
1402 lines
50 KiB

class FreshRSS_EntryDAO extends Minz_ModelPdo {
public static function isCompressed(): bool {
return true;
public static function hasNativeHex(): bool {
return true;
protected static function sqlConcat(string $s1, string $s2): string {
return 'CONCAT(' . $s1 . ',' . $s2 . ')'; //MySQL
public static function sqlHexDecode(string $x): string {
return 'unhex(' . $x . ')';
public static function sqlHexEncode(string $x): string {
return 'hex(' . $x . ')';
public static function sqlIgnoreConflict(string $sql): string {
return str_replace('INSERT INTO ', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ', $sql);
private function updateToMediumBlob(): bool {
if ($this->pdo->dbType() !== 'mysql') {
return false;
Minz_Log::warning('Update MySQL table to use MEDIUMBLOB...');
$sql = <<<'SQL'
ALTER TABLE `_entry` MODIFY `content_bin` MEDIUMBLOB;
ALTER TABLE `_entrytmp` MODIFY `content_bin` MEDIUMBLOB;
try {
$ok = $this->pdo->exec($sql) !== false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$ok = false;
Minz_Log::error(__method__ . ' error: ' . $e->getMessage());
return $ok;
protected function addColumn(string $name): bool {
if ($this->pdo->inTransaction()) {
Minz_Log::warning(__method__ . ': ' . $name);
try {
if ($name === 'attributes') { //v1.20.0
$sql = <<<'SQL'
ALTER TABLE `_entry` ADD COLUMN attributes TEXT;
ALTER TABLE `_entrytmp` ADD COLUMN attributes TEXT;
return $this->pdo->exec($sql) !== false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
Minz_Log::error(__method__ . ' error: ' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
//TODO: Move the database auto-updates to DatabaseDAO
/** @param array<string|int> $errorInfo */
protected function autoUpdateDb(array $errorInfo): bool {
if (isset($errorInfo[0])) {
if ($errorInfo[0] === FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR || $errorInfo[0] === FreshRSS_DatabaseDAOPGSQL::UNDEFINED_COLUMN) {
$errorLines = explode("\n", (string)$errorInfo[2], 2); // The relevant column name is on the first line, other lines are noise
foreach (['attributes'] as $column) {
if (stripos($errorLines[0], $column) !== false) {
return $this->addColumn($column);
if (isset($errorInfo[1])) {
// May be a string or an int
if ($errorInfo[1] == FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::ER_DATA_TOO_LONG) {
if (stripos((string)$errorInfo[2], 'content_bin') !== false) {
return $this->updateToMediumBlob(); //v1.15.0
return false;
* @var PDOStatement|null|false
private $addEntryPrepared = false;
/** @param array{'id':string,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,'lastSeen':int,'hash':string,
* 'is_read':bool|int|null,'is_favorite':bool|int|null,'id_feed':int,'tags':string,'attributes':array<string,mixed>} $valuesTmp */
public function addEntry(array $valuesTmp, bool $useTmpTable = true): bool {
if ($this->addEntryPrepared == null) {
$sql = static::sqlIgnoreConflict(
'INSERT INTO `_' . ($useTmpTable ? 'entrytmp' : 'entry') . '` (id, guid, title, author, '
. (static::isCompressed() ? 'content_bin' : 'content')
. ', link, date, `lastSeen`, hash, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags, attributes) '
. 'VALUES(:id, :guid, :title, :author, '
. (static::isCompressed() ? 'COMPRESS(:content)' : ':content')
. ', :link, :date, :last_seen, '
. static::sqlHexDecode(':hash')
. ', :is_read, :is_favorite, :id_feed, :tags, :attributes)');
$this->addEntryPrepared = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($this->addEntryPrepared) {
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':id', $valuesTmp['id']);
$valuesTmp['guid'] = substr($valuesTmp['guid'], 0, 767);
$valuesTmp['guid'] = safe_ascii($valuesTmp['guid']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':guid', $valuesTmp['guid']);
$valuesTmp['title'] = mb_strcut($valuesTmp['title'], 0, 8192, 'UTF-8');
$valuesTmp['title'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['title']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':title', $valuesTmp['title']);
$valuesTmp['author'] = mb_strcut($valuesTmp['author'], 0, 1024, 'UTF-8');
$valuesTmp['author'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['author']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':author', $valuesTmp['author']);
$valuesTmp['content'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['content']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':content', $valuesTmp['content']);
$valuesTmp['link'] = substr($valuesTmp['link'], 0, 16383);
$valuesTmp['link'] = safe_ascii($valuesTmp['link']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':link', $valuesTmp['link']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':date', $valuesTmp['date'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
if (empty($valuesTmp['lastSeen'])) {
$valuesTmp['lastSeen'] = time();
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':last_seen', $valuesTmp['lastSeen'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$valuesTmp['is_read'] = $valuesTmp['is_read'] ? 1 : 0;
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':is_read', $valuesTmp['is_read'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$valuesTmp['is_favorite'] = $valuesTmp['is_favorite'] ? 1 : 0;
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':is_favorite', $valuesTmp['is_favorite'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':id_feed', $valuesTmp['id_feed'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$valuesTmp['tags'] = mb_strcut($valuesTmp['tags'], 0, 2048, 'UTF-8');
$valuesTmp['tags'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['tags']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':tags', $valuesTmp['tags']);
if (!isset($valuesTmp['attributes'])) {
$valuesTmp['attributes'] = [];
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindValue(':attributes', is_string($valuesTmp['attributes']) ? $valuesTmp['attributes'] :
json_encode($valuesTmp['attributes'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
if (static::hasNativeHex()) {
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':hash', $valuesTmp['hash']);
} else {
$valuesTmp['hashBin'] = hex2bin($valuesTmp['hash']);
$this->addEntryPrepared->bindParam(':hash', $valuesTmp['hashBin']);
if ($this->addEntryPrepared && $this->addEntryPrepared->execute()) {
return true;
} else {
$info = $this->addEntryPrepared == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $this->addEntryPrepared->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
$this->addEntryPrepared = null;
return $this->addEntry($valuesTmp);
} elseif ((int)((int)$info[0] / 1000) !== 23) { //Filter out "SQLSTATE Class code 23: Constraint Violation" because of expected duplicate entries
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info)
. ' while adding entry in feed ' . $valuesTmp['id_feed'] . ' with title: ' . $valuesTmp['title']);
return false;
public function commitNewEntries(): bool {
$sql = <<<'SQL'
SET @rank=(SELECT MAX(id) - COUNT(*) FROM `_entrytmp`);
id, guid, title, author, content_bin, link, date, `lastSeen`,
hash, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags, attributes
SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS id, guid, title, author, content_bin, link, date, `lastSeen`, hash, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags, attributes
FROM `_entrytmp`
ORDER BY date, id;
DELETE FROM `_entrytmp` WHERE id <= @rank;
$hadTransaction = $this->pdo->inTransaction();
if (!$hadTransaction) {
$result = $this->pdo->exec($sql) !== false;
if (!$hadTransaction) {
return $result;
private ?PDOStatement $updateEntryPrepared = null;
/** @param array{'id':string,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,'lastSeen':int,'hash':string,
* 'is_read':bool|int|null,'is_favorite':bool|int|null,'id_feed':int,'tags':string,'attributes':array<string,mixed>} $valuesTmp */
public function updateEntry(array $valuesTmp): bool {
if (!isset($valuesTmp['is_read'])) {
$valuesTmp['is_read'] = null;
if (!isset($valuesTmp['is_favorite'])) {
$valuesTmp['is_favorite'] = null;
if ($this->updateEntryPrepared === null) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` '
. 'SET title=:title, author=:author, '
. (static::isCompressed() ? 'content_bin=COMPRESS(:content)' : 'content=:content')
. ', link=:link, date=:date, `lastSeen`=:last_seen'
. ', hash=' . static::sqlHexDecode(':hash')
. ', is_read=COALESCE(:is_read, is_read)'
. ', is_favorite=COALESCE(:is_favorite, is_favorite)'
. ', tags=:tags, attributes=:attributes '
. 'WHERE id_feed=:id_feed AND guid=:guid';
$this->updateEntryPrepared = $this->pdo->prepare($sql) ?: null;
if ($this->updateEntryPrepared) {
$valuesTmp['guid'] = substr($valuesTmp['guid'], 0, 767);
$valuesTmp['guid'] = safe_ascii($valuesTmp['guid']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':guid', $valuesTmp['guid']);
$valuesTmp['title'] = mb_strcut($valuesTmp['title'], 0, 8192, 'UTF-8');
$valuesTmp['title'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['title']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':title', $valuesTmp['title']);
$valuesTmp['author'] = mb_strcut($valuesTmp['author'], 0, 1024, 'UTF-8');
$valuesTmp['author'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['author']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':author', $valuesTmp['author']);
$valuesTmp['content'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['content']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':content', $valuesTmp['content']);
$valuesTmp['link'] = substr($valuesTmp['link'], 0, 16383);
$valuesTmp['link'] = safe_ascii($valuesTmp['link']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':link', $valuesTmp['link']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':date', $valuesTmp['date'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':last_seen', $valuesTmp['lastSeen'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($valuesTmp['is_read'] === null) {
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindValue(':is_read', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL);
} else {
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindValue(':is_read', $valuesTmp['is_read'] ? 1 : 0, PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($valuesTmp['is_favorite'] === null) {
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindValue(':is_favorite', null, PDO::PARAM_NULL);
} else {
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindValue(':is_favorite', $valuesTmp['is_favorite'] ? 1 : 0, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':id_feed', $valuesTmp['id_feed'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$valuesTmp['tags'] = mb_strcut($valuesTmp['tags'], 0, 2048, 'UTF-8');
$valuesTmp['tags'] = safe_utf8($valuesTmp['tags']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':tags', $valuesTmp['tags']);
if (!isset($valuesTmp['attributes'])) {
$valuesTmp['attributes'] = [];
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindValue(':attributes', is_string($valuesTmp['attributes']) ? $valuesTmp['attributes'] :
json_encode($valuesTmp['attributes'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
if (static::hasNativeHex()) {
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':hash', $valuesTmp['hash']);
} else {
$valuesTmp['hashBin'] = hex2bin($valuesTmp['hash']);
$this->updateEntryPrepared->bindParam(':hash', $valuesTmp['hashBin']);
if ($this->updateEntryPrepared && $this->updateEntryPrepared->execute()) {
return true;
} else {
$info = $this->updateEntryPrepared == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $this->updateEntryPrepared->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
return $this->updateEntry($valuesTmp);
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info)
. ' while updating entry with GUID ' . $valuesTmp['guid'] . ' in feed ' . $valuesTmp['id_feed']);
return false;
* Toggle favorite marker on one or more article
* @todo simplify the query by removing the str_repeat. I am pretty sure
* there is an other way to do that.
* @param string|array<string> $ids
* @return int|false
public function markFavorite($ids, bool $is_favorite = true) {
if (!is_array($ids)) {
$ids = [$ids];
if (count($ids) < 1) {
return 0;
if (count($ids) > FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER) {
// Split a query with too many variables parameters
$affected = 0;
$idsChunks = array_chunk($ids, FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
foreach ($idsChunks as $idsChunk) {
$affected += $this->markFavorite($idsChunk, $is_favorite);
return $affected;
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` '
. 'SET is_favorite=? '
. 'WHERE id IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($ids) - 1). '?)';
$values = [$is_favorite ? 1 : 0];
$values = array_merge($values, $ids);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values)) {
return $stm->rowCount();
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
* Update the unread article cache held on every feed details.
* Depending on the parameters, it updates the cache on one feed, on all
* feeds from one category or on all feeds.
protected function updateCacheUnreads(?int $catId = null, ?int $feedId = null): bool {
// Help MySQL/MariaDB's optimizer with the query plan:
$useIndex = $this->pdo->dbType() === 'mysql' ? 'USE INDEX (entry_feed_read_index)' : '';
$sql = <<<SQL
UPDATE `_feed`
SET `cache_nbUnreads`=(
SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbUnreads FROM `_entry` e {$useIndex}
WHERE e.id_feed=`_feed`.id AND e.is_read=0)
$hasWhere = false;
$values = [];
if ($feedId != null) {
$sql .= ' WHERE';
$hasWhere = true;
$sql .= ' id=?';
$values[] = $feedId;
if ($catId != null) {
$sql .= $hasWhere ? ' AND' : ' WHERE';
$hasWhere = true;
$sql .= ' category=?';
$values[] = $catId;
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values)) {
return true;
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
* Toggle the read marker on one or more article.
* Then the cache is updated.
* @param string|array<string> $ids
* @param bool $is_read
* @return int|false affected rows
public function markRead($ids, bool $is_read = true) {
if (is_array($ids)) { //Many IDs at once
if (count($ids) < 6) { //Speed heuristics
$affected = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$affected += $this->markRead($id, $is_read);
return $affected;
} elseif (count($ids) > FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER) {
// Split a query with too many variables parameters
$affected = 0;
$idsChunks = array_chunk($ids, FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
foreach ($idsChunks as $idsChunk) {
$affected += $this->markRead($idsChunk, $is_read);
return $affected;
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` '
. 'SET is_read=? '
. 'WHERE id IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($ids) - 1). '?)';
$values = [$is_read ? 1 : 0];
$values = array_merge($values, $ids);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute($values))) {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . ' A ' . json_encode($info));
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if (($affected > 0) && (!$this->updateCacheUnreads(null, null))) {
return false;
return $affected;
} else {
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` e INNER JOIN `_feed` f ON '
. 'SET e.is_read=?,'
. 'f.`cache_nbUnreads`=f.`cache_nbUnreads`' . ($is_read ? '-' : '+') . '1 '
. 'WHERE AND e.is_read=?';
$values = [$is_read ? 1 : 0, $ids, $is_read ? 0 : 1];
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values)) {
return $stm->rowCount();
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . ' B ' . json_encode($info));
return false;
* Mark all entries as read depending on parameters.
* If $onlyFavorites is true, it is used when the user mark as read in
* the favorite pseudo-category.
* If $priorityMin is greater than 0, it is used when the user mark as
* read in the main feed pseudo-category.
* Then the cache is updated.
* If $idMax equals 0, a deprecated debug message is logged
* @param string $idMax fail safe article ID
* @return int|false affected rows
public function markReadEntries(string $idMax = '0', bool $onlyFavorites = false, ?int $priorityMin = null, ?int $prioritMax = null,
?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null, int $state = 0, bool $is_read = true) {
if ($idMax == '0') {
$idMax = time() . '000000';
Minz_Log::debug('Calling markReadEntries(0) is deprecated!');
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` SET is_read = ? WHERE is_read <> ? AND id <= ?';
$values = [$is_read ? 1 : 0, $is_read ? 1 : 0, $idMax];
if ($onlyFavorites) {
$sql .= ' AND is_favorite=1';
if ($priorityMin !== null || $prioritMax !== null) {
$sql .= ' AND id_feed IN (SELECT FROM `_feed` f WHERE 1=1';
if ($priorityMin !== null) {
$sql .= ' AND f.priority >= ?';
$values[] = $priorityMin;
if ($prioritMax !== null) {
$sql .= ' AND f.priority < ?';
$values[] = $prioritMax;
$sql .= ')';
[$searchValues, $search] = $this->sqlListEntriesWhere('', $filters, $state);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql . $search);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute(array_merge($values, $searchValues)))) {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if (($affected > 0) && (!$this->updateCacheUnreads(null, null))) {
return false;
return $affected;
* Mark all the articles in a category as read.
* There is a fail safe to prevent to mark as read articles that are
* loaded during the mark as read action. Then the cache is updated.
* If $idMax equals 0, a deprecated debug message is logged
* @param int $id category ID
* @param string $idMax fail safe article ID
* @return int|false affected rows
public function markReadCat(int $id, string $idMax = '0', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null, int $state = 0, bool $is_read = true) {
if ($idMax == '0') {
$idMax = time() . '000000';
Minz_Log::debug('Calling markReadCat(0) is deprecated!');
$sql = <<<'SQL'
UPDATE `_entry`
SET is_read = ?
WHERE is_read <> ? AND id <= ?
AND id_feed IN (SELECT FROM `_feed` f WHERE f.category=?)
$values = [$is_read ? 1 : 0, $is_read ? 1 : 0, $idMax, $id];
[$searchValues, $search] = $this->sqlListEntriesWhere('', $filters, $state);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql . $search);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute(array_merge($values, $searchValues)))) {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if (($affected > 0) && (!$this->updateCacheUnreads($id, null))) {
return false;
return $affected;
* Mark all the articles in a feed as read.
* There is a fail safe to prevent to mark as read articles that are
* loaded during the mark as read action. Then the cache is updated.
* If $idMax equals 0, a deprecated debug message is logged
* @param int $id_feed feed ID
* @param string $idMax fail safe article ID
* @return int|false affected rows
public function markReadFeed(int $id_feed, string $idMax = '0', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null, int $state = 0, bool $is_read = true) {
if ($idMax == '0') {
$idMax = time() . '000000';
Minz_Log::debug('Calling markReadFeed(0) is deprecated!');
$hadTransaction = $this->pdo->inTransaction();
if (!$hadTransaction) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` '
. 'SET is_read=? '
. 'WHERE id_feed=? AND is_read <> ? AND id <= ?';
$values = [$is_read ? 1 : 0, $id_feed, $is_read ? 1 : 0, $idMax];
[$searchValues, $search] = $this->sqlListEntriesWhere('', $filters, $state);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql . $search);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute(array_merge($values, $searchValues)))) {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info) . ' with SQL: ' . $sql . $search);
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if ($affected > 0) {
$sql = 'UPDATE `_feed` '
. 'SET `cache_nbUnreads`=`cache_nbUnreads`-' . $affected
. ' WHERE id=:id';
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if (!($stm !== false &&
$stm->bindParam(':id', $id_feed, PDO::PARAM_INT) &&
$stm->execute())) {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
if (!$hadTransaction) {
return $affected;
* Mark all the articles in a tag as read.
* @param int $id tag ID, or empty for targeting any tag
* @param string $idMax max article ID
* @return int|false affected rows
public function markReadTag(int $id = 0, string $idMax = '0', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null,
int $state = 0, bool $is_read = true) {
if ($idMax == '0') {
$idMax = time() . '000000';
Minz_Log::debug('Calling markReadTag(0) is deprecated!');
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` e INNER JOIN `_entrytag` et ON et.id_entry = '
. 'SET e.is_read = ? '
. 'WHERE '
. ($id == 0 ? '' : 'et.id_tag = ? AND ')
. 'e.is_read <> ? AND <= ?';
$values = [$is_read ? 1 : 0];
if ($id != 0) {
$values[] = $id;
$values[] = $is_read ? 1 : 0;
$values[] = $idMax;
[$searchValues, $search] = $this->sqlListEntriesWhere('e.', $filters, $state);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql . $search);
if (!($stm && $stm->execute(array_merge($values, $searchValues)))) {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
$affected = $stm->rowCount();
if (($affected > 0) && (!$this->updateCacheUnreads(null, null))) {
return false;
return $affected;
* Remember to call updateCachedValue($id_feed) or updateCachedValues() just after.
* @param array<string,int|bool|string> $options
* @return int|false
public function cleanOldEntries(int $id_feed, array $options = []) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM `_entry` WHERE id_feed = :id_feed1'; //No alias for MySQL / MariaDB
$params = [];
$params[':id_feed1'] = $id_feed;
if (!empty($options['keep_favourites'])) {
$sql .= ' AND is_favorite = 0';
if (!empty($options['keep_unreads'])) {
$sql .= ' AND is_read = 1';
if (!empty($options['keep_labels'])) {
$sql .= ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `_entrytag` WHERE id_entry = id)';
if (!empty($options['keep_min']) && $options['keep_min'] > 0) {
//Double SELECT for MySQL workaround ERROR 1093 (HY000)
$sql .= ' AND `lastSeen` < (SELECT `lastSeen`'
. ' FROM (SELECT e2.`lastSeen` FROM `_entry` e2 WHERE e2.id_feed = :id_feed2'
. ' ORDER BY e2.`lastSeen` DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET :keep_min) last_seen2)';
$params[':id_feed2'] = $id_feed;
$params[':keep_min'] = (int)$options['keep_min'];
//Keep at least the articles seen at the last refresh
$sql .= ' AND `lastSeen` < (SELECT maxlastseen'
. ' FROM (SELECT MAX(e3.`lastSeen`) AS maxlastseen FROM `_entry` e3 WHERE e3.id_feed = :id_feed3) last_seen3)';
$params[':id_feed3'] = $id_feed;
$sql .= ' AND (1=0';
if (!empty($options['keep_period']) && is_string($options['keep_period'])) {
$sql .= ' OR `lastSeen` < :max_last_seen';
$now = new DateTime('now');
$now->sub(new DateInterval($options['keep_period']));
$params[':max_last_seen'] = $now->format('U');
if (!empty($options['keep_max']) && $options['keep_max'] > 0) {
$sql .= ' OR `lastSeen` <= (SELECT `lastSeen`'
. ' FROM (SELECT e4.`lastSeen` FROM `_entry` e4 WHERE e4.id_feed = :id_feed4'
. ' ORDER BY e4.`lastSeen` DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET :keep_max) last_seen4)';
$params[':id_feed4'] = $id_feed;
$params[':keep_max'] = (int)$options['keep_max'];
$sql .= ')';
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($params)) {
return $stm->rowCount();
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
return $this->cleanOldEntries($id_feed, $options);
Minz_Log::error(__method__ . ' error:' . json_encode($info));
return false;
/** @return Traversable<array{'id':string,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,'lastSeen':int,
* 'hash':string,'is_read':?bool,'is_favorite':?bool,'id_feed':int,'tags':string,'attributes':array<string,mixed>}> */
public function selectAll(): Traversable {
$content = static::isCompressed() ? 'UNCOMPRESS(content_bin) AS content' : 'content';
$hash = static::sqlHexEncode('hash');
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT id, guid, title, author, {$content}, link, date, `lastSeen`, {$hash} AS hash, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags, attributes
FROM `_entry`
$stm = $this->pdo->query($sql);
if ($stm != false) {
while ($row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
yield $row;
} else {
$info = $this->pdo->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
yield from $this->selectAll();
} else {
Minz_Log::error(__method__ . ' error: ' . json_encode($info));
public function searchByGuid(int $id_feed, string $guid): ?FreshRSS_Entry {
$content = static::isCompressed() ? 'UNCOMPRESS(content_bin) AS content' : 'content';
$hash = static::sqlHexEncode('hash');
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT id, guid, title, author, link, date, is_read, is_favorite, {$hash} AS hash, id_feed, tags, attributes, {$content}
FROM `_entry` WHERE id_feed=:id_feed AND guid=:guid
$res = $this->fetchAssoc($sql, [':id_feed' => $id_feed, ':guid' => $guid]);
/** @var array<array{'id':string,'id_feed':int,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,
* 'is_read':int,'is_favorite':int,'tags':string,'attributes'?:string}> $res */
return isset($res[0]) ? FreshRSS_Entry::fromArray($res[0]) : null;
public function searchById(string $id): ?FreshRSS_Entry {
$content = static::isCompressed() ? 'UNCOMPRESS(content_bin) AS content' : 'content';
$hash = static::sqlHexEncode('hash');
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT id, guid, title, author, link, date, is_read, is_favorite, {$hash} AS hash, id_feed, tags, attributes, {$content}
FROM `_entry` WHERE id=:id
$res = $this->fetchAssoc($sql, [':id' => $id]);
/** @var array<array{'id':string,'id_feed':int,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,
* 'is_read':int,'is_favorite':int,'tags':string,'attributes'?:string}> $res */
return isset($res[0]) ? FreshRSS_Entry::fromArray($res[0]) : null;
public function searchIdByGuid(int $id_feed, string $guid): ?string {
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM `_entry` WHERE id_feed=:id_feed AND guid=:guid';
$res = $this->fetchColumn($sql, 0, [':id_feed' => $id_feed, ':guid' => $guid]);
return empty($res[0]) ? null : (string)($res[0]);
/** @return array{0:array<int|string>,1:string} */
public static function sqlBooleanSearch(string $alias, FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters, int $level = 0): array {
$search = '';
$values = [];
$isOpen = false;
foreach ($filters->searches() as $filter) {
if ($filter == null) {
if ($filter instanceof FreshRSS_BooleanSearch) {
// BooleanSearches are combined by AND (default) or OR (special case) operator and are recursive
[$filterValues, $filterSearch] = self::sqlBooleanSearch($alias, $filter, $level + 1);
$filterSearch = trim($filterSearch);
if ($filterSearch !== '') {
if ($search !== '') {
$search .= $filter->operator();
} elseif ($filter->operator() === 'AND NOT') {
// Special case if we start with a negation (there is already the default AND before)
$search .= ' NOT';
$search .= ' (' . $filterSearch . ') ';
$values = array_merge($values, $filterValues);
// Searches are combined by OR and are not recursive
$sub_search = '';
if ($filter->getEntryIds()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id IN (';
foreach ($filter->getEntryIds() as $entry_id) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $entry_id;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ') ';
if ($filter->getNotEntryIds()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id NOT IN (';
foreach ($filter->getNotEntryIds() as $entry_id) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $entry_id;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ') ';
if ($filter->getMinDate()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id >= ? ';
$values[] = "{$filter->getMinDate()}000000";
if ($filter->getMaxDate()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id <= ? ';
$values[] = "{$filter->getMaxDate()}000000";
if ($filter->getMinPubdate()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'date >= ? ';
$values[] = $filter->getMinPubdate();
if ($filter->getMaxPubdate()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'date <= ? ';
$values[] = $filter->getMaxPubdate();
//Negation of date intervals must be combined by OR
if ($filter->getNotMinDate() || $filter->getNotMaxDate()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND (';
if ($filter->getNotMinDate()) {
$sub_search .= $alias . 'id < ?';
$values[] = "{$filter->getNotMinDate()}000000";
if ($filter->getNotMaxDate()) {
$sub_search .= ' OR ';
if ($filter->getNotMaxDate()) {
$sub_search .= $alias . 'id > ?';
$values[] = "{$filter->getNotMaxDate()}000000";
$sub_search .= ') ';
if ($filter->getNotMinPubdate() || $filter->getNotMaxPubdate()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND (';
if ($filter->getNotMinPubdate()) {
$sub_search .= $alias . 'date < ?';
$values[] = $filter->getNotMinPubdate();
if ($filter->getNotMaxPubdate()) {
$sub_search .= ' OR ';
if ($filter->getNotMaxPubdate()) {
$sub_search .= $alias . 'date > ?';
$values[] = $filter->getNotMaxPubdate();
$sub_search .= ') ';
if ($filter->getFeedIds()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id_feed IN (';
foreach ($filter->getFeedIds() as $feed_id) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $feed_id;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ') ';
if ($filter->getNotFeedIds()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id_feed NOT IN (';
foreach ($filter->getNotFeedIds() as $feed_id) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $feed_id;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ') ';
if ($filter->getLabelIds()) {
if ($filter->getLabelIds() === '*') {
$sub_search .= 'AND EXISTS (SELECT et.id_tag FROM `_entrytag` et WHERE et.id_entry = ' . $alias . 'id) ';
} else {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id IN (SELECT et.id_entry FROM `_entrytag` et WHERE et.id_tag IN (';
foreach ($filter->getLabelIds() as $label_id) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $label_id;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ')) ';
if ($filter->getNotLabelIds()) {
if ($filter->getNotLabelIds() === '*') {
$sub_search .= 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT et.id_tag FROM `_entrytag` et WHERE et.id_entry = ' . $alias . 'id) ';
} else {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id NOT IN (SELECT et.id_entry FROM `_entrytag` et WHERE et.id_tag IN (';
foreach ($filter->getNotLabelIds() as $label_id) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $label_id;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ')) ';
if ($filter->getLabelNames()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id IN (SELECT et.id_entry FROM `_entrytag` et, `_tag` t WHERE et.id_tag = AND IN (';
foreach ($filter->getLabelNames() as $label_name) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $label_name;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ')) ';
if ($filter->getNotLabelNames()) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id NOT IN (SELECT et.id_entry FROM `_entrytag` et, `_tag` t WHERE et.id_tag = AND IN (';
foreach ($filter->getNotLabelNames() as $label_name) {
$sub_search .= '?,';
$values[] = $label_name;
$sub_search = rtrim($sub_search, ',');
$sub_search .= ')) ';
if ($filter->getAuthor()) {
foreach ($filter->getAuthor() as $author) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'author LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$author}%";
if ($filter->getIntitle()) {
foreach ($filter->getIntitle() as $title) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'title LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$title}%";
if ($filter->getTags()) {
foreach ($filter->getTags() as $tag) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . static::sqlConcat('TRIM(' . $alias . 'tags) ', " ' #'") . ' LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$tag} #%";
if ($filter->getInurl()) {
foreach ($filter->getInurl() as $url) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'link LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$url}%";
if ($filter->getNotAuthor()) {
foreach ($filter->getNotAuthor() as $author) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'author NOT LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$author}%";
if ($filter->getNotIntitle()) {
foreach ($filter->getNotIntitle() as $title) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'title NOT LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$title}%";
if ($filter->getNotTags()) {
foreach ($filter->getNotTags() as $tag) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . static::sqlConcat('TRIM(' . $alias . 'tags) ', " ' #'") . ' NOT LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$tag} #%";
if ($filter->getNotInurl()) {
foreach ($filter->getNotInurl() as $url) {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'link NOT LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$url}%";
if ($filter->getSearch()) {
foreach ($filter->getSearch() as $search_value) {
if (static::isCompressed()) { // MySQL-only
$sub_search .= 'AND CONCAT(' . $alias . 'title, UNCOMPRESS(' . $alias . 'content_bin)) LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$search_value}%";
} else {
$sub_search .= 'AND (' . $alias . 'title LIKE ? OR ' . $alias . 'content LIKE ?) ';
$values[] = "%{$search_value}%";
$values[] = "%{$search_value}%";
if ($filter->getNotSearch()) {
foreach ($filter->getNotSearch() as $search_value) {
if (static::isCompressed()) { // MySQL-only
$sub_search .= 'AND CONCAT(' . $alias . 'title, UNCOMPRESS(' . $alias . 'content_bin)) NOT LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$search_value}%";
} else {
$sub_search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'title NOT LIKE ? AND ' . $alias . 'content NOT LIKE ? ';
$values[] = "%{$search_value}%";
$values[] = "%{$search_value}%";
if ($sub_search != '') {
if ($isOpen) {
$search .= ' OR ';
} else {
$isOpen = true;
// Remove superfluous leading 'AND '
$search .= '(' . substr($sub_search, 4) . ')';
return [ $values, $search ];
* @param 'ASC'|'DESC' $order
* @return array{0:array<int|string>,1:string}
protected function sqlListEntriesWhere(string $alias = '', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null,
int $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL,
string $order = 'DESC', string $firstId = '', int $date_min = 0) {
$search = ' ';
$values = [];
if ($state & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_READ) {
if (!($state & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_READ)) {
$search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'is_read=0 ';
} elseif ($state & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_READ) {
$search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'is_read=1 ';
if ($state & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_FAVORITE) {
if (!($state & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_FAVORITE)) {
$search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'is_favorite=1 ';
} elseif ($state & FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_NOT_FAVORITE) {
$search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'is_favorite=0 ';
switch ($order) {
case 'DESC':
case 'ASC':
throw new FreshRSS_EntriesGetter_Exception('Bad order in Entry->listByType: [' . $order . ']!');
if ($firstId !== '') {
$search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id ' . ($order === 'DESC' ? '<=' : '>=') . ' ? ';
$values[] = $firstId;
if ($date_min > 0) {
$search .= 'AND ' . $alias . 'id >= ? ';
$values[] = $date_min . '000000';
if ($filters && count($filters->searches()) > 0) {
[$filterValues, $filterSearch] = self::sqlBooleanSearch($alias, $filters);
$filterSearch = trim($filterSearch);
if ($filterSearch !== '') {
$search .= 'AND (' . $filterSearch . ') ';
$values = array_merge($values, $filterValues);
return [$values, $search];
* @phpstan-param 'a'|'A'|'i'|'s'|'S'|'c'|'f'|'t'|'T'|'ST' $type
* @param int $id category/feed/tag ID
* @param 'ASC'|'DESC' $order
* @return array{0:array<int|string>,1:string}
private function sqlListWhere(string $type = 'a', int $id = 0, int $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL,
string $order = 'DESC', int $limit = 1, string $firstId = '', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null,
int $date_min = 0) {
if (!$state) {
$state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL;
$where = '';
$values = [];
switch ($type) {
$where .= 'f.priority >= ' . FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_MAIN_STREAM . ' ';
case 'A': //All except PRIORITY_ARCHIVED
$where .= 'f.priority > ' . FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_ARCHIVED . ' ';
case 'i': //Priority important feeds
$where .= 'f.priority >= ' . FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_IMPORTANT . ' ';
case 's': //Starred. Deprecated: use $state instead
$where .= 'f.priority > ' . FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_ARCHIVED . ' ';
$where .= 'AND e.is_favorite=1 ';
case 'S': //Starred
$where .= 'e.is_favorite=1 ';
case 'c': //Category
$where .= 'f.priority >= ' . FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_CATEGORY . ' ';
$where .= 'AND f.category=? ';
$values[] = $id;
case 'f': //Feed
$where .= 'e.id_feed=? ';
$values[] = $id;
case 't': //Tag (label)
$where .= 'et.id_tag=? ';
$values[] = $id;
case 'T': //Any tag (label)
$where .= '1=1 ';
case 'ST': //Starred or tagged (label)
$where .= 'e.is_favorite=1 OR EXISTS (SELECT et2.id_tag FROM `_entrytag` et2 WHERE et2.id_entry = ';
throw new FreshRSS_EntriesGetter_Exception('Bad type in Entry->listByType: [' . $type . ']!');
[$searchValues, $search] = $this->sqlListEntriesWhere('e.', $filters, $state, $order, $firstId, $date_min);
return [array_merge($values, $searchValues), 'SELECT '
. ($type === 'T' ? 'DISTINCT ' : '')
. ' FROM `_entry` e '
. 'INNER JOIN `_feed` f ON e.id_feed = '
. ($type === 't' || $type === 'T' ? 'INNER JOIN `_entrytag` et ON et.id_entry = ' : '')
. 'WHERE ' . $where
. $search
. 'ORDER BY ' . $order
. ($limit > 0 ? ' LIMIT ' . intval($limit) : '')]; //TODO: See
* @phpstan-param 'a'|'A'|'s'|'S'|'i'|'c'|'f'|'t'|'T'|'ST' $type
* @param 'ASC'|'DESC' $order
* @param int $id category/feed/tag ID
* @return PDOStatement|false
private function listWhereRaw(string $type = 'a', int $id = 0, int $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL,
string $order = 'DESC', int $limit = 1, string $firstId = '', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null,
int $date_min = 0) {
[$values, $sql] = $this->sqlListWhere($type, $id, $state, $order, $limit, $firstId, $filters, $date_min);
if ($order !== 'DESC' && $order !== 'ASC') {
$order = 'DESC';
$content = static::isCompressed() ? 'UNCOMPRESS(e0.content_bin) AS content' : 'e0.content';
$hash = static::sqlHexEncode('e0.hash');
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT, e0.guid, e0.title,, {$content},,, {$hash} AS hash, e0.is_read, e0.is_favorite, e0.id_feed, e0.tags, e0.attributes
FROM `_entry` e0
INNER JOIN ({$sql}) e2 ON
ORDER BY {$order}
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values)) {
return $stm;
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
return $this->listWhereRaw($type, $id, $state, $order, $limit, $firstId, $filters, $date_min);
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return false;
* @phpstan-param 'a'|'A'|'s'|'S'|'i'|'c'|'f'|'t'|'T'|'ST' $type
* @param int $id category/feed/tag ID
* @param 'ASC'|'DESC' $order
* @return Traversable<FreshRSS_Entry>
public function listWhere(string $type = 'a', int $id = 0, int $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL,
string $order = 'DESC', int $limit = 1, string $firstId = '',
?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null, int $date_min = 0): Traversable {
$stm = $this->listWhereRaw($type, $id, $state, $order, $limit, $firstId, $filters, $date_min);
if ($stm) {
while ($row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
/** @var array{'id':string,'id_feed':int,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,
* 'hash':string,'is_read':int,'is_favorite':int,'tags':string,'attributes'?:string} $row */
yield FreshRSS_Entry::fromArray($row);
* @param array<string> $ids
* @param 'ASC'|'DESC' $order
* @return Traversable<FreshRSS_Entry>
public function listByIds(array $ids, string $order = 'DESC'): Traversable {
if (count($ids) < 1) {
if (count($ids) > FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER) {
// Split a query with too many variables parameters
$idsChunks = array_chunk($ids, FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
foreach ($idsChunks as $idsChunk) {
foreach ($this->listByIds($idsChunk, $order) as $entry) {
yield $entry;
if ($order !== 'DESC' && $order !== 'ASC') {
$order = 'DESC';
$content = static::isCompressed() ? 'UNCOMPRESS(content_bin) AS content' : 'content';
$hash = static::sqlHexEncode('hash');
$repeats = str_repeat('?,', count($ids) - 1) . '?';
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT id, guid, title, author, link, date, {$hash} AS hash, is_read, is_favorite, id_feed, tags, attributes, {$content}
FROM `_entry`
WHERE id IN ({$repeats})
ORDER BY id {$order}
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm === false || !$stm->execute($ids)) {
while ($row = $stm->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
/** @var array{'id':string,'id_feed':int,'guid':string,'title':string,'author':string,'content':string,'link':string,'date':int,
* 'hash':string,'is_read':int,'is_favorite':int,'tags':string,'attributes'?:string} $row */
yield FreshRSS_Entry::fromArray($row);
* @phpstan-param 'a'|'A'|'s'|'S'|'c'|'f'|'t'|'T'|'ST' $type
* @param int $id category/feed/tag ID
* @param 'ASC'|'DESC' $order
* @return array<numeric-string>|null
public function listIdsWhere(string $type = 'a', int $id = 0, int $state = FreshRSS_Entry::STATE_ALL,
string $order = 'DESC', int $limit = 1, string $firstId = '', ?FreshRSS_BooleanSearch $filters = null): ?array {
[$values, $sql] = $this->sqlListWhere($type, $id, $state, $order, $limit, $firstId, $filters);
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values) && ($res = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0)) !== false) {
/** @var array<numeric-string> $res */
return $res;
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info));
return null;
* @param array<string> $guids
* @return array<string>|false
public function listHashForFeedGuids(int $id_feed, array $guids) {
$result = [];
if (count($guids) < 1) {
return $result;
} elseif (count($guids) > FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER) {
// Split a query with too many variables parameters
$guidsChunks = array_chunk($guids, FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
foreach ($guidsChunks as $guidsChunk) {
$result += $this->listHashForFeedGuids($id_feed, $guidsChunk);
return $result;
$guids = array_unique($guids);
$sql = 'SELECT guid, ' . static::sqlHexEncode('hash') .
' AS hex_hash FROM `_entry` WHERE id_feed=? AND guid IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($guids) - 1). '?)';
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
$values = [$id_feed];
$values = array_merge($values, $guids);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values)) {
$rows = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$result[$row['guid']] = $row['hex_hash'];
return $result;
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
return $this->listHashForFeedGuids($id_feed, $guids);
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info)
. ' while querying feed ' . $id_feed);
return false;
* @param array<string> $guids
* @return int|false The number of affected entries, or false if error
public function updateLastSeen(int $id_feed, array $guids, int $mtime = 0) {
if (count($guids) < 1) {
return 0;
} elseif (count($guids) > FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER) {
// Split a query with too many variables parameters
$affected = 0;
$guidsChunks = array_chunk($guids, FreshRSS_DatabaseDAO::MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER);
foreach ($guidsChunks as $guidsChunk) {
$affected += $this->updateLastSeen($id_feed, $guidsChunk, $mtime);
return $affected;
$sql = 'UPDATE `_entry` SET `lastSeen`=? WHERE id_feed=? AND guid IN (' . str_repeat('?,', count($guids) - 1). '?)';
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($mtime <= 0) {
$mtime = time();
$values = [$mtime, $id_feed];
$values = array_merge($values, $guids);
if ($stm !== false && $stm->execute($values)) {
return $stm->rowCount();
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
if ($this->autoUpdateDb($info)) {
return $this->updateLastSeen($id_feed, $guids);
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info)
. ' while updating feed ' . $id_feed);
return false;
* Update (touch) the last seen attribute of the latest entries of a given feed.
* Useful when a feed is unchanged / cached.
* To be performed just before {@see FreshRSS_FeedDAO::updateLastUpdate()}
* @return int|false The number of affected entries, or false in case of error
public function updateLastSeenUnchanged(int $id_feed, int $mtime = 0) {
$sql = <<<'SQL'
UPDATE `_entry` SET `lastSeen` = :mtime
WHERE id_feed = :id_feed1 AND `lastSeen` = (
SELECT `lastUpdate` FROM `_feed` f
WHERE = :id_feed2
$stm = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
if ($mtime <= 0) {
$mtime = time();
if ($stm !== false &&
$stm->bindValue(':mtime', $mtime, PDO::PARAM_INT) &&
$stm->bindValue(':id_feed1', $id_feed, PDO::PARAM_INT) &&
$stm->bindValue(':id_feed2', $id_feed, PDO::PARAM_INT) &&
$stm->execute()) {
return $stm->rowCount();
} else {
$info = $stm == null ? $this->pdo->errorInfo() : $stm->errorInfo();
Minz_Log::error('SQL error ' . __METHOD__ . json_encode($info) . ' while updating feed ' . $id_feed);
return false;
/** @return array<string,int> */
public function countUnreadRead(): array {
$sql = <<<'SQL'
SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM `_entry` e
INNER JOIN `_feed` f ON
WHERE f.priority > 0
SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM `_entry` e
INNER JOIN `_feed` f ON
WHERE f.priority > 0 AND e.is_read=0
$res = $this->fetchColumn($sql, 0);
if ($res === null) {
return ['all' => -1, 'unread' => -1, 'read' => -1];
$all = (int)($res[0] ?? 0);
$unread = (int)($res[1] ?? 0);
return ['all' => $all, 'unread' => $unread, 'read' => $all - $unread];
public function count(?int $minPriority = null): int {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM `_entry` e';
$values = [];
if ($minPriority !== null) {
$sql .= ' INNER JOIN `_feed` f ON';
$sql .= ' WHERE f.priority > :priority';
$values[':priority'] = $minPriority;
$res = $this->fetchColumn($sql, 0, $values);
return isset($res[0]) ? (int)($res[0]) : -1;
public function countNotRead(?int $minPriority = null): int {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT( AS count FROM `_entry` e';
if ($minPriority !== null) {
$sql .= ' INNER JOIN `_feed` f ON';
$sql .= ' WHERE e.is_read=0';
$values = [];
if ($minPriority !== null) {
$sql .= ' AND f.priority > :priority';
$values[':priority'] = $minPriority;
$res = $this->fetchColumn($sql, 0, $values);
return isset($res[0]) ? (int)($res[0]) : -1;
/** @return array{'all':int,'read':int,'unread':int} */
public function countUnreadReadFavorites(): array {
$sql = <<<'SQL'
FROM `_entry` AS e1
JOIN `_feed` AS f1 ON e1.id_feed =
WHERE e1.is_favorite = 1
AND f1.priority >= :priority1
FROM `_entry` AS e2
JOIN `_feed` AS f2 ON e2.id_feed =
WHERE e2.is_favorite = 1
AND e2.is_read = 0 AND f2.priority >= :priority2
) u
//Binding a value more than once is not standard and does not work with native prepared statements (e.g. MySQL)
$res = $this->fetchColumn($sql, 0, [
':priority1' => FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_CATEGORY,
':priority2' => FreshRSS_Feed::PRIORITY_CATEGORY,
if ($res === null) {
return ['all' => -1, 'unread' => -1, 'read' => -1];
$all = (int)($res[0] ?? 0);
$unread = (int)($res[1] ?? 0);
return ['all' => $all, 'unread' => $unread, 'read' => $all - $unread];