
266 lines
11 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* Each entry of that file can be associated with a comment to indicate its */
/* state. When there is no comment, it means the entry is fully translated. */
/* The recognized comments are (comment matching is case-insensitive): */
/* + TODO: the entry has never been translated. */
/* + DIRTY: the entry has been translated but needs to be updated. */
/* + IGNORE: the entry does not need to be translated. */
/* When a comment is not recognized, it is discarded. */
return array(
'api' => array(
'documentation' => '复制以下地址,以供外部工具使用',
'title' => 'API', // IGNORE
'bookmarklet' => array(
'documentation' => '拖动此书签到你的书签栏或者右键选择「收藏此链接」,然后在你想要订阅的页面上点击「订阅」按钮。',
'label' => '订阅',
'title' => '书签',
'category' => array(
'_' => '分类',
'add' => '添加分类',
'archiving' => '归档',
'dynamic_opml' => array(
'_' => '动态订阅',
'help' => '使用 URL 上的 <a href="" target="_blank">OPML 文件</a> 中的订阅源填充这一分类',
'empty' => '空分类',
'information' => '信息',
'opml_url' => 'OPML URL', // IGNORE
'position' => '显示位置',
'position_help' => '控制分类排列顺序',
'title' => '标题',
'feed' => array(
'accept_cookies' => '接受 Cookies',
'accept_cookies_help' => '允许订阅源服务器设置 Cookies仅在请求期间存储在内存中',
'add' => '添加订阅源',
'advanced' => '高级',
'archiving' => '归档',
'auth' => array(
'configuration' => '认证',
'help' => '用于连接启用 HTTP 认证的订阅源',
'http' => 'HTTP 认证',
'password' => 'HTTP 密码',
'username' => 'HTTP 用户名',
'clear_cache' => '总是清除缓存',
'content_action' => array(
'_' => '获取原文后的操作',
'append' => '添加在现有内容后部',
'prepend' => '添加在现有内容前部',
'replace' => '替换现有内容',
'css_cookie' => '获取原文时的 Cookies',
'css_cookie_help' => '例:<kbd>foo=bar; gdpr_consent=true; cookie=value</kbd>',
'css_help' => '用于获取全文(注意,这将耗费更多时间!)',
'css_path' => '原文的 CSS 选择器',
'css_path_filter' => array(
'_' => '需移除元素的 CSS 选择器',
'help' => '可设置多个 CSS 选择器,例如:<kbd>.footer, .aside</kbd>',
'description' => '描述',
'empty' => '此源为空。请确认它是否正常更新。',
'error' => '此源遇到一些问题。请在确认是否能正常访问后重试。',
'export-as-opml' => array(
'download' => 'Download', // TODO
'help' => 'XML file', // TODO
'label' => 'Export as OPML', // TODO
'filteractions' => array(
'_' => '过滤动作',
'help' => '每行写一条过滤搜索,过滤条件可见 <a href="" target="_blank">文档</a>。',
'information' => '信息',
'keep_min' => '至少保存的文章数',
'kind' => array(
'_' => '订阅源类型',
'html_xpath' => array(
'_' => 'HTML + XPath (Web 抓取)',
'feed_title' => array(
'_' => '订阅源标题',
'help' => '如 <code>//title</code> 或是静态字符串如: <code>"My custom feed"</code>',
'help' => '<dfn><a href="" target="_blank">XPath 1.0</a></dfn> 是为资深用户准备的标准查询语言FreshRSS 用以实现 Web 抓取.',
'item' => array(
'_' => '以寻找 <strong>文章</strong><br /><small>(很重要)</small>',
'help' => '例如 <code>//div[@class="news-item"]</code>',
'item_author' => array(
'_' => '文章作者',
'help' => '可以是静态字符串,例如 <code>"Anonymous"</code>',
'item_categories' => '文章标签',
'item_content' => array(
'_' => '文章内容',
'help' => '例如使用 <code>.</code> 将整个对象作为文章内容',
'item_thumbnail' => array(
'_' => '文章缩略图',
'help' => '例如 <code>descendant::img/@src</code>',
'item_timeFormat' => array(
'_' => '自定义日期/时间格式',
'help' => '可选项, 格式参见 <a href="" target="_blank"><code>DateTime::createFromFormat()</code></a> 例如 <code>d-m-Y H:i:s</code>',
'item_timestamp' => array(
'_' => '文章日期:',
'help' => '结果将被 <a href="" target="_blank"><code>strtotime()</code></a> 解析',
'item_title' => array(
'_' => '文章标题',
'help' => '注意使用 <a href="" target="_blank">XPath 轴</a> <code>descendant::</code>,例如 <code>descendant::h2</code>',
'item_uid' => array(
'_' => '文章唯一 ID',
'help' => '可选,例如: <code>descendant::div/@data-uri</code>',
'item_uri' => array(
'_' => '文章链接 (URL)',
'help' => '例如 <code>descendant::a/@href</code>',
'relative' => 'XPath文章',
'xpath' => 'XPath 定位:',
'json_dotnotation' => array(
'_' => 'JSON (dot notation)', // TODO
'feed_title' => array(
'_' => 'feed title', // TODO
'help' => 'Example: <code>meta.title</code> or a static string: <code>"My custom feed"</code>', // TODO
'help' => 'A JSON dot notated uses dots between objects and brackets for arrays (e.g. <code>data.items[0].title</code>)', // TODO
'item' => array(
'_' => 'finding news <strong>items</strong><br /><small>(most important)</small>', // TODO
'help' => 'JSON path to the array containing the items, e.g. <code>newsItems</code>', // TODO
'item_author' => 'item author', // TODO
'item_categories' => 'item tags', // TODO
'item_content' => array(
'_' => 'item content', // TODO
'help' => 'Key under which the content is found, e.g. <code>content</code>', // TODO
'item_thumbnail' => array(
'_' => 'item thumbnail', // TODO
'help' => 'Example: <code>image</code>', // TODO
'item_timeFormat' => array(
'_' => 'Custom date/time format', // TODO
'help' => 'Optional. A format supported by <a href="" target="_blank"><code>DateTime::createFromFormat()</code></a> such as <code>d-m-Y H:i:s</code>', // TODO
'item_timestamp' => array(
'_' => 'item date', // TODO
'help' => 'The result will be parsed by <a href="" target="_blank"><code>strtotime()</code></a>', // TODO
'item_title' => 'item title', // TODO
'item_uid' => 'item unique ID', // TODO
'item_uri' => array(
'_' => 'item link (URL)', // TODO
'help' => 'Example: <code>permalink</code>', // TODO
'json' => 'dot notation for:', // TODO
'relative' => 'dot notated path (relative to item) for:', // TODO
'jsonfeed' => 'JSON Feed', // TODO
'rss' => 'RSS / Atom (默认)',
'xml_xpath' => 'XML + XPath', // TODO
'maintenance' => array(
'clear_cache' => '清理缓存',
'clear_cache_help' => '清除该feed的缓存',
'reload_articles' => '重载文章',
'reload_articles_help' => '重载 n 篇文章并抓取内容(若设置了 CSS 选择器)',
'title' => '维护',
'max_http_redir' => '最大 HTTP 重定向',
'max_http_redir_help' => '设置为 0 或留空以禁用,-1 表示无限重定向',
'method' => array(
'_' => 'HTTP Method', // TODO
'method_help' => 'The POST payload has automatic support for <code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code> and <code>application/json</code>', // TODO
'method_postparams' => 'Payload for POST', // TODO
'moved_category_deleted' => '删除分类时,其中的订阅源会自动归类到 <em>%s</em>',
'mute' => '暂停',
'no_selected' => '未选择订阅源',
'number_entries' => '%d 篇文章',
'priority' => array(
'_' => '可见性',
'archived' => '不显示(归档)',
'category' => '在分类中显示',
'important' => 'Show in important feeds', // TODO
'main_stream' => '在首页中显示',
'proxy' => '获取订阅源时的代理',
'proxy_help' => '选择协议SOCKS5和代理地址<kbd></kbd> 或者 <kbd>username:password@</kbd>',
'selector_preview' => array(
'show_raw' => '显示源码',
'show_rendered' => '显示内容',
'show' => array(
'all' => '显示所有订阅源',
'error' => '仅显示有错误的订阅源',
'showing' => array(
'error' => '正在显示有错误的订阅源',
'ssl_verify' => '验证 SSL 证书安全',
'stats' => '统计',
'think_to_add' => '你可以添加一些订阅源。',
'timeout' => '超时时间(秒)',
'title' => '标题',
'title_add' => '添加订阅源',
'ttl' => '最小自动更新间隔',
'url' => '源地址',
'useragent' => '设置用于获取此源的 User Agent',
'useragent_help' => '例:<kbd>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:86.0)</kbd>',
'validator' => '检查订阅源有效性',
'website' => '网站地址',
'websub' => 'WebSub 即时通知',
'import_export' => array(
'export' => '导出',
'export_labelled' => '导出有标签的文章',
'export_opml' => '导出订阅源列表OPML',
'export_starred' => '导出你的收藏',
'feed_list' => '%s 文章列表',
'file_to_import' => '需要导入的文件 <br />OPML、JSON 或 ZIP',
'file_to_import_no_zip' => '需要导入的文件 <br />OPML 或 JSON',
'import' => '导入',
'starred_list' => '收藏文章列表',
'title' => '导入/导出',
'menu' => array(
'add' => '添加订阅源或分类',
'import_export' => '导入/导出',
'label_management' => '标签管理',
'stats' => array(
'idle' => '长期无更新订阅源',
'main' => '主要统计',
'repartition' => '文章分布',
'subscription_management' => '订阅管理',
'subscription_tools' => '订阅工具',
'tag' => array(
'auto_label' => 'Add this label to new articles', // TODO
'name' => '名称',
'new_name' => '新名称',
'old_name' => '旧名称',
'title' => array(
'_' => '订阅管理',
'add' => '添加订阅源或分类',
'add_category' => '添加分类',
'add_dynamic_opml' => '添加订阅源动态列表',
'add_feed' => '添加订阅源',
'add_label' => '添加标签',
'delete_label' => '删除标签',
'feed_management' => '订阅源管理',
'rename_label' => '重命名标签',
'subscription_tools' => '订阅工具',