
/* When a comment is not recognized, it is discarded. */
return array(
'archiving' => array(
'_' => '歸檔',
'exception' => '高級清理策略',
'help' => '具體選項位於各訂閱源的設置',
'keep_favourites' => '不清理已收藏的文章',
'keep_labels' => '不清理標簽',
'keep_max' => '最多保留的文章數', // DIRTY
'keep_min_by_feed' => '至少保留的文章數',
'keep_period' => '文章最多保留',
'keep_unreads' => '不清理未讀文章',
'maintenance' => '優化',
'optimize' => '優化資料庫',
'optimize_help' => '偶爾執行優化可以減少資料庫大小',
'policy' => '清理策略',
'policy_warning' => '如果未選擇清理策略,則將保留全部文章。',
'purge_now' => '立即清除',
'title' => '存檔',
'ttl' => '最小自動刷新間隔',
'display' => array(
'_' => '顯示',
'darkMode' => array(
'_' => 'Automatic dark mode (beta)', // TODO
'auto' => 'Auto', // TODO
'no' => 'No', // TODO
'icon' => array(
'bottom_line' => '底欄',
'display_authors' => '作者',
'entry' => '文章圖示',
'publication_date' => '更新日期',
'related_tags' => '相關標簽',
'sharing' => '分享',
'summary' => '摘要',
'top_line' => '頂欄',
'language' => '語言',
'notif_html5' => array(
'seconds' => '秒0 表示不超時)',
'timeout' => 'HTML5 通知超時時間',
'show_nav_buttons' => '顯示導航按鈕',
'theme' => array(
'_' => '主題',
'deprecated' => array(
'_' => 'Deprecated', // TODO
'description' => 'This theme is no longer supported and will be not available anymore in a <a href="" target="_blank">future release of FreshRSS</a>', // TODO
'theme_not_available' => '“%s” 主題不再可用,請選擇其他主題。',
'thumbnail' => array(
'label' => '縮圖',
'landscape' => '風景',
'none' => '無',
'portrait' => '肖像',
'square' => '方塊',
'timezone' => 'Time zone', // TODO
'title' => '顯示',
'website' => array(
'full' => 'Icon and name', // TODO
'icon' => 'Icon only', // TODO
'label' => 'Website', // TODO
'name' => 'Name only', // TODO
'none' => 'None', // TODO
'width' => array(
'content' => '內容寬度',
'large' => '寬',
'medium' => '中',
'no_limit' => '無限制',
'thin' => '窄',
'logs' => array(
'loglist' => array(
'level' => '日誌等級',
'message' => '信息',
'timestamp' => '時間',
'pagination' => array(
'first' => '首頁',
'last' => '末頁',
'next' => '下一頁',
'previous' => '上一頁',
'profile' => array(
'_' => '使用者管理',
'api' => 'API 管理',
'delete' => array(
'_' => '帳號刪除',
'warn' => '將刪除你的帳號以及所有相關數據!',
'email' => '郵箱地址',
'password_api' => 'API 密碼<br /><small>(例如用於手機應用)</small>',
'password_form' => '密碼<br /><small>(用於 Web-form 登入方式)</small>',
'password_format' => '至少 7 個字元',
'title' => '用戶帳號',
'query' => array(
'_' => '自定義查詢',
'deprecated' => '此查詢不再有效。相關的分類或訂閱源已被刪除。',
'filter' => array(
'_' => '生效的過濾器:',
'categories' => '按分類顯示',
'feeds' => '按訂閱源顯示',
'order' => '按日期排序',
'search' => '表達式',
'shareOpml' => 'Enable sharing by OPML of corresponding categories and feeds', // TODO
'shareRss' => 'Enable sharing by HTML &amp; RSS', // TODO
'state' => '狀態',
'tags' => '按標簽顯示',
'type' => '類型',
'get_all' => '顯示所有文章',
'get_all_labels' => 'Display articles with any label', // TODO
'get_category' => '顯示分類 “%s”',
'get_favorite' => '顯示收藏文章',
'get_feed' => '顯示訂閱源 “%s”',
'get_important' => 'Display articles from important feeds', // TODO
'get_label' => 'Display articles with “%s” label', // TODO
'help' => 'See the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation for user queries and resharing by HTML / RSS / OPML</a>.', // TODO
'name' => '名稱',
'no_filter' => '無過濾器',
'number' => '查詢 n°%d',
'order_asc' => '由舊至新顯示文章',
'order_desc' => '由新至舊顯示文章',
'search' => '搜尋 “%s”',
'share' => array(
'_' => 'Share this query by link', // TODO
'help' => 'Give this link if you want to share this query with anyone', // TODO
'html' => 'Shareable link to the HTML page', // TODO
'opml' => 'Shareable link to the OPML list of feeds', // TODO
'rss' => 'Shareable link to the RSS feed', // TODO
'state_0' => '顯示所有文章',
'state_1' => '顯示已讀文章',
'state_2' => '顯示未讀文章',
'state_3' => '顯示所有文章',
'state_4' => '顯示收藏文章',
'state_5' => '顯示已讀的收藏文章',
'state_6' => '顯示未讀的收藏文章',
'state_7' => '顯示收藏文章',
'state_8' => '顯示未收藏文章',
'state_9' => '顯示已讀的未收藏文章',
'state_10' => '顯示未讀的未收藏文章',
'state_11' => '顯示未收藏文章',
'state_12' => '顯示所有文章',
'state_13' => '顯示已讀文章',
'state_14' => '顯示未讀文章',
'state_15' => '顯示所有文章',
'title' => '自定義查詢',
'reading' => array(
'_' => '閱讀',
'after_onread' => '「全部標記為已讀」後',
'always_show_favorites' => '預設顯示收藏夾中所有的文章',
'article' => array(
'authors_date' => array(
'_' => '作者和日期',
'both' => '兩者都顯示',
'footer' => '僅頁腳顯示',
'header' => '僅頁眉顯示',
'none' => '不顯示',
'feed_name' => array(
'above_title' => '在文章標題和標簽上方',
'none' => '不顯示',
'with_authors' => '與作者和日期一行',
'feed_title' => '訂閱源標題',
'tags' => array(
'_' => '文章標簽',
'both' => '兩者都顯示',
'footer' => '僅頁腳顯示',
'header' => '僅頁眉顯示',
'none' => '不顯示',
'tags_max' => array(
'_' => '標簽最多顯示個數',
'help' => '0 標識顯示所有標簽',
'articles_per_page' => '每頁文章數',
'auto_load_more' => '在頁面底部載入更多文章',
'auto_remove_article' => '閱讀後隱藏文章',
'confirm_enabled' => '「全部標記為已讀」時顯示確認對話框',
'display_articles_unfolded' => '預設展開顯示文章',
'display_categories_unfolded' => '要展開的分類',
'headline' => array(
'articles' => '文章:打開/關閉',
'articles_header_footer' => '文章: 頁眉/頁腳',
'categories' => '左側導航:分類',
'mark_as_read' => '標為已讀選項',
'misc' => '其它',
'view' => '瀏覽',
'hide_read_feeds' => '隱藏沒有未讀文章的分類和訂閱源 (啟用「顯示所有文章」後不生效)',
'img_with_lazyload' => '延遲加載圖片',
'jump_next' => '跳轉到下一未讀項(訂閱源或分類)',
'mark_updated_article_unread' => '將更新的文章設為未讀',
'number_divided_when_reader' => '閱讀視圖中顯示一半',
'read' => array(
'article_open_on_website' => '在打開原文章後',
'article_viewed' => '在文章被瀏覽後',
'focus' => 'when focused (except for important feeds)', // TODO
'keep_max_n_unread' => '未讀最多保留 n 條',
'scroll' => '在滾動瀏覽後 (except for important feeds)', // DIRTY
'upon_gone' => '在被原訂閱源移除後',
'upon_reception' => '在接收文章後',
'when' => '何時將文章標記為已讀',
'when_same_title' => '已存在 n 條相同標題文章',
'show' => array(
'_' => '文章顯示',
'active_category' => '啟用的分類',
'adaptive' => '智能顯示',
'all_articles' => '顯示所有',
'all_categories' => '所有分類',
'no_category' => '無分類',
'remember_categories' => '記住打開的分類',
'unread' => '只顯示未讀',
'show_fav_unread_help' => '同樣適用於標簽',
'sides_close_article' => '點擊文章區域外以關閉',
'sort' => array(
'_' => '排列順序',
'newer_first' => '由新至舊',
'older_first' => '由舊至新',
'sticky_post' => '打開文章時將其置於頁首',
'title' => '閱讀',
'view' => array(
'default' => '預設視圖',
'global' => '全屏視圖',
'normal' => '普通視圖',
'reader' => '閱讀視圖',
'sharing' => array(
'_' => '分享',
'add' => '添加分享方式',
'blogotext' => 'Blogotext', // IGNORE
'deprecated' => '這項功能已廢棄並在將來版本的 FreshRSS 中移除,詳情請見 <a href="" title="Open documentation for more information" target="_blank">說明文檔</a>.',
'diaspora' => 'Diaspora*', // IGNORE
'email' => '郵箱', // IGNORE
'facebook' => '臉書', // IGNORE
'more_information' => '更多信息',
'print' => '打印',
'raindrop' => '', // IGNORE
'remove' => '刪除分享方式',
'shaarli' => 'Shaarli', // IGNORE
'share_name' => '名稱',
'share_url' => '地址',
'title' => '分享',
'twitter' => '推特', // IGNORE
'wallabag' => 'Wallabag', // IGNORE
'shortcut' => array(
'_' => '快捷鍵',
'article_action' => '文章操作',
'auto_share' => '分享',
'auto_share_help' => '如果有多種分享方式,則會按照它們的序號依次訪問。',
'close_dropdown' => '關閉菜單',
'collapse_article' => '收起文章',
'first_article' => '打開第一篇文章',
'focus_search' => '聚焦到搜尋框',
'global_view' => '切換到全屏視圖',
'help' => '顯示幫助文檔',
'javascript' => '若要使用快捷鍵,必須啟用 JavaScript',
'last_article' => '打開最後一篇文章',
'load_more' => '載入更多文章',
'mark_favorite' => '加入收藏',
'mark_read' => '設為已讀',
'navigation' => '瀏覽',
'navigation_help' => '組合 <kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> 鍵,瀏覽快捷鍵將生效於訂閱源。<br/>組合 <kbd>Alt ⎇</kbd> 鍵,瀏覽快捷鍵將生效於分類。',
'navigation_no_mod_help' => '以下快捷鍵不支持組合鍵Shift 或 Alt',
'next_article' => '打開下一篇文章',
'next_unread_article' => '打開下一篇未讀文章',
'non_standard' => '這些鍵 (<kbd>%s</kbd>) 可能不能作為快捷鍵',
'normal_view' => '切換到普通視圖',
'other_action' => '其它操作',
'previous_article' => '打開上一篇文章',
'reading_view' => '切換到閱讀視圖',
'rss_view' => '切換到 RSS 視圖',
'see_on_website' => '在原網站中查看',
'shift_for_all_read' => '組合 <kbd>Alt ⎇</kbd>鍵 將上方的文章標記為已讀<br />組合 <kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>按鍵 可以將全部文章設為已讀',
'skip_next_article' => '跳轉到下一篇文章而不打開',
'skip_previous_article' => '跳轉到上一篇文章而不打開',
'title' => '快捷鍵',
'toggle_media' => '播放/暫停媒體',
'user_filter' => '顯示自定義查詢',
'user_filter_help' => '如果有多個自定義過濾器,則會按照它們的序號依次訪問。',
'views' => '視圖',
'user' => array(
'articles_and_size' => '%s 篇文章 (%s)',
'current' => '當前使用者',
'is_admin' => '該使用者為管理員',
'users' => '用戶',